What Are The Cultural Values That Influence Cognition And Career Choice Americans 17 Only

How does culture influence human behavior?

Culture as an influence of behaviour takes the “nurture" side of the argument about influences of behaviour. culture looks at the totality of any given society's belief system, laws, mores, practices, language and attitudinal variables which makes a people unique from others. As you know, it is transmitted from one generation to the other. What happened when you are groomed in the ways of a particular culture?You start acting and behaving in ways that are seen as appropriate to such a culture. Your dress sense, grooming, language, belief system and attitude become molded to fit into that society which makes you become accepted by them.Hence, culture plays a big role in determining how an individual behaves in any given environment. Take for example, in some places, baring the breasts is seen as normal, while in some places it is forbidden. Some places allow males and females to mingle freely in public places: others do not. This has a tremendous impact on behaviour, and is evident when these persons go to a place that has a different culture comparsd to theirs. They encounter what is known as “culture shock", and it is most evident from their reactions and behaviours to certain unique stimuli which they come in contact with in a new place.So yes, culture plays a big role in influencing behavior.

Liberalism? Conservative? What do these really mean?

Wow...good job! Pretty much sums it up and yeah...prepare to be attacked with namecalling. I'm sure they are on their way!

Anthropology = cultural approach - Sociology = pscyhological approach?

Anthropology does take a historical approach, but sociology definately does not take a psychological approach. Sociology is never about the individual, which is all that psychology does. Both anthropology and sociology do focus on culture heavily.