What Are Your Recommendations For Using T-advance And No2 Supplement Pills

What are your recommendations for using T-Advance and NO2 supplement pills?

First of all, thanks for reading and offering whatever expertise you may have. Please spare the commentary on the fact that I will be using these particular products; I have heard it already and I just want to get the best bang for what I currently have or will have in my supply, which I can't change for the time being.

I have some NO2 pills and will soon be receiving some T-Advance ones. The NO2 pills say that I should take 3 at a time, twice per day (on workout days). However, the article (oops, I mean advertorial) I read indicated that the author only took one of each type of pill (one in the morning and one in the evening). It doesn't even say if or how he worked out, although I would have to assume he did some sort of exercise during his 4 week trial (during which he supposedly put on like 15 lbs of muscle).

Anyway, don't want to digress too much. How would you recommend going about this, as far as dosage, timing with meals and exercise etc?

By the way, I am roughly trying to follow what the author of this article (I mean advertorial) supposedly did:

I know it's probably not totally honest (I say that in part because there is an eerily similar men's health advertorial about totally different products here:
), and the information is clearly a bit incomplete anyway, but I will have the supplements, so I just want to make the best use of them. Your advice is truly appreciated. I am thinking of only using these products for up to a month anyway.

Is is safe to use Nitric Oxide supplement past expiration date?

Probably. Prescription drugs have expiration dates because the chemical deterioration can either make them more toxic or ineffective for the condition they were prescribed for. This is not the case with most supplements (unless you notice a strange or foul odour).

Are there any foods, drinks or supplements to increase blood oxygen levels for exercise?

Here’s a simple way you can get more oxygen into your blood and into your brain from home which I shared on this article about oxygen therapy.Omega-3s Boost Oxygen Intake and DeliveryHere’s a simple, natural way to get more oxygen into your blood and into your brain. And you can do it right from home.You may already know the omega-3 fatty acids in fish oil are good for the heart and the brain.Fatty acids play a role in the structure of all cell membranes in your body. Omega-3 fatty acids hold their shape better. This makes red blood cells more ‘flexible,’ so they move more easily between the capillaries and cells, delivering oxygen and removing carbon dioxide.But fish oil does more than ease oxygen delivery, it also improves oxygen intake in the lungs and promotes angiogenesis.A study from the University of California observed fish oils relaxed arteries in the lungs and led to an overall increased oxygen intake into the lungs.5Another study from the University of Indiana noted fish oil supported continuous blood flow to and from the lungs in asthmatic patients, who often experience constricted breathing and shortness of breath after exercise.6Diets enriched with fish oil increased the number of endothelial progenitor cells which play a role in new capillary growth.7Fish-oil supplements can be found just about everywhere these days, but it’s important to choose a brand with the highest purity and efficacy.Honestly, I don’t recommend plain fish oil anymore. It’s poorly absorbed compared to newer discoveries, like krill and calamarine (squid). These lesser-known options are better equipped to keep your cells, tissues, and organs fully oxygenated.You can find krill and calamarine supplements like Omega Rejuvenol at your local vitamin or health food stores.

Is it safe to take a pre-workout supplement every day, and what are their associated health risks?

Being a fitness enthusiast for over 3 years now and being practically tried most of the supplements myself,  I think I am best suitable to assist you on this. Pre workouts are mainly aimed to give you a kick while working out to help you push those few extra reps with heavy weights and basically it makes you jumpy and highly focused. Period.  Due to the presence of the ingredients like caffeine, ephedrine,  arginine e.t.c it helps you even in loosing fat as well while minimising or nullifying the muscle mass loss during the process ( considering you are  consuming a suitable diet plan rich in proteins - tailored according to your need). So basically it can assist you in many ways - be it heavy weight training or cardio.Now coming to the drawbacks of pre workouts:-As it is a stimulant can get addicted to it over prolonged continued use.      Remedy for that      Cycle the supplement for 1-2 Months which means that           discontinue the supplementation for a period of 2-4 weeks after a prolonged usage of it for two reasons One being the body get used to it and won't respond to the same way it used to before, after getting immune to it.Second is that many theories suggest to cycle most of the performance supplements as above for the same reason as above. Whenever you stop using the pre workout you will feel like being hit by a bus if while lifting the same weights with the same intensity/volume as before. But you need not to worry about this as you will overcome this barrier within a maximum of one month of contined training. Faulty consumption time specially within 3-4 hours of your sleep time might interfere with your sleep pattern  due to the presence of ephederine in it and to make up for that again you have to take an another supplement-ZMA for better sleep.So final word - if you really want to crush some heavy ass weights in the gym but couldn't do it due to sluggishness then you can go for the pre workouts to give you the kicks during the workout, just remember to cycle the supplement along with it's proper usage.HAPPY LIFTING :)

Are Nitric oxide supplements safe for teens?

Are you asking about L-Arginine supplements? L-Arginine is the amino acid that is converted into Nitric Oxide by the enzyme Nitric Oxide Synthase.

In reasonable amounts (3 to 6 grams per day) L-Arginine is safe. But, why would a teen be taking this?

I have never seen a scientific study suggesting that increased levels of NO improve responses to weight lifting. The BEST things you can do are: 1) learn proper weight training techniques, and 2) eat a balanced, healthy diet - which very, very few people do.

What are the best supplements to achieve a better pump?

Hands down, its Nitric Oxide Supplements – it’s a superstar in the world of body building. Nitric Oxide is abundantly produced in nearly every type of cell in the human body making it one of the most important molecules for blood vessel health. It can help boost energy, mental alertness, brain function, regulate blood pressure. Its health benefits are intensive. Nitric oxide supplements don't actually provide nitric oxide, which is a gas, but generally contain L-arginine which can, in some people, increase nitric oxide. Nitric oxide, in turn, potentially increases blood flow to muscles and other organs. Better blow flow in the body can help benefit the heart and the body's muscles and arteries throughout the body.Once released in the system nitric oxide has anti-inflammatory properties which can help manage pain and muscle soreness. This helps decrease the downtime associated with injuries or fatigue during training.L-arginine has also been shown to improve blood sugar control in people with diabetes. It has been found that Patients with diabetes, however, commonly have low levels of nitric oxide. By supplementing with Nitric oxide, it helps the repair cells move out of the bone marrow where they are made, and it opens blood vessels and improves the uptake of oxygen.Same with Nitric Oxide, people with high blood pressure are thought to have an impaired ability to use nitric oxide in their bodies. High blood pressure occurs when the force of your blood pushing against the walls of your arteries is consistently too high. Over time, high blood pressure can lead to health issues such as heart disease and kidney disease. When you consume nitrate, your body converts it to nitric oxide, which in turn causes blood vessels to relax and dilate, lowering blood pressure.With its health benefits on blood circulation, muscle growth, blood sugar and mental focus. Nitric oxide is one of the most effective performance boosting supplements available not just to increase you pumps but also for your longer term health goals.