What Are The Signs Of Liver Damage

How do you know if you have severe liver damage?

The only way to detect liver damage before you have symptoms is to do liver function tests, which consists of getting blood drawn to measure liver enzymes, so you would have to see a doctor. You CAN have liver damage without knowing it. You most likely won't die in your sleep before you have symptoms (unless you have other conditions, like heart problems), but it is important to realize that if you do have liver damage right now and you wait until you have symptoms to get treated you will die without a liver transplant.

If you are talking about acetaminophen (tylenol) which is in many opioid analgesics (tylenol-3, vicodin, percocet, etc), then as much as 4000mg of acetaminophen daily for extended periods of time can cause liver damage. The FDA is still consolidating research about how much is safe to take, but they do know that large quantities taken in a short period of time can cause liver damage, and high doses (even within what used to be normal doses) over long periods of time can cause liver damage. We also know that alcohol increases the toxicity of acetaminophen, so if you are drinking and taking it, your risk increases greatly.

Liver damage is reversible up to a point, but once you are symptomatic you will most likely have to have a liver transplant to survive. So, the answer to your question depends on more specific details regarding your condition and the medication you are taking, but I highly suggest you see a doctor to ensure that your liver function is good. Please don't wait until you have the signs of cirrhosis.

Furthermore, if you are taking more pain medication than you should be and you need help to stop, there are some really good resources out there. I don't know where you are from, and I don't even know that this is your problem, so please don't be insulted by this, but I have attached a link that can guide you to assistance if you need it. It's very common for people who are treated with opioid pain medications for legitimate purposes to become addicted to them. It's a difficult addiction to overcome on your own, so it is good that there are resources like this out there. If you don't need this kind of help, maybe someone reading this does.

Again, my intention is not to insult you, so accept my apologies if what I said does not apply. I do hope that my answer about liver damage has helped you.

Good luck!

What are signs of liver damage?

Signs and Symptoms

Liver disease may not cause any symptoms at first or the symptoms may be vague, like weakness and loss of energy. In acute liver disease, symptoms related to problems handling bilirubin, including jaundice, dark urine, and light stools, along with loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea are the most common. Chronic liver disease symptoms may include jaundice, dark urine, abdominal swelling (due to ascites), pruritus (itching), unexplained weight loss or gain, and abdominal pain; these symptoms may not be present until the disease has reached an advanced stage.

What are the early signs of liver damage?

Early signs of liver damage are uncertain. But you may feel unwell while facing problem with your liver. Below are the early signs of liver damage:1. Abdominal pain2. Vomiting3. Nausea4. Diarrhea5. You may loss desire to eatIgnorance towards above signs can lead higher stage of liver damage over time. Here are the symptoms of unhealthy liver:1. Fever2. Itchy skin3. Loss of weight4. Jaundice5. Dark color urine6. Loss of appetite7. Bruising and bleeding easily8. WeaknessIt is important to keep your liver healthy and hence to stay prevented using full body check up plays an important role.

What are some signs of a liver disease?

Liver is one of the busiest organs of the human body. It has to deal with the major metabolic processes controlling the body functions and is also the site of detoxification of toxic metabolites, processing of many nutrients and purifying blood. Many a times due to diseases like hepatitis, or prolonged alcohol abuse or other pathological conditions, the liver cells stop functioning due to the permanent damage of these liver cells that turns into nonfunctional areas of the liver having fibrosis and permanent scarring at that place.Signs and Symptoms of Liver DiseasesWeight loss and loss of appetite Weakness and fatigueJaundiceAccumulation of water in abdominal cavity called AscitesEncephalopathyBleeding in esophagus due to backlog/ pooling of blood. Also called esophageal varicesRedness of the palm.Duputryen's contracture.Clubbing of the fingersEnlargement of parotid and lachrymal glandRed spidery patches on the skin.Spider naevi - around navalDecreased body hairGynaecomastia in menHirsuitism, menstrual abnormalities in femalesEnlarged spleen.TreatmentPlanet Ayurveda offers best combination of effective herbal remedies such as Liver Care Pack for ayurvedic treatment of liver diseases such as liver cirrhosis. These herbal remedies contains natural herbs, which are very beneficial in the treatment of liver diseases.

Is acute liver damage painful?

