What Are The Conservative Vs. Liberal Views On The Illuminati

Who are the Illuminati?

The Illuminati are the Puppet Masters who rule the world. They convene in secret and strategize on the best way to make more money for themselves while keeping the rest of us under control. They control all the money in the world, the banks are seeded with their members, they control the press, TV, the Internet and all the information that we get fed and are allowed to see. I've heard that they're even behind the crazy weather we've been having because what could be more powerful than the being able to control who gets water for their crops and who dies of hunger and thirst. They're behind every war that's ever been since they started in the Middle Ages. Wars are very, very big money makers for them. It's unknown how many of them there are, but from reading all of the above, knowing how heavily they are involved with The Freemasons, I don't know about you, but I can only draw one conclusion. They must be Jews. After all, don't Jews own all the banks, own Hollywood, run all the newspapers, own the Internet?OF COURSE NOT!The whole illuminati conspiracy tale is just so much fantasy. Why do so many of us want to believe that a few men and maybe, big maybe, a few women, are "running" the world? All these years and no solid evidence? No one's spilled the beans?There is only one secret that I know for sure that no one has told and that's where Jimmy Hoffa is buried. I'll leave the rest, who killed JFK, did a plane really crash into the pentagon, did we land a man on the moon and are there just a select few illuminati running the world, to the conspiracy theorists. I have enough trouble with reality.

Eva Longoria: Are the Freemasons and illuminati pushing a liberal agenda in Hollywood and the Government in order to destroy people?

Short answer:An unequivocal and emphatic NO.Long answer:Starting at the Illuninati Boogyman - the group which has not existed for 260 odd years, but is now rather a term that describes the idea living in the head of the conspiracy theorist, of a global conspiracy that potentially includes anyone that is not him, in the conspiracy that has everyone everywhere working together to: make his life difficult / ruin the country / overthrow goverment s laugh behind his back.You see how utterly rediculous it sounds when simplified? It is an impossiblity, because people just don't work that well together. Since forever.-The Freemasons - a fraternity, or club that focuses on charity. It has some rituals to make it interesting, and some secrets to make outsiders curious. In the 300 year history since records was kept by the group, there has been many famous and powerful members.This has made the conspiracy guys very nervous, however they forget to take into account the fact that those same members might also be members of other groups like being - Bookclub / Same School / Christians / Jews / Muslems / Black / White / Indian / Human/ being left handed.You see where I am going with this? Freemasonry has the same bearing on unification as you having a hand in world rule by falling into one or more of these groups.Freemasonry might have ideals and values that it shares with it’s members, these ideals might have ended up in birthing nations and even political concepts like democracy. However all of those groups mentions might have the same claim - even some book club, somewhere in time.In conclusion:The key take away from this answer is that there is nothing - and I mean, nothing - secret anymore in today’s day, and age. When it comes to Freemasonry - very single secret has been “exposed” by one or another, for mostly reasons of self enrichment (money) or out is spite.This concept is also crucial as to understand why the notion of the Illuminati is so far fetched. I also implore you to see it for what it is, an emotional crutch by many to justify the inequalities and injustices by putting a face to it.

What does the Illuminati do?

The illuminati is a very secret society, It goes by different names as time passes by but they have only one main agenda - Satan Worship and to implement his plans for the world. So indirectly when we refer to illuminati's plans there are a plenty of them likeImplementing New World OrderSpreading Symbols of worship among common people through musicians or influencial media personsProject Blue BeamAgenda 21MK UltraMass Mind ControlMonarch Programming and many more..All these plans have a very evil strategy deep inside. The Illuminati hides all these and pretends to be the Knowledge and light, but undercover they perform Blood Rituals for Demons, Worship Satan to get worldly pleasures like money, fame, power, sex, etc..The Illuminati's biggest plan is to implement the New World Order which consists of One World Currency, One World Religion, One World Government and One World Leader... If this is successful, anyone can understand the world leader will become the world leader unless and untill he is a part of Illuminati, Hence the world leader being LUCIFERS puppet... Lucifer himself can rule this world in disguise.

Is Hollywood blacklisting conservative actors/actresses?

Only if they make their conservative views known. People who make their living reporting on and following the stars say there is a whole underground of Christians and other conservatives in Hollywood who keep quiet because they need to earn a living. You didn't ask, but I couldn't live like that. To me that's being a phony, and no job is worth compromising my values and my integrity. There are lots of ways to earn a living besides Hollywood.

Was the Illuminati behind the 1st and 2nd World Wars?

Yes, we were. See my little avatar? That is a stylised version of me. Note the little symbol, it is the square and compass of the Freemasons.I am a Past Master of a Freemason’s Lodge which is affiliated with the Grand Lodge of New Zealand. Like all Masons, we are part of the Illuminati - but this is one of our secrets, which we’ve been keeping since 1599, when we were reincarnated out of the remnants of the Knights Templars.Unfortunately, somehow, over the last 418 years, the profane - that is our term for those not in the know - have learned some of our secrets, and what we have been up to. Why, some of them assert they are more in the know than even us senior members of The Craft. That is another term we try not to let out. Just how the profane know they know and we don’t is a mystery, but we do have Brethren on the case. Woe to them if we find out.So, for 418 years, we have been setting up the New World Order, and we’re going to run it with our One World Government. And then it will be all up for you lot, for ever and ever.N.B. Supreme Grand Master of the Universe, you appear to have lost my address, as the cheques have stopped arriving.

Politics: Why did liberal progressive Henry Kissinger called for New World Order in his new speech?

In the video below, Rockefeller protégé and operative Henry Kissinger calls for the United States and the authoritarian government of China to work together to create a globalist totalitarian government.

Henry Kissinger: USA and China will to work on "Globalist NWO!"''

Joe Biden. calls For a New World Order'

George Bush SR New World Order

David Rockefeller, Memoirs, page 405

Obama New World Order

FYI: I'm LIBERTARIAN, never liked bush/obama/romney/ or any NWO Globalist puppet!


Was George Washington the founder of the Illuminati?

Absolutely not. Nor was he likely an Illuminist of the bad kind, but he was a Freemason for sure. They believe in illumination. He was possibly an Illuminist of the good kind, fighting oppression, but of course, being seditionists to the kings and queens of the time, the plots were traitorous -- and some of the Illuminist idealists were self serving. They were slavers and liberals (pro corporate extremes), as was called liberal at the time. You can look up the history of the Illuminist segment of society anywhere. Why ask this? Even Wikipedia has a start for you. Then move beyond its limited borders.

How do you stop a person from generalizing a person based on political preference?

Something I have witnesses way too often is people paint/generalize individuals of a particular party. Example "Liberals are blank" or "Conservatives are blank". I have learned that generalizing a person based on their political party is as false as saying "The Joker loves Batman".

Why can't people realize that each individual is not the same and stereotyping just produces a false image?

How do you stop people from generalizing so often just because of a political party preference?

I have friends on both sides of the political spectrum and they don't fit the stereotype of a person being blank.

Provide insight to this. Thank you for your time and answers.