What Are Two Things Being Compared In This Poem Homework Question Plz Help I

What are two things being compared in this poem? Homework question plz help i'm stuck :(?

What are two things are being compared in the simile with these lines? explain your answer.

"The poems this hand had proclaimed to shirts as it moved back and forth like a greek chorus across the stage of the ironing bored"

the poem is Right Hand by Philip fried if any of you know it and yes I read it don't worry, i'm not lazy o.o just stuck on this one question ^.^ Thank you for your answers I appreciate it!!

Communications homework help real quick? :D?

Comparing the poem Rosa Rita Dove and the biography Rosa Parks !
for EACH of the points of comparison, answer them for both the poem, and biography :) i think the bio should be easy but the poem is short, so i think will be harder. haha so please answer? :)

Points of comparison:

-What did you learn about rosa parks appearance

-what did you learn about her daily life

-what did you learn about her personality, thoughts and feelings?

-what did you learn about her values and the things she thought was important?

-what genre techniques did the writer use to portray Rosa parks?

Please help me with homework question?

1. If this be error and upon me proved, I never writ, nor no man ever loved.
These lines are an example of a/an

A. quatrain.
B. octet.
C. couplet.
D. sestet.

2. The line "I wandered lonely as a cloud" is an example of

A. a metaphor.
B. a simile.
C. a couplet.
D. alliteration.

Homework help pleaseeeeee! Anything helps(:?

1. Compare characters from two different poems options:( Casabianca, The Inchcape rock, The Listeners, Casey at the Bat, Cremation of Sam McGee, The highwayman) In your response, describe the characters, the situations they face, and the things that they do. Then explain how they are similar in terms of traits and in the way readers feel about them. Write at least ten sentences.

2. Consider one of the poems from this unit. In response of at least three paragraphs, describe the plot, conflict, and characters in the poem; the impact of figurative language on the work; and the mood of the poem as it relates to the language, setting, and content.

Similes and Metaphors: Help With Some Questions?

Question 1 just basically wants your opinion. It is asking you if you thing the guy who wrote the book was a good or bad writer based on his comparison of a road to a black strap. And then why you think this way.
For questions 2 and 3 you will need to find these lines/quotes in the poem. The teacher wants you to say what the metaphor is. For instance, (this is a bad metaphor but it will work for this example)If the author compares a cup of tea to two heavy fruits then that would be the metaphor. Find what the author said and write that down and then explain it. Why was the tea like the fruits, What is the significance of the fruits in the poem, why does this line matter? If you don't understand a term look up its definition.Take one thing at a time.

Good luck, hope I've helped.


Well, a metaphor on its own is fairly easy: it's just a comparison without using "like" or "as" - rather, it states that something IS something else in order to compare the two things. For instance, you could say "her smile is a sunrise, illuminating my day" - this would be comparing her smile to a sunrise, because it reminds you of one. If we apply this method to your idea about the lion, we can come up with several metaphors and you can knit them together into a poem. So - what is a lion like? Is it strong? Okay, so what else is strong? Think of something that is strong, and use that to explain something about the lion's strength in your poem. Is the lion beautiful? What else is beautiful? What other objects can you use to explain various traits that your lion possesses to your readers?

I urge you to try and not just copy/paste someone else's words with the goal of passing them off as your own. I'm studying to be an English teacher myself, and I know the tricks of the trade - they *do* google your work in quotes sometimes, which *will* bring up this page if you use someone else's work posted here. Have a little integrity and try to write one for yourself! You may surprise yourself, and write an awesome poem. Good luck!

Very hard english homework me,help?

The entire poem is personification that is: giving non living objects the qualities of a living thing. Eggs can't be afraid, fear, jostle, try for cracks, tell stories and others you can find later in the poem. Metaphors are when two things are compared, usually dissimilar things. Most insults are metaphoric. So a dark-veined crack is descriptive in the comparison of cracks to veins. A simile is when you have a metaphor, but you use the words like or as in the comparison. I could not find any examples of a simile in the poem.

Go get us an A.

Homework help!!?

Snowshowers sliding silently soft (Alliteration)
Children playing in the snow
Snowshowers sliding silently soft (Repetition)
Splish splash slip slide see someone go (Onomatopoeia)

Flakes falling faster flee from fear (Alliteration)
Slip slide crash bank all fall down (Onomatopoeia)
Flakes falling faster flee from fear (Alliteration and repetition)
Crisp frozen blanket all over town.

What is the funniest thing a kid has put on their test/homework?

I saved these a few months ago to laugh at them every time I read.If it's not clear:Q : Where was the declaration of Independence signed?A : on the bottom of the pageQ : Ravi river flows in which state ?A : Liquid state.Q: What is the main reason for Divorce?A : MarriageQ : What is the main reason for Exams?A : FailureQ : what can you never eat for breakfast ?A : Lunch & DinnerQ : What looks like half an apple?A : The other half.Q: If you threw a red stone into the blue sea, What will it become?A: Simple, a wet stone.Q: How can a Man go 8 days without sleeping?A : Easy, Sleep at night.Q: How can you lift an elephant with one hand?A : You can never lift an elephant that has 1 hand.Q: If you had 3 apples and 4 oranges in one hand and 3 oranges and 4 apples in other hand, what would you have?A : Very large HandsQ: If it took,eight men 10 hours to build a brick wall,how long would it take four men to build it?A: No time at all, the wall was already built.Q: How can you drop a raw egg onto a concrete floor without cracking it?A: Any way you want, because a concrete floor is very hard to crack.Some are kids by heart.But here, by mind too, I guess.Poor plant!And the truth has been spoken!When you see movies a night before exam!Definitely he is! Tony, don't become another sharma ji’s beta!( Translation: In the struggle for Indian Independence, what big was gandhiji’s hand [ it's actually meaning : what role did Gandhiji play, but hindi it lead to other meaning).In answer : As much big as this - Drawing)Can’t you see it?Don't try it anywhere!That's easy!That's not note, I guess.( Sorry people of china)Translation :Q : Write an essay on kabir das.A :He had written the word “ Essay” ON “kabir das”

Homeworkk help now please!!?

use a similie to compare each of the items below to something else.

1) My school
2) Poetry
3)a frog
4) homework
5) my best friend
7) acrobats
8) hip-hop
9) a good book
10) my bedroom

Pick a similiee you like best, and use it in a short poem.

pleasee helppp meeee!!