What Are The Possible Effects Of Infrared Radiation In The Future That Can Be Beneficial To Humans

Is infrared radiation harmful to humans?

Since everything around us is constantly emitting infrared radiation, as are we, at normal power levels it isn’t harmful.OTOH, if you happen to be very close to hot coals glowing red, you can be burned by the radiation. Some of the burning is from the radiation we perceive as red, but most of the energy radiated by hot coals is infrared.BTW, contrary to amazingly frequent statements, infrared radiation is not specifically or specially “heat” radiation. Most of what heats the Earth is in the visible spectrum from the sun.Heat is the transfer of energy between two systems as a result of a temperature difference only. If there is no temperature difference between you and your surroundings or the surrounding are cooler than your skin, the infrared radiation from your surroundings doesn’t result in net energy transfer to you and doesn’t quite qualify as heat.CO2 lasers emit predominantly infrared radiation, and you really don’t want to get in the way of one of those beams.It’s the energy per unit area that matters in terms of harm from infrared radiation.

How does infrared affect humans?

Infra-red light affects human beings in exactly the same way as visible red light does, with the exception that you can't see it. In low intensities it is harmless but if it is at a high intensity then it generates heat as it is absorbed.Take one of those lecturer's laser pointers, a red one; it is harmless unless it is one of the very bright ones, in which case pointing it directly into somebody's eye may damage their sight. But take a much more powerful red laser producing exactly the same frequency of light but at an intensity of five hundred kilowatts and you could easily kill somebody with it. The same would be true of an infra-red communications laser. At the few milliwatts usually used for communications an infra-red laser is harmless, but a laser producing an identical frequency of infra-red light at five hundred kilowatts could kill a person.Some therapeutic lamps use infra-red as a means of warming the body. The reason for using infra-red in these cases is that it is precisely controllable, so it avoids overheating the patient. As human skin is highly transparent to infra-red these lamps can warm the muscles underneath without overheating the skin, which is another benefit. This transparency to infra-red is also why people have that weird glow to their flesh when photographed in infra-red. Other benefits claimed don't exist, infra-red just makes you warm in a very even and controllable manner.EDITED to correct an error and add a little extra information.

Which is more dangerous for humans, ultraviolet or infrared radiation?

Infrared is effectively thermal radiation. Too much can burn you - at the time of exposure.Ultraviolet is ionizing radiation. Too much can damage DNA in the skin cells. causing premature aging and possibly cancer. This process takes years to decades.Both obey the inverse square law (the risk goes down with the square of distance to the source of radiation).Both can be effectively shielded by clothing (or sunblock for UV), although thermal radiation can cause the clothing to catch on fire.So -IR is more potentially dangerous in the short term.UV is more potentially dangerous in the long term.

What is the difference between infrared radiation and ultraviolet radiation?

The infrared (IR) and the ultraviolet(UV) represent the two extremities of the visible spectrum (400-700nm). While IR represents electromagnetic radiation with wavelengths longer than those of visible light, UV represents wavelengths shorter than visible light. The IR extends from the red edge of the visible spectrum (700 nm) to as high as 1 mm. The thermal radiation emitted by the objects at room temperature is also IR radiation. The UV radiation, on the other hand, covers the wavelength range of 400 nm (violet edge) to 10 nm. UV radiation is present in sunlight, in electric arcs and mercury vapor lamps, to name a few.

How does radiation effect humans and the environment?

There is a lot of radiation on the earth. The sun is a major source -- it sends out ultra violet rays that penetrate and damage our skin, thus, people get sunburns. We get exposed to radiation everyday.

Radiation can carry heat, too much of it will heat up our earth, especially our water. This is creates an extremely dangerous environment for aquatic animals which need a constant temperature. Also, warmer water carries less oxygen, thus making it much harder for animals with gills to breathe.

X- rays are high (not too high) energy radiation, they help us a lot in the medical world. This of course won't harm us in small doses.

