What Are Some Things That Just Absolutely Must Get Done Today Somehow

Somehow I lost my burning desire toward studying or motivation for my goal. How can I regain it?

When you feel demotivated, a variety of thoughts occupy your mind. Precisely, they revolve around the inability to work towards your goal and the lost interest.You rely on your parents, friends, mentors, seeking ideas to motivate yourself again. They suggest you to take a break, get rejuvenated by watching movies, playing outside etc, and ensure that you'll be back on track soon.Sometimes, the ideas work. Sometimes, they end up frustrating you even more. When you get back to studying again, your relaxed mind shows displeasure.After much struggle, you finally decide to either give up (or get up). With all the energy lost (or found), you stop (or start) working for your goal, as the case may be.New problems, however, start chasing you. Now, your mind starts thinking negatively and your eyes start showing you what others had been doing while you were busy rejuvenating yourself.Then comes regret. Regret of wasting so much time pondering over something that was bound to get alright automatically. Regret of giving away the precious seconds and minutes and hours, which others utilized to the fullest (or at least it seemed so, looking at them).But, what could you have done? After all, you didn't feel like doing it. Here's someone to your rescue, someone who can guide you.Do you remember Mr. Tortoise? Arey, from Tortoise and the Hare! The one who was able to beat the way better runner, Mr. Hare, because of his persistence. What would have happened if Mr. Tortoise didn't feel like doing it while Mr. Hare was asleep? He'd have lost!The motivation, will come back. If you're determined to achieve the goal, it'll come back when you'll realize how important the goal is for you to achieve.What is important is, to not give up on it totally or even for a while, just to get back on track. Slow down your speed a bit, practice less number of questions than you used to, just don't stop. Because if you stop, your mind will get accustomed to the relaxed mode. It will oppose a fresh start. And then it’ll end up demotivating you even more.

What issue-nutrition, housing, health care, education-should get the highest priority to fight poverty & why?

This is a very hard question to answer. We know that all these issues are important. Education is often the way out of poverty, but children have a hard time learning if they are hungry, ill, or live in unsafe conditions. Yet, it is not enough just to give people health care, food, and shelter. Somehow we have to give them these things, but also give them hope for the future. Somehow we have to do it all. Head Start and Even Start are great programs and they do help. They give children nutrition, health care, and education. Hopefully their families are getting adequate housing at the same time. Workforce job training is a good program if people can be trained in jobs that are in demand and if they can be transitioned into jobs and not just have the rug pulled out from under them as soon as they get a paycheck. Somehow, I still feel that education and training is what is going to give the biggest bang for the buck, but only with the necessary support services to see individuals in poverty through to the end. I have heard it said that many of the education/training programs attempt to give a hand up, not a hand out. I think that is probably true. Nothing can raise a person's self-esteem like feeling like they are successful. Education can do that, whether it is completing pre-school, high school, or college. For that reason, I still feel education is the best way to fight poverty.

SOMEBODY PLEASE HELP me, I DESPERATELY need to go back in time?

Time travel isn't possible, at least not yet.

What you might want to consider in the meantime is that the only thing that you can affect is the present. You can't change what happened 1 second ago, and you can't predict what will happen even 1 second from now, with absolute certainty.

All that we have is now! So, your only choice is what you do with your time right now. Take a deep breath, and ask yourself what can you do right now to get to where you want to be.

Sometimes, our problems are magnified when they are left to be mulled over in our heads. Sometimes, it's how we feel about them that is actually making us miserable, not the problem itself.

If you really believe that everything is possible like you say, then realize that you don't just have one more chance at happiness, you have as many chances as you will give yourself to get through this and continue with your life.

I'll tell you a secret but you can't tell anyone... Your fears aren't real. How do I know this? Because no matter what you are scared of here, you have the power to deal with it. In fact, speaking of absolute certainty, these things that are problems, do you know that they are absolutely true? Write them down and ask yourself if you can know that they are absolutely true! Then try to imagine what it would be like if you no longer made yourself feel bad for those things, just imagine what it would be like if you didn't feel bad about your choice. Maybe there are some good things about your choice that you haven't thought about.

Don't be scared, you are a good person for caring about your well being and your family's. Good luck.

What are some of the things only entrepreneurs know and others don't?

