What Are Those Article Of Clothing That People In Education Wear Around Their Necks And They

What are the keychains called that you wear around your neck that are fabric???

Lanyards, I use one for my USB =]

Neck strap thingy to hold your keys called?

what do you call those things that you wear around your neck that holds holds your keys, badge, and other stuff. sometimes the strap has a school logo,company name or whatever

What is the item of clothing that Fred Jones from Scoody-Doo wears around his neck?


What is the legal basis and/or rationale of not allowing girls to wear hijab in schools?

More details can be found in the Wikipedia article on the "French Headscarf Ban" (, but the basic line of argument is: There should be a separation of Church and State (the French term for this is Laicite: a girl/woman wears the hijab in a government funded venue, like a school, it becomes a form of coercion of others who do not wear that particular garb.Thus, at government institutions, people are being religiously coerced, violating the priniciple of laicite, and hence being illegal.The council that first came up with this opinion said: It results from the above that, in teaching establishments, the wearing by students of symbols by which they intend to manifest their religious affiliation is not by itself incompatible with the principle of laïcité, as it constitutes the free exercise of freedom of expression and of manifestation of religious creeds, but that this freedom should not allow students to sport signs of religious affiliation that, due to their nature, or the conditions in which they are worn individually or collectively, or due to their ostentatious and provocative character, would constitute an act of pressure, provocation, proselytism or propaganda, or would harm the dignity or the freedom of the student or other members of the educative community, or would compromise their health or safety, or would perturb the educational activities or the education role of the teaching personnel, or would trouble public order in the establishment or the normal functioning of the public service.That is the argument, anyway. Personal opinion The idea that an item of clothing is a form of coercion of others verges on ridiculous to me. Alternatively, if one accepts this premise, then presumably other forms of clothing are not equally coercive. But we would argue that other forms of clothing fall under the terms of freedom of expression. It is hard to believe that rational people really believe this view; it seems more like a convoluted argument who are trying to reconcile their principles (freedom, human rights etc) with their desire to "protect" their culture seeing hijab as a threat to it.

Why do women wear revealing clothing?

I  am noone's boyfriend or parent. But I am well-qualified to answer this question since I am a woman myself.I would never date or marry someone who believes that he can "allow" me to do something. I am not a child, I am a grown woman. I don't mind someone close to me suggesting that a particular type of clothing might not be appropriate for an occasion or a place, but I am also free to ignore the suggestion. I don't ask anyone for permission to wear what I want to.My mom does give her opinion about things I wear sometimes. Most of the times, I agree with her and sometimes I don't. But thankfully, she is also quite aware that in the end, what I wear is my choice and she can only advise (and not order me) to wear or not to wear something.I have a sister and I give her advice about what to wear when she asks, else I keep my opinions to myself.Why should I confine myself to "comfortable clothing"? What is "comfortable clothing"? Some of the clothing you described sounds comfortable enough to me. In the question details OP you say that you don't think revealing clothing leads to rape. Then what's the problem with wearing the clothes you describe as revealing? Or is it that you think that it leads to other sexual offences such as sexual harassment, etc. (sections 354A-D of Indian Penal Code)? As with rape, men who commit these offences don't  commit them because women wear revealing clothes. Those who want to act in such a way do so regardless of what the victim is wearing. It seems a lot easier for the Indian society to blame women for attracting "unwanted attention" instead of placing blame on those who do pay such "unwanted attention".  It's really simple,  my body is my own and I can wear whatever I want to wear as long as it does not violate any laws. Your body is your own and you can do whatever you want with it, unless and until you invade the personal space of another person, such invasion may be unlawful and may lead to legal consequences.Men themselves can certainly wear shorts and walk down a street without being sexually harassed because of it. And noone's asking them not to. So "revealing" clothing is not the cause. So the question is why shouldn't women wear "revealing" clothing if they want to? What harm does it cause?

Are revealing clothes really that distracting?

Yes, revealing clothes really are that distracting – at least they are distracting for me. I experience what I consider to be a healthy pleasure when I observe women. I love being around women. I love friendships with women. And I love looking at beautiful women. I find women's bodies fascinating and beautiful. Lest you think I'm carried away with it, in no way does this tempt meet to misbehave around women.  I just think this question requires a frank answer.Today, many women wear tights and jeans that make it clear they are not wearing underwear. Many of them wear blouses that reveal significant cleavage. I cannot imagine heterosexual males not being distracted by this. I avoid acting distracted, but I enjoy the view, and in the workplace, I think it can be so distracting that it interferes with productivity and occasionally interferes with appropriate work relationships. It suggests that a display of sexual attractiveness is important. In the workplace, it is not only unimportant, it is distracting. A woman who is appropriately dressed for business can still be attractive, but her presence and behavior do not suggest she is simultaneously involved in a sexual display, and distraction is not a problem.To be fair, I think the same thing is true of men. Men who wear clothes that are too tight, shirts that are half unbuttoned, gold chains around their necks, and conspicuous cologne also broadcast an image that is distracting. I don't know how women react to it, but if they notice it, it is probably distracting, even if they think it is humorous.  For me, as a man, it is distracting only in that I think it makes a man look like a caricature and unprofessional.I look forward to reading other people's responses to this question. I'm now in my 60s, and although I consider myself liberal and open-minded, I still think that the way one dresses in the workplace should be tasteful and businesslike.