There are a lot more things you can discover about radiation, this is just the beginning.

How does the greenhouse effect work? Is it beneficial or harmful to humans?

Greenhouse gases, primarily water vapor, but to a lesser degree others like CO2, methane, ozone and other minor contributors warm the atmosphere more than it would be without them. They absorb infrared radiation or longwave radiation which is the heat you feel if you are near a fire. Greenhouse gases are transparent to regular visible light. Regular visbile light passes right through. Certain frequencies of light in the infrared or radiant heat is absorbed by greenhouse gases. The sun shines on the ground primarily as visible light and the grounds warms becuase it absorbs the light from the sun. That warmth is infrared light and it radiates up and cools the surface. It is partially absorbed by greenhouse gases and that causes it to be warmer. That additional warming is called the greenhouse effect. Without greenhouse warming the world would probably be a ball of ice.

There is a political movement that tries to scare childern and ignorant people and claims that the warming from CO2 is harmful and catastrophic. There has been no significant warming in the last 17 years even after CO2 has risen significantly and over 1/3 of the CO2 ever emmitted by humans has been in the time with no warming. Their theory that CO2 significantly affects the climate is pretty much nullified by the fact that there has been no warming in that time.

Claiming that it will be harmful in the future is just political spin. It is circular logic with nothing in the real world to support it. They use computer models made by people that had to ignore the geological record of the world and invented the scare to make money. They need the scare to get funding. It is pretty pathetic to put it mildly. So far and in in the foreseeable future any of the warming that might have been from CO2 or extra greenhouse gas has been beneficial. Warmer times than today have been beneficial to humans. People that say otherwise are ignorant or they are trying to scare you with propaganda to indoctrinate you. It is probably easier to believe doomsday scenarios because that is human nature but the truth is that the real world data does't show anything harmful to human in the foreseeble future. Extra CO2 has certainly significantly increased our ability to grow food. The small amount of warming indicated by real world data is also probably almost entirely beneficial.

Are there any side effects from the far infrared rays of a ceragem machine?

Infrared rays are invisible rays of the human eye that have the ability to penetrate and influence. The wavelength ranges from 0.7 to 1 micrometer. Infrared can be obtained from the sun or from industrial devices. It is divided into two types: the first type that has wavelengths close to the wavelengths of the optical spectrum and it is called Near Infrared. The second type has wavelengths close to the wavelengths of the spectrum of microwavesINFRARED DAMAGES1- The eye may damage when It exposures to infrared radiation is absorbed by the membranes of the body, causing changes in the cellular material, and when the person scans the X-ray it suffers problems such as solar retinopathy. It affects the eyelid and the incidence of redness ranging from simple and burns class third, if the amount of absorbed radiation increases, the skin dies in the eyelid and the person feels pain.2- It causes problems in the incidence of some diseases such as pyogenic and skin cancer. It prevents people with heart failure and high pressure because they exacerbate the problem.

What are the predictions or scenarios of future changes of the global climate? Does the scientific community agree if it's warming or cooling?

The scientific community agrees on the following.In the 1850s Irish physicist John Tyndall invented the spectral photometer and used it to show that gases with three or more atoms per molecule, like water vapor and CO2, trapped infrared radiation. He hypothesized from this laboratory experiment that such gases would act like a blanket, keeping the surface of the Earth warmer than without them.Humankind unintentionally tested Tyndall’s hypothesis by emitting industrial CO2 sufficient to raise atmospheric CO2 from 280 ppm (it’s value in 1850) to today’s 410 ppm. The effect on climate can be seen in this graph, confirming Tyndall’s hypothesis.The effect seems to be most accurately described as global temperature increasing by 1.8–1.9 °C per doubling of atmospheric CO2, whose excess over 280 ppm has been increasing by 2% a year. If that continues, by 2100 global temperature will have increased by a further 2 °C or more.