What Are Your First Impressions Of Marlow In

What is your first impression about me?

Marriam Zaky ……..Ok, if you want my full and honest opinion, I will give it to you! Don’t me mad. Pleeeeeease…Ok, so I probs was scrolling through Quora. If I read a good answer, I go to that person’s profile. I read your profile, and I was like, she seems very interesting. I was up voting your answers that I liked. I saw a picture of you in a post, and I was like, “Daaaamn. She is very cute!” I hit you up, and I get to know more about you, and you get to know more about me. You’re an amazing friend!!So to sum it up, my first impression about you was that you seemed like a very nice person!Was I right?Heck yeah!(Sorry for the late answer Marriam Zaky )

Did Proposition Joe set Marlo up at the poker game?

>>> I think yes, Prop Joe was setting up Marlo. Joe could have given Omar a different target if he wanted to. I’m sure Joe knew all the poker game players. Nobody mentions Marlo during the setup.From the 4th episode of the 4th season of The Wire “Refugees”Omar: What up, Butch?Prop Joe: How do we begin?Omar: You the one called the meet. Why don't we begin by you respecting my time and getting to it.Prop Joe: First of all, I heard you may be under the impression I was somehow involved with the late Mr. Bell In his play against you with brother Mouzone. I was no way involved. Stringer came at me to set up the parley with you. He used me like he used y'all, I feel the need to say.Omar: It's said then. Tip out on it.Prop Joe: Businessman such as myself does not believe in bad blood with a man such as yourself. Disturbs the sleep.Omar: Oh, I bet it do.Prop Joe: By way of amends, a proposition.I know of a card game on the West side. High rollers, lots of cash money. Boxcar-sized.Omar: You trying to set me up, Joe?Prop Joe: You ever known me to be stupid? I'm trying to make things right here with you.Omar: How much we talking about?Prop Joe: If there ain't at least a few hundred k in that room, I wish myself blind.Omar: Serious, Joe.Prop Joe: I say again-- have you ever known me to be a stupid man?Omar: What are the strings?Prop Joe: No strings.Omar: What's your cut then?Prop Joe: Quarter of the take.Omar: I scope this and it don't look right, I'm gonna come back on you now, Joe.Read more: The Wire s04e04 Episode Script | SS

What was your impression while you met with your GF for the first time?

So when I met her for the first time I was like:Holy shit she is beautiful. Why am I talking to her?Oh she’s the one who initiated conversation. Not me.Lord Jesus if she is my girlfriend that’d be nice. But she’s out of my league anyway.Wow she��s had a tough life. Wonder how I can help. She’s a brave girl.That’s some of the thoughts. It’s not my first impression of her. I guess my first impression of her was that she was nice and friendly.

What are 10 allusions from Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad?

An allusion is a reference to something outside of the work itself. It can be to a place, person, famous story, myth, a TV show, etc. For instance, if a friend is going for a college interview and you want to wish him or her luck in a creative way, you might say, "May the Force be with you." That's an allusion to _Star Wars_.

Conrad, an extremely intelligent and well-read man, loads his works with allusions! I'll give you two to get you started.

(1) "...precious little to eat fit for a civilized man, nothing but Thames water to drink. No Falernian wine here, no going ashore."

Falernian wine was THE best wine in ancient times, and was very famous. Roman poets referenced it quite often. Marlow could've said, "Dom Perignon," but "Falernian wine" fits in so well with his whole analogy.

(2) He mentions in "Inferno" where men are working. The conditions are terrible, and this allusion gives the impression that their work is more like punishment. "The Inferno" is the first part of Dante's "The Human Comedy" in which Dante tells of the 9 circles of Hell -- how the damned are punished.

Not all allusions are proper names -- far from it! -- but when you do see a proper name, or something in another language, look it up to see if it alludes to history, religion, some other written work, etc.

10 points!!!! Best answrs!! Its for the national hall jeopardy game my school host every year for a scholarship.?

9. When Kurtz encounters Marlow for the first time, he says, “I am glad.” What impression
does Kurtz have of Marlow before he has even met him? What has he based this
impression on? (Bantam p. 91; Signet p. 141)
10. What is Kurtz’s attitude towards the Station Manager?
11. Marlow says he is “Mr. Kurtz’s friend— in a way.” In what ways do you think Marlow is
Mr. Kurtz’s friend? (Bantam p. 94; Signet p. 144)
12. When Kurtz escapes from the steamer, Marlow pursues him. In what ways does Marlow
act differently when he is ashore? In what ways does he become like Kurtz?
13. Marlow says, “There was nothing either above or below [Kurtz].... He had kicked himself
loose of the earth.” Using your understanding of the story, what do you think this
represents? What is Kurtz free from or not subject to? (Bantam p. 100; Signet p. 149)
14. When the steamer leaves, Marlow describes the natives, especially the three men
“plastered with bright red earth.” What elements of the description convey how little
Marlow under- stands about the natives’ culture? (Bantam p. 101; Signet p. 150)
15. During their trip downriver, Marlow says that Kurtz’s was “an impenetrable darkness.”
What do you think this dark- ness represents? (Bantam p. 104; Signet p. 153)
16. After Kurtz’s death, Marlow falls deathly ill. As he compares his near-death experience
with Kurtz’s, Marlow recognizes a key difference—in his opinion, what makes him
inferior to Kurtz?

Questions from the book the giver (URGENT NEED THEM FAST!!)?

1.Why was the transmittal of the memory of snow so exhausting to the old man? What does this reveal about the community?

2.Why was The Giver bitter about the Council of Elders?

3.What do you think the Giver will transmit to Jonas to give him his first real impression of pain?

4.How was Jonas’s second experience with snow unlike the first?

5.According to The Giver, why did Jonas have to receive and store memories of pain?

6.What two lessons did Jonas learn about the sun?

7.Why did the Giver appear a little sad at the end of the first day of training?

8.What do you think is the most severe pain?

9.How did Jonas’s relationship with his parents and friends change after he received his Life Assignment?

10.How did The Giver explain the visual phenomena that Jonas witnessed? What did this reveal about the community?

11.Why did the community give up the ability to see color?

12.Why was it important for the community to have a person who could “see beyond”?