What Are The Consequences Of Following One

Which of the following is not one of, nor a direct consequence of, Kepler's Laws?

Which of the following is not one of, nor a direct consequence of, Kepler's Laws?

a) The force of attraction between any two objects decreases with the square of the distance between their centers.

b) As a planet moves around its orbit, it sweeps out equal areas in equal times.

c) The orbit of each planet about the Sun is an ellipse with the Sun at one focus.

d) More distant planets orbit the Sun at slower speeds.

e) A planet or comet in a noncircular orbit travels faster when it is nearer to the Sun and slower when it is farther from the Sun.

Which of the following is a consequence of Kepler’s Second Law?

a. Planets closer to the Sun have shorter orbital periods than planets further from the Sun.
b. Planets move on epicycles while epicycles orbit the Sun.
c. For any given orbiting planet, when it is closer to the Sun it moves faster than when it is further from the Sun.
d. Planets closer to the Sun have longer orbital periods than planets further from the Sun.

Of the following is not one of, nor a direct consequence of, Kepler's Laws?


As a planet moves around its orbit, it sweeps out equal areas in equal times.

A planet or comet in a noncircular orbit travels faster when it is nearer to the Sun and slower when it is farther from the Sun.

The orbit of each planet about the Sun is an ellipse with the Sun at one focus.

The force of attraction between any two objects decreases with the square of the distance between their centers.

More distant planets orbit the Sun at slower speeds.

What are consequences of following multiple religions?

What are consequences of following multiple religions?Probably more people do this than we realize. No one fits perfectly into one set of beliefs. Most borrow some views from other belief systems, sometimes without even knowing it.But if you literally and openly split your time and beliefs between two or more different faiths, it is likely that many members of most will fully accept you as theirs. Unless one of the religions is something like Unitarian Universalism, which accepts almost anything, other adherents are likely to see your excursions into another faith as straying from theirs.There are ways you could avoid such consequences of course. You could practice your smorgasbord religion privately altogether. Or, if congregating with others of more than one faith is important to you, then you could express your beliefs in a way that is not offensive to any, or keep secret from one group, your beliefs in the others.So if you are convinced your belief in multiple faiths is the truth, the “consequences” are likely to come from people, or at least the earthly consequences are.

For each of the following four networks, discuss the consequences if a connection fails.?

a. With the Mesh, the consequence of failure can't be generalized, too much redundancy. You'd need to look at each connection.
b. If just a connection to one unit, the other units aren't affected. But the Star has a central hub, if it fails the network fails.
c. It depends where on the bus the connection fails. If just the branch tied at the point, just that branch fails. If the cable itself, everything past that point fails, and maybe the whole system.
d. The failure of a single node of the Ring network can cause the entire network to fail.

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What are the consequences of missing a dose of Seroquel?

It will of course depend on dose and what it is taken for. I take 600mg as an antipsychotic and mood stabiliser and have taken it for 11 years. I take the whole amount at night.It is not possible for me to miss a dose sinceI have been taking this amount. I am unable to sleep and if I drift close to sleep I jerk wide awake again with my heart racing after a few minutes. The latter is a very unpleasant sensation. I also feel a bit hazy or confused and slip into kind of awake dreams. Since I can’t sleep without it, I have to take it eventually, so if I have run out, I either have to find a 24hr pharmacy or will stay awake until one opens again. So effectively I might take a dose a fair bit later than I should have, but missing a dose doesn’t happen.All medications effect different people differently, and presumably if you are taking a smaller dose you may not have as much of a problem. People do manage to stop taking Seroquel so it is possible to be weaned off it, but I realise that is not the questioner is asking.If you are able to miss a dose then you are at risk of psychosis or mania returning but I don’t think it happens after missing only one dose. I think that the antidepressant effects take longer to lose. You would have to make a decision about whether to take the dose late (and potentially end up sleeping when you should be awake, and being extra sleepy after the following dose) or missing it altogether and putting up with the unpleasantness of getting through to the next dose time. Remember that the therapeutic benefit will also be related to how much is still in your system from previous doses, so if you miss it altogether it might take a while to get the levels in your blood right again.I know this isn’t the advice you want to hear when you decided to ask the internet for medical advice, but I would recommend you check with a pharmacist or doctor about whether to skip the dose you missed or take it late.Lastly this is not a nice drug. Read up on its side effects and the potentially permanent movement disorders it can induce. I already get random involuntary twitches. Unless you have no other options that will give you a decent quality of life (as I do) I would reconsider taking it at all.

Why should one follow rules of society if he never consented to them?

Q: Why should one follow rules of society if he never consented to them?Of course, one should not.One should think through the rules, why they are in place, what values those rules try to bring to one’s life, and so on. Then make one’s decisions and choices.Most rules are based on Cause and Effect. There are real and imagined consequences of one’s actions. One cannot escape these consequences for a long time.So, if one is okay with the consequences of not following the rules of the society he/she is in, it is absolutely okay to go ahead and do exactly that.Some consequences may be desirable (or worthy of the rebellion), some not. If one thinks that despite the rebellious behaviour there will be no adverse consequences, that is an illusion.One might then decide that only ‘non-serious’ rule-breaking is ‘safe’ enough, which would be seen as quite hypocritical and smirk-worthy.One might decide to break some rules, and not others. Certainly doable and worthwhile… or not.

Should one follow any religion?

What is dharma or religion?Dharma is karma (action) by kaya-vacha-manasa (body, speech, and mind).In other words, dharma or religion refers to a set of activities that are to be performed and that are not to be performed by an individual through his/her deeds, words, and thoughts or through his/her body, speech, and mind.Belief in God or divinity is also a mental activity.Spirituality starts when all your physical and mental activities become SILENT.To know about religion versus spirituality, click the link below:http://kundalini-brahmajnani.blo...If you are really interested in spirituality, read all the posts in my blog to get rid of some age-old delusions and to understand the essence of religions—this is the first step in spirituality also. Even if you do not understand my posts thoroughly, do read them. If you want, you can comment or ask questions either in my blog or here.Shubhamastu—Let Good Happen To You!