What Are The Advantages And Disadvantages Od Slow Food

What are the advantages and disadvantages of nonveg food?

Advantages of Non-Vegetarian foods are: Non-vegetarian foods are rich in protein of high biological value and in Vit B complex, especially B12 which is not available in plant foods. Fish, especially the small varieties are a rich source of calcium. Egg-white is good source of protein and easily digested. The incidence of high BP, Heart disease, Obesity and high cholesterol levels is found to be greater among non-vegetarians. Elders who suffer from these problems should reduce the intake of fleshy foods in their diet. Egg-white and most varieties of fish contain less fat, but are rich in protein, vitamins and minerals. Disadvantages :- non -veg food should be totally avoided by anybody who is interested in saving our mother earth. Just take a simple example of the food consumed by an animal before being slaughtered. A chicken for example consumes about 100 kg of grain in its life and is eaten by about 10 people at max Basic food chain principle longer the chain higher the energy loss into the environment. The toxins produced during slaughter of an animal are directly transferred into one s body partially if not entirely. Being a vegetarian one can experience all the benefits by consuming an all nutrient balanced diet. Sadly ignorance can be a big impediment in this healthy conversion. But there is no solution for plain vanilla stupidity i.e. deliberate ignorance .

Advantages and disadvantages of snakes?

Of keeping snakes as pets? Or their adaptations??

Advantage - They have a slow metabolism, which means less food they will eat. Depending on the species, they usually are pretty layed-back. They are fun to watch to eat. They teach responsibilty, meaning if you can feed once a week, you can feed a cat-everyday, or something.. it means you have what it takes.

Disadvantage - Close-minded people are afraid of them. People will call you weird. They can bite.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of eating before exercising?

Always workout on an empty stomach. I speak of any exercise here. When you start to exercise , chemical reactions take place , your body will try to give all the energy possible to support the exercise itself. If you eat beforehand, it will slow you down. It takes quite a bit of energy for your body to digest food and drink.

Eating afterward is very important for several reasons. The biggest being to feed the processes taking place in your body that are trying to heal the very exercise you just completed. Eating lean protein and veggies is incredibly beneficial after a workout. Id suggest eating a good 25 grams of lean protein. Not too much protein tho, this will cause it to turn to glucose.

Whats good for gaining weight? Starches. They will definitely pack on the pounds but with adverse effects.

Losing weight. Cut out all your starchy foods. Cereals, pastas, breads, cakes , potatoes, corn etc etc. Your body can hold carbohydrates for 48 hours. If in that time you have lowered your carb intake to around 30 grams a day, your body considers this a fuel deficiency. It will at that point tap into your fat cells to fuel the body. Fat burning is a great fuel source, some vital organs in your body actually prefer to use it over the glucose.

What are the advantages/disadvantages of food preservation?

Method Advantages Disadvantages
Drying (e.g. freeze-drying, spray-drying, sun-drying) Produces concentrated form of food.
Inhibits microbial growth & autolytic enzymes.

Retains most nutrients.
Can cause loss of some nutrients, particularly thiamin & vitamin C.
Sulphur dioxide is sometimes added to dried fruits to retain vitamin C, but some individuals are sensitive to this substance.

Smoking Preserve partly by drying, partly by incorporation of substances from smoke. Eating a lot of smoked foods has been linked with some cancers in some parts of the world.
Refrigeration Slows microbial multiplication.
Slows autolysis by enzymes
Slow loss of some nutrients with time
Freezing Prevents microbial growth by low temperature & unavailability of water.
Generally good retention of nutrients.
Blanching of vegetables prior to freezing causes loss of some B-Group vitamins and vitamin C.
Unintended thawing can reduce product quality.

Adding salt or sugar Makes water unavailable for microbial growth.
Process does not destroy nutrients.
Increases salt and sugar content of food.
High heat processing (e.g. pasteurisation) Inactivates autolytic enzymes
Destroys microorganisms.
Loss of heat-sensitive nutrients.
Canning (involves high heat processing) Destroys microorganisms & autolytic enzymes. Water-soluble nutrients can be lost into liquid in can.
Chemical preservatives Prevent microbial growth
No loss of nutrient.
Some people are sensitive to some chemical preservatives.
Ionizing radiation Sterilizes foods (such as spices) whose flavour would change with heating.
Inhibits sprouting potatoes

Extends shelf life of strawberries and mushrooms
Longer shelf life of fresh foods can lead to greater nutrient losses than if eaten sooner after harvesting.

What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of eating slowly (eg 40min-1hr per meal)?

Slow eating rate doesn't have any negative effects on your health, but can bring you a number of benefits without extra cost.Advantages of eating slowlyDigestionIt is well known that digestion begins in the mouth, where the saliva is mixed with the food and starts to break it down into smaller chemicals that can be absorbed and nourish the body. Chewing thoroughly promotes smooth, complete digestion. Basically the slower you eat the faster and more efficiently you metabolize the food. When food is swallowed whole it makes it more difficult for the body to absorb all the important vitamins, minerals, and amino acids.Taste and enjoy your food!When you eat slowly, you end up tasting your food more. Eating slowly lets you experience more of the flavors, textures and smells of what you eat. Your food will become more interesting. And again, French experience. They focus more on the impression and less on the health effects of eating.Insulin resistanceJapanese researches found that eating fast is associated with insulin resistance. Insulin resistance is a silent condition that increases the chances of developing diabetes and heart disease

What are the advantages and disadvantages of opting for the agriculture and food processing course in IIT Kharagpur?

AdvantagesMultiple opportunitiesGreat sources to studyFuture oriented goalsFocussed knowledgeDisadvantagesLimited fieldGrowth is slowRestricted career

What are the advantages and disadvantages of roasting?

Advantages -
Slow roasting brings out the flavor of meats. The addition of spices really enhances the flavor, whether it is pork, beef, chicken, etc. In the winter it heats up the house.

Disadvantages -
In summer it heats up the house.

In summer I like to use the crock pot. It cooks longer, slower and with much less heat. At any time of the year you can put cheaper cuts of meat in the crock pot and they just fall apart by the time they are done.