What Are The 14 Bureacracy Principles

What are the 3 models of bureaucracy?

The three models of Bureaucracy are Weberian Model, Acquisitive Model, and the Monopolistic Model.

Weberian is the classic model proposed by Max Weber which argued "the increasingly complex nature of modern life, coupled with the steadily growing demands placed on governments by their citizens, made the formation of bureaucracies inevitable." Also, that whether in public or private sector, most bureaucracies are hierarchically organized and governed by formal procedures, flowing from Top to bottom in power.

Acquisitive Model is the idea that top levels of bureaucrats will always try to expand, at least to avoid any reductions in the size of their budgets. While most bureaucracies are not-for-profit, the maximization of budget and staff are visible trappings of power in the public sector.

Monopolistic Model is the theory that government bureaucracies seldom have competition. The idea that bureaucracies have no competitors and act accordingly. Also because they are not penalized for inefficiency, they have little reason to adopt cost-saving measures or to make more product use of their resources.

Who might be more likely to conform in a bureaucracy, those with power or those wanting more power?

As to your first question- those wanting more power or status are more likely to conform. Thosse with power don't conform, they use their power to change the laws/ ways to suit their needs.

For number two: I'd say based on merit. Affirmative action can cause "reverse discrimination" where you have the possibility of having less-meritorious workers.

What is the role and importance of bureaucracy?

The role of bureaucracy was fundamental for the first industrial revolution. However, since the 1950s it became an anachronism.Further details:ORGANIZATIONAL DESIGN PRINCIPLES (Part 1) – JC Wandemberg Ph.D. – Medium

Are the principle secretary and chief secretary the same or not?

Both are different.Chief Secretary is the designation given to an IAS officer having a minimum service of 33 years in IAS. He heads all the departments in a state. He is the top bureaucrat in any state in India.Principle Secretary is the designation given to an IAS officer after completing the service of 25 years in IAS. He heads a department in any state government. He is the next higher authority after the minister in any ministry in any state in India. There are too many Principle Secretaries in a state.However, some ministries in any state may be headed by Special Chief Secretary / Additional Chief Secretary rank IAS officers too. In that case, generally, the Principle Secretary rank officer is not posted in that ministry.

What are the main functions of bureaucracy in public administration?

The primary function of bureaucracy is the execution and enforcement of the laws made by the legislature and policies decided by the political executive. Besides this the other important functions are :carrying out administrationoffering policy advicearticulating interestsMaintaining political stability4. Political Stability :Ministers and governments come and go, while civil servants are permanent, once appointed they continue till their retirement. Thus bureaucracy provides stability and continuity within political system and with change of government, there is no change of policy immediately.1. Administration :The core function is to implement or execute law and policy, which is related to administering government business. This is why the bureaucracy is referred to as 'the administration' while the political executive is termed as the 'government'.3. Articulating interests :Policies once made are also implemented by bureaucrats. While implementing policies, bureaucracy come into contact with interest groups such as doctors, teachers, farmers etc. These groups provide information and advice to the bureaucrats relating to their groups, which help the civil servants to plan a policy to satisfy the interest groups.2. Policy-Advice :The political significance of the bureaucracy largely comes from its role as the policy-advisers to the government. Generally, policy is made by the politicians and bureaucrats simply offer advice. Since policy- decisions are made on the basis of information available and advice offered, bureaucrats effectively control the policies made by the government. Politicians, being amateurs depend on bureaucrats, who are professionals and the politicians know what the civil servants tsll them. Government decisions thus reflect the influences of bureaucrats.

What are the key principles of Ibn Khaldun's economic and political theory?

Ibn Khaldun (d. 1406/808) was a 14th century Muslim thinker, born in what is now Tunisia, who wrote on many subjects, including on the rise and fall of nations in his Al-Muqaddimah.From the wiki, here is a summary.Given political stability, for the rise of the nations, there must be:a). A firm establishment of private property rights and freedom of enterprise,b). Rule of law and a reliable judicial system for the establishment of justice,c). The security of peace and the security of trade routes,d). Low taxation in order to increase employment, production and revenues,e). Less bureaucracy and a much smaller efficient army,f). No government involvement in trade, production and commercial affairs,g). No price fixing by the government,h). A rule that does not give monopoly power to anyone in the market,i). Stable monetary policy and independent monetary authority that does not play with the value of money,j). A larger population and a larger market for greater specialisation,k). A creative education system for independent thinking and behaviour,l). The collective responsibility and internal desire to establish a just system to encourage good deeds and prevent vice.Interestingly, most of these suggestions are contrary to Islam, a religion of the sword. Items a), b), c), h) and k) are anti- Islam. Islam is a religion of conquest and the conquered peoples have negligible rights. Islamic countries are just barely hanging on and have not prospered because what Ibn Khaldun says is too democratic for Islam’s taste. Tunisia is probably 100% Islam and there is probably no conflict with other religions. He would have done a lot of good if he were born in India!Good thinking for 1400 for building a civilization, way before Adam Smith!

What are the principles of management? What are the advantages and disadvantages?

In my opinion, it's rather difficult to write and discuss the various views and opinions regarding principles of management. Given the rapid growth in the present age of space exploration, robots, information and communication technology, computers, etc. all available literature depicting principles or elements of management as (1) planning, (2) coordination, (3) control and (4) motivation need to be revised and re-written afresh in the light of technological development.Take for instance 'The principles and practice of management' third edition published in 1975, edited by E F L Brech, states "Planning, i.e. determining the broad lines for carrying out the operations …..". The book continues to explain the other three (3) elements, thus, control - checking current performance against predetermined plans, coordination - balancing and keeping the team together, motivation (inspiring) - getting the members to pull their weight effectively, etc. The traditional management practices carried out in the past by human interventions can no longer works effectively in the present age and time.The advantages of the traditional management principles are (1) they established the basis on which the present technological advancement developed, (2) they are still relevant with respect to management decisions based on policy, organizational culture, etc. (3) certain aspects of life like politics, governance, religious and spiritual matters as well as affirmative actions are more likely to continue to rely on these principles of management.Disadvantages are (1) creation of bureaucracy, (2) cause delays in decision making, (3) introductroduction of unfair practices and manupilation within the organization which may affect performance and productivity.