What Are The Odds That The United States Is Going To Breakup Into 2 Or More Countries In The Next

Why did Britain sign the treaty of Ghent?

After studying the war of 1812 i cant figure out why Britain signed the treaty of Ghent. After all to be fair the British where kicking the crap out of us. I guess my question is why did Britain suddenly end the war of 1812 when it looked like they where going to regain control of their former North American Colonies ?

What are likely to be the next new countries, or at least the most likely candidates to become independent?

Based on the support the population of those countries and foreign governments have for those countries and also informal recognition by global institutions ex. Palestine and Kosovo. By that i’m not stating that in all this areas people support by far secessionism.Possible future countries could beEuropeCataloniaBasque CountyFlandersScotlandWales (less probable)Republika Srpska of BiHKosovo (Full recognition)Western Macedonia (If the actual trend keeps going)Middle eastRojavaIraqi KurdistanSouth-eastern Anatolia (hardly possible)Western Sahara , SADR.South YemenAsia and OceaniaBalochistanXinjang (hardly possible)Tibet (hardly possible)Rohingya areas (People need to know more about them)West PapuaAcèhAfricaNuer-held South Sudan (not enough information)BarotselandCabindaKisanganiNorth KivuKarakalpakstan (thank you google)AmericasQuebecFrench GuyanaFeel free to add moreEDIT : I didn’t add South Ossetia, Abkhazia and Trasnistria only because differently from Kosovo or Republika Srpska i can’t imagine a different change fo the actual situation. What could happen is Russian chauvinism and occupation and annexation or a recognition of those countries by US and then other countries as a major effort to calm down a really tense military scenario.

My boyfriend will break up with me if i join the Army?

You will be a huge minority as a female in the Army. You will be desired by many men, trust me. You will find someone else.. Anyone who tries to prevent you from reaching goals, dreams, aspirations, etc.. are bad for you. He should be accepting of your desires.

Which countries will disappear between 2017 and 2066?

Puntland.  It doesn't exist now.  Well, it's self-governing, and autonomous, but does not really want full independence.  Hopefully if Somalia proper gets its act together, gets a government, brings in some stability, then Puntland will become a region in a federal Somali country.  I have hopes that Somaliland will make it as a fully recognised independent nation though.Nagorno-Karabakh and Transnistria are two other countries that aren't recognised now.  They still won't be recognised in 50 years and I doubt they'll still be claiming independence then, at least not seriously.Hong Kong, and Macao.  They're not independent countries now but in many ways act like them, and are more independent than many recognised countries (for example they have their own currency and stock markets).  But they will be gobbled up by China in the next 50 years.Lesotho has been making noises about merging with South Africa.  There's a good chance that this will happen some time in the next 50 years, but I wouldn't bet on it, well, depending what the odds are.Some countries will exist as self-governing regions in a federation, which might still be called "countries" (like Wales or Scotland are) but not not really independent nations.  This is happening already with the EU, and there's a good chance that USAN ("UNASUR") will overtake the EU over the next 50 years and all of South America (except for French Guiana which will still be an integral part of France) will be one country.   Perhaps Australia and NZ will have merged, which will really be more like NZ becoming part of Australia.Kiribati might no longer exist as a country because everybody might have left, not so much due to global warming as just because people have left.  Niue too, although it doesn't really have to worry about global warming as much.If you can remind me in 50 years, if I'm wrong I'll be overjoyed ... that I'm still alive.

Which Korea Entertainment is easier to get in?[YG,SM,JYP?]?

I wants to know which entertainment is easier to get in.
I wanna get an audition when i'm at the age of 15, while now i'm only 13.
And i wanna debut in SINGING.
But i just can't dance.
May i know am i able to send my audition through mails?
1> SM - Is it only the very good ones can get in and i heard if you looks ugly or not that they will wants you to do plastic surgery?
2> YG - Is it only R&B/Soul/Hip-Hop then will be easier to get in?
3> JYP - I heard that they are very nice people and is it easier to get in? even i can't dance? i heard that need to dance too.
4> If i'm qualify, i have to stay in korea right?
5> I'm a Singaporean, but am i able to get into?
6> What about my parents, am i able to come back for a break?
7> My education is terrible, my studies is super duper bad, but am i still qualify?
8> If i can really sing, am i able to debut at the age of 18 or 19?
9> Do they look on looks too?
Thank you in advance for helping me^^

Will China split into multiple states again? Considering the history, what is the probability that this time, the country will remain intact, and not break up due to internal political tensions and factions in the ruling party?

China will break into 10 nations soon:Sino(支那):Land of the ChiangsChina(中國):Land of the Chinese who speaks Mandarin as the Natural language or First language.China proper(中國本邸):China proper (also Inner Sino) is the core and proper Territory of China.Realm(國代):a realm is a succession of sovereigns that are under a dominion of the same empire or kingdom for dynastiesSino or Sina orginated from Cīnā of Vedic Sanskrit, it changed to Chi-na in Europe through Persia 。The 8 nations are:1. Wunese (吳語)2. Jinese (晉語)3. Minese (閩語)4. Yue,Cantonese (粵語)5. Hakka,Kejia(客家語)6. Xiang,Hunanese(湘語)7. Ganese(贛語)8. China proper (中國本邸)9. East Turkestan (東突厥斯坦)10. Tibet (圖博)Inner Mongolia to merge with Outer Mongolia.Page on