If you put this question in front of five entrepreneurs, you’d probably get five different answers.You see when you’re building a startup, you’re putting things together as they come.I started my companies not knowing anything about digital marketing, accounting, patents, recruiting, and more.I now have specific instances where I learned everything I could about each facet I listed.For my first company that sold watches and sunglassses, we needed to find a effective way to market our products.I had never heard of digital marketing or what that entailed until I needed to find ways to drive traffic to our website.During my sophohmore year of college, this company sold just over six figures in watches.I learned how to build a social media following, how to cross promote our products with other influencers, and how to track conversions through a full funnel.When we went to go file taxes, our books were a mess.I was a finance major in college, yet actually understanding our books to file taxes was a mess.Luckily I had a CPA buddy help me out and from that point on we started using Quickbooks.My first time filing taxes for my company was when I realized the importance of coroporate taxes.We also filed a patent on the leather watch strap I had invented.It was the first leather watch strap without holes.Before this, I wasn’t even familiar with the USPTO.Within three months, we had spearheaded our application alongside a law firm here in San Diego.I learned the ins and outs of patents, knowing everything from provisionals, the different classes, and the filing process.What I’ve been learning now revolves around recruiting.My current startup Sourcify has been growing by almost 100% MoM.We’ve been tripling our team, yet hiring the right people is hard.I find myself spending a third of my time trying to hire the right people.I never thought much of recruiting but when early employees are vital to the success of a company, I can’t overlook it.The above are just some examples of what I’ve learned.What I know entrepreneurs have that some other don’t, is the ability to learn fast.When you’re starting a company, you’re wearing many hats.A entrepreneur learns what needs to be done fast.What are you learning today?^On the local news the other night!

What is a good way to stop the bad habit of cracking your knuckles?

It "pops" the little fluid sack there within the finger joints. Some believe the release of this fluid will cause arthritis later in life, but this still has Not been proven.
As for Stopping- You just have to Challenge yourself to STOP each time right before you start to Crack those knuckles.
This sounds very silly, but worked Very well for a couple of people that I know:
Place this into your mind:
Each knuckle Represents something.
The thumb is Your Health (if you crack it, you will have bad health).
The index finger is your children/or brothers & sisters (if you crack it, you will have trouble with them)
The middle finger is your own head/thoughts (if you crack it, you will have negative thoughts)
The ring finger is your boyfriend/husband (if you crack it, you will have trouble in your relationship)
The pinky is your Family(if you crack it, you will have trouble within your family)

Try this, It does seem to work. Just do not go OVER-BOARD with this in the way that after you have quit the habit- if anything happens you do not need to blame it on cracking your knuckle by accident or anything like that.

Is there anything wrong with a girl liking cars, sports, and dancing? but still be girly?

I love Basketball, Soccer, snowboarding and Surfing, I also climb mountains, hike, run, and work out in the gym. I am always active, and somehow I have gotten the reputation of being "a tomboy" (since I also like working and learning about cars...) and being "a lesbian", which I am ABSOLUTELY NOT! it pisses me off, and the more I tell them off, the more "scare" of me the "girls" are. NOT that I care, since I am always surrounded by guys, so...which is cool 4 me, and all, but some stuck up haterz (gurls) seem to hate,and start sh* with me...I don't take crap from no one...but somehow my passion for sports just drives me to ignore all of their @sses! don't matter to me...what is YOUR opinion towards this? After all, I am fit, and toned.....

Why do we all have to work for a living, instead of actually living?

My whole life I've been asked what I want to be when I grow up, as I'm sure we all have. Sometimes I would say a singer, then a veterinarian, then a psychologist, then a doctor. Somehow, I am now 15 years old and whenever I get asked, I have no answer, absolutely nothing. It angers me in so many levels that we are obligated to earn a living and be normal, do what society has mapped out for us. Why is that? Why can't I go around the world and explore without worries or fears? Money owns us, and fear lives inside us, and we feel tremendous pressure to just do what everyone says you should do, that's why. I don't believe in going to school, then college, then marrying, raising kids, working your *** off on a job you probably don't even love, retiring, and dying saying that you loved a long and happy life. I can't settle for that, it doesn't feel right. I hate obligations, I fear a tedious life, I am scared of being different, I am scared of ending up homeless because I did not study and work and earn my living. At the same time I want to learn and be educated, because that's how you get respect and how you become someone big. Also, I am too scared, of failure, oblivion, monotony, sadness, and not amounting to nothing.
I am 2 years away from graduating high school. In the end, I will probably live my whole life wondering what would have been if I had done the things I've always wanted, like travel and go off the rails, go a path that isn't usual or practical,dreamed of by so many, yet done nothing about by all of them. Yet, these words that I say here will probably be forgotten by me, and I will end up being all the things I've just said I hated and feared. That right there, is my biggest fear. I'm afraid, and it makes me extremely sad, because I think we all are.
I guess I didn't exactly write this question because I was looking for an answer, rather venting my feelings, because this topic makes me very sad. Though I hope somehow someone would give me the magic answer to my problem, but I don't think anyone has it.
But thank you for reading.