What Are The Most Important Things On College

What are the three most important things a college should know about you?

Agreed. There are no right and wrong answers here. They want to get to know you, as something more than a dry statistic, a grade point average or an SAT. Establishing your individuality, giving them a sense of who you are, is as important to the applications process as your grades.

What are the most important things to put in college essays?

There’s really no generic “best things” list of content items to include.Having said that, I should point out that a college essay is a testing device, and as an undergraduate student, you’re supposed to familiarize yourself with the rules and conventions governing its form, content, submission requirements, bibliographic requirements, and so on.You’re expected to have read and understood the terms of a given assignment. You’re supposed to do some research to help you clarify your focus and develop a strong thesis in the form of an arguable assertion regarding the assignment’s content. You’re supposed to develop a clear organizational structure that sets out your primary arguments, with support and analyses. You’re supposed to make sure that your essay flows logically from your thesis, through your points of discussion and your evidence, to your conclusion.You’re supposed to proofread carefully to make sure that your use of language, including grammar, structure, usage and punctuation are appropriate and technically correct.Remember: an essay isn’t like a basket of goodies you’ve created in the hope that your marker will find inside it the goodies he or she likes best. You need to THINK about the nature of the essay as a test, and you need to make sure you demonstrate your command of the skills and content each assignment requires.

What's the most important thing in college algebra?

- Understand the graphs
- Solving equations (linear, quadratic, system of equations...)
- Identities:
(a + b)²
(a - b)²
(a + b)³
(a - b)³
a² - b²
a³ - b³
a³ + b³
- Synthetic division (long division)