What happens when your liver is damaged, what are signs and symptoms? And is it painful, how long does it last and how long do you live after your liver is extremely damaged?
This is for a science project btw

Pain in right side, liver damage or cirrhosis?

I drink too much. I will admit that. I drink once or twice a week and drink to excess (9 beers and I am 165 lbs at 5"11). I am almost 28 and have been drinking this way since 21 (though I did drink since I was 18 but not as much). The last year or so I occassionally get pain in my side after drinking. I went to the doctor almost a year ago and they ran every test:blood, cat scan, etc, and everything checked out ok. I also had a blood test done 3 months ago and my liver and kidney function are well within the normal range. I know i must be damaging my liver so why do my tests come back normal? My liver and kidney function actually came back great according to my doctor. So could it be something else that alcohol is aggravating?

What are the physical symptoms for liver damage?

Liver damage includes :Nausea, fatigue, loss of appetite, fever ,chill,colic, pale stool , pale, dark urine , yellow skin/eyes in acute condition .Your diet be rich in carbohydrate & protein. Tk, Rice, coconut, curds ,pumpkin, boiled green leafy veg, sugar cane & glucose water. Avoidance: fatty foods ,ice-cream, milk with cream, ghee/butter ,pastry/cookies, alcohol & nicotine.Precaution: boiled water be allowed to drink. Cleanliness be maintained as Jaundice may become fatal , if ignored.  Homoeopathic view: Jaundice can very well be managed & cured by homoeopathy, mericulously.  @.Chelidonium Q -10 drops with 2tsfl of water, thrice.  TK,care.

What are the signs of end stage liver failure in dogs?

Bloating, Edema, Excessive or Depleted Water Intake, Loss of Appetite, Skin Sores, Jaundice, Muscle Mass Depletion, Incontinence, Fluid and Pneumonia in the Lungs, Slowed and Painful Gait, Lethargy, Depression, Dementia, Coma and then Death.As the liver shuts down, toxins stored in the liver are released. At this point, if one chooses the Hospice route, i.e., letting the dog die naturally rather than through Euthanasia, the use of pain relievers is recommended--something stronger than aspirin, prescribed by your veterinarian. Let your vet know this is a Hospice dog and further testing or life prolonging measures are not necessary. If your vet recommends Euthanasia to end a prolonged suffering, take heed. The steps toward death are not easy; it is as hard to be witness to as it is for the dog to live through. Just as birth is a violent emergence into the world, death, likewise, is often just as harsh. Be prepared.

What are the first signs of liver disease?

The liver is very quiet about damage being done to it.
At first, a patient may only feel tired and (depending on the cause
of the liver cells becoming damaged) may have flu like symptoms.
The symptoms, at first, could be mistaken for something else.

It is only when the liver cells become so damaged that they
cannot do the functions, that the liver does as a whole,
efficienlty. One of those function is to convert bilirubin into
a soluble form to become part of the bile. Bilirubin is a
greenish/brownish pigment that colors other things.
So, this is mostly the very first sign that the liver may have
a problem...the bilirubin level goes higher in the blood and
when it reaches a certain level in the causes
Jaundice (yellowing of the whites of the eyes and skin)
Since the kidneys filter the blood, the urine may become
darker in color, from a deeper yellow to a deep brown.

A person can start to feel itchy as the bilirubin builds up
in the skin. He may start to develop, a little later, spider
like veins on his chest, shoulder area, or neck and sometimes
other places like the face. The palms of his hands and
feet will start to redden in color.

As the cells become more damaged and start to die off...
then more signs and symptoms will appear:
Ascites which is the build up of fluid in the abdominal area
Encephalopathy which is mental confusion, disorientation,
sleep pattern changes, tremors.
Portal hypertension and varies which develop become the
blood doesn't flow through the liver well and backs up
into other vessels. It also backs up into the spleen causing
it to enlarge in size.

This is just a few of the things that can occur as the disease
takes it hold. I hope this has been of some help to you.
Best wishes

Can too much Benadryl cause liver damage?

Benadryl is excessively metabolized by the liver. (Overdrive) It can also lead to heart failure. Stressing your liver will result in negative results. Watch for fever and pain on your right side under the rib cage. Immediately change your behavior. Dark urine is not good either. It is a very real possible sign of dehydration which can kill you. Filtered or distilled water is my recommendation. I am an alcoholic, so I know.