What Are Some Tumblr Blogs About Insane People

How many people do you follow on tumblr?

I'm new to tumblr, so I follow 25 right now. I like to see every single new post on my dash from the people I follow. So if I follow more people, it would just take too long to see all of the new posts. But some people follow like 200 people. So what do you do? Do you just scroll through your dash for only a few minutes?

What do LGBT people think of Tumblr?

I don't use Tumblr. But after seeing this question, I figured why not I google about it. These were some of the top results for lgbt tagged Tumblr posts as of me typing this, decide for yourself:I personally think disgrace is a strong word. After seeing these posts, I find it being rather okay as the posts are humorous and address some current issues. Tumblr seems to be a safe haven for venting from the dejection most LGBT people face in their daily lives.That being said, I do find the ideology of people identifying as transtrenders, autogender, autigender and etc. etc. as per this list I found: Genderfluid Support to be borderline ridiculous and effectively makes the LGBT community look bad.Perhaps it is my own bias as I am from a country that strongly believes and brainwashes its people that the LGBT community should be thought of as deviant, against nature and illegal. I would be so grateful to just be accepted and legalized instead of asking for more gender pronouns and identifications.I still enjoy Tumblr though, here's one interesting post that I find to be awesome:Gotta love Heath Ledger for this.

Do people still use Tumblr in 2016?

I have like 10 tumblr blogs. Or rather, 10 (4 of which are active) tumblrs that I use as websites. IMO Instagram stole their thunder. I have no interest in following anyone on Tumblr, I just use it as a way to host my websites for free. Yes I also use it for moodboards and occasionally there are tumblrs I like. Unlike Wordpress, I can easily modify the code, and there are so many options. I find it mind-boggling that Tumblr never monetized properly and let, say, Squarespace, Weebly, etc…take over that category. I guess they were going for the social network thing. IMO they really failed at truly selling their product both to advertisers and to consumers looking to build simple websites. In retrospect the founder really lucked out with the 1B sale to Yahoo. There is no way they are worth that much today.I wonder what is going to happen now that Yahoo was sold to Verizon.

What is tumblr?

As they say themselves, “Tumblr lets you effortlessly share anything. Post text, photos, quotes, links, music, and videos from your browser, phone, desktop, email or wherever you happen to be.” It is a cross between a social networking site (like Facebook and Twitter) and a blog. It is often described as ‘microblog’ as people usually post short snippets of text and quick snaps as opposed to longer diary style entries found in more traditional blogs.

Tumblr appears to have a younger user demographic in comparison with other social networks. To register for a Tumblr blog, you must be over thirteen years of age.

How do I know I've been blocked on tumblr?

I went to check my tumblr to message a friend but it says I can't receive posts from her but when I click on her page I can still see her posts? Did she block me or could it be a glitch? She's also been posting but not talking to me so idk what's up

What is the worst thing about Tumblr?

Tumblr is bad. It’s a fact. I’ve used it since i was twelve, and it is a terrible website with some really abhorrent people but many “outsiders” think it’s bad for all the wrong reasons.Normally the tumblr stereotype is the TrIgGeReD ess jay double-you in a feminist shirt and a bright blue buzz cut screaming about supernatural and sherlock with a polysyllabic label for their sexuality and gender, but that’s not nearly the worst thing to run across on a website whose ALL INCLUSIVE EVERYONE IS WELCOME AND VALID mentality allows literal pedophiles, neo-nazis and racists to run rampant without any intervention from people who could do something about it. There is also an epidemic of professionally diagnosed mentally ill, severely depressed and suicidal people promoting an anti-recovery attitude towards children who see it, and those who romanticize actual serial killers. You know the place where you used to go to find stupid edits of Benedict Cumberbatch in a pastel flower crown? Imagine the same place but Benedict Cumberbatch is the Columbine shooters and Ted Bundy.The problem isn’t the mildly annoying, outspoken lgbt folk (a group I include myself in, mind you,) it’s the borderline unethical, inappropriate and sometimes even criminal activity that’s normalized by the most popular users of this hell website.