What Are The Areas Of The Brain That Are Involved In The Incorporation Of Information

How does the brain retain information the best?

Multiple memorization.Read out loud to yourself and again to yourself silently and you are registering it visually, internally and via sound.Add in fun activity to projects and the physical interaction is another way your brain stores information and muscle memory is also incorporated into the learning process.Talk to yourself. It actually exercises the part of the memory that retains information heard and this area of the brain is often neglected by genuinely solitary people.There is a valid reason mad scientists and eccentric gifted people talk aloud to themselves other than for comedic relief to the unaware.

In the future, will it be possible to upload and download information from the human brain?

No.Seriously, distinguishing Fantasy from Reality is important and encouraged. If it were possible, Apple would have already incorporated it into iOS 12 beta.Mind uploading - Wikipedia

What is the biggest part of the human brain? What is its function?

[PIC.1]This is the cerebrum. It’s the largest part of the human brain.It has 2 HEMISPHERES/EACH WITH 4 LOBESTHE LOBES ARE: Frontal, Parietal, Temporal, and Occipital.The cerebrum (also called telencephalon) sits on top of the brain.Beneath the cerebrum are the pons, cerebellum, and medulla oblongata.The cerebral cortex (tissue) covers the cerebrum.Picture 2 illustrates functional cerebrum.[PIC.2][PIC.3]

Is intelligence mere information processing?

I recently watched a TED talk given by Sam Harris about AI in which this was one of the premises of his argument that AI poses an existential threat to humanity.Can we build AI without losing control over it?This is the premise that I believe is more nuanced than he assumes.Intelligence is NOT merely Information Processing. It, however, requires information processing. That’s like asking, “Is a car merely moving parts?” Of course not, but it requires moving parts - gotta get those wheels going around.Interestingly though, “Information Processing” is not “computation” either. This is an important point. Computation is one, very specific way to process information, but our brains do not serially compute like a computer serially computes.Our brains are memory machines - not computers (though they do some computing). The way they’ve become so efficient though is because they are memory machines - when data comes in it is incorporated into a structure (a memory structure) which places the new information in the appropriate place relative to all information that has been seen before.In other words true intelligence is the ability to create and appropriately recall and use models of whatever world the intelligence finds itself in, that is to say, whatever data it receives.Perhaps I haven’t answered the question you’re really getting at though. ‘is intelligence effectively information processing?’ Maybe what you really care about is the following question: Can you fully simulate the behavior of every neuron in the brain in a CPU?Of course, you can if your CPU is powerful enough. The medium of how the information is processed doesn’t fundamentally matter. What matters is the model.

How does the brain know what to store for long-term memory?

In my opinion, this question is one of the most interesting ones in all of the cognitive neuroscience of memory. Researchers still don’t have a complete answer.By “long-term memory”, I assume that we are talking some memory that you can verbalize, i.e., like what you had for dinner last night, and not procedural memory, like riding a bike. Also, “decide” isn’t really the right verb. It assumes there is some omnipotent decision maker in the brain, which isn’t true. We are must better off asking, “what factors increase or decrease the likelihood that something we experience becomes a long-term memory”?Here are some factors:How salient is the item emotionally? If you remember where you were when you found about about the World Trade center on 9/11, its because it was a very emotionally salient memory.Does the memory fit with other information you already know? If you are fluent in some language, and I tell you about a new word in that language that you don’t know yet, you’ll likely learn and remember the new word easily. If I tell you about the same word, but in a language you have zero familiarity with, you’ll have a much harder time learning and remembering it.Have you learned a lot of other stuff lately? At some point, stuff that we learned before and after can affect whether a given experience is converted into a memory. This is called “retroactive interference” and “proactive inference”.Other factors have to do with your general state of awareness, how much sleep you’ve had, and how motivated you are to learn at that point in time. If you have recently drank a lot of alcohol, you are less likely to learn a new thing. However, even this is nuanced — if you learn something new, then drink alcohol, you can actually increase the likelihood that what you learned before you drank is remembered. Why this is comes down to interference, meaning, the alcohol prevents any new information from interfering with the memory you formed before you drank.Its important to consider, memory formation is not “binary” in the sense that some things become memories and some things do not. The actual truth is closer to the idea that, with any new experience, at least some memory trace is formed, but, the strength of the memory trace varies enormously. Some memory traces are weak, and you’d forget if asked to remember 30s later. Some memory traces are very strong, and you remember them for the rest of your life.

Need Retained Earnings Help?

I am not sure how to do a retained earnings. I know for sure that the gain and the bonds payable dont belong in retained earnings. I know the income increases retained earnings, but i dont know if total cash dividends decrease or increase retained earnings. Also i dont know if the total stock dividends distributable increase or decrease retained earnings. Can Someone please help me solve this?? Thank you

Instructions Determine the current balance of retained earnings??

Total income since incorporation $325,000
Total cash dividends paid 60,000
Total value of stock dividends distributed 30,000
Gains on treasury stock transactions 18,000
Unamortized discount on bonds payable 32,000

What food are good for brain and memory?


are the ultimate memory food. Research at the USDA showed that daily consumption of blueberries dramatically slows the impairment of memory that usually accompanies old age. Compounds in blueberries called polyphenols actually help "turn on" the signals that let neurons (brain cells) communicate with each other more effectively.

help protect your brain and preserve your memory.

is loaded with an array of anti-inflammatory and antioxidant compounds that research has shown to slow brain aging and preserve memory. It's one of the few food sources of the powerful, brain-protecting antioxidant alpha lipoic acid.

reputation as a "super-spice" is due largely to its anti-cancer activity and powerful anti-inflammatory properties -- but it also helps to protect your brain.

is indeed brain food! Over 60 percent of your brain by weight is composed of fat, and most of it is the same fat found in fish. The healthy omega-3 fats in fish (and fish oil supplements) are incorporated into cell membranes, making it easier for information from neurotransmitters to get in and out of the cell.

Egg yolks
are one of nature's richest sources of choline, a B vitamin that is one of the most important nutrients for brain health. Choline is a building block of the valuable neurotransmitter acetylcholine, which is vital for memory, learning and thinking.

Which new traits are humans likely to evolve due to the incorporation of technology in our lives?

Take a selfie.Notice how the phone fits in the little crook in your pinky?That crook is relatively new and becoming more and more common in people. While it currently develops as a result of outside pressure (smart phone resting on the pinky) eventually kids will just start to be born with it. It is most prominent in Japanese people.Our hands are literally beginning to evolve to take selfies!That is something most people forget about evolution… It happens through the passing of genetics- and genetics can change before procreation due to outside influences over the lifespan- Not just random mutation taking hundreds of thousands or millions of years.Forced/guided mutation via outside influences, such as technology, rapidly speed up evolution to more closely match the advancement of technology.It took humans over a million years to get from apes to what we are now…But when the human trait of manipulating nature to suit our needs was applied to wolves, it took just a little over 30,000 years to get Yorkies.This pinky crook might be minor… But its an evolutionary change/adaptation taking mere decades to develop and show itself.If AR tech becomes mainstream, eyes might change to recognize new colors at the cost of long distance vision, jet packs become mainstream, our brains ability to measure our balance may become more pronounced, and all of these changes might take decades to become visible rather than hundreds of millennia like nature originally designed.