What Are Your Top Three U.s. Citiies To Avoid Traveling To

Top 3 cities in Australia for vacation?

You want to visit out Top 3 Cities? ... Well, the order you visit them will depend greatly on what you want to See first & last. We can't tell you what that is. .... Melbourne has our main International Airport, so you might think about going there first. .. I DO hope you have got "Plenty of Time!" (You'll need it.) ...... "A few years ago, I overheard an American,(Texan accent), asking some Australians about where to go to see things. They explained that they had only 3 days left of their trip, & wanted to see some more of Australia. (it happened to be a Friday evening.) .... So a group of us (me included) began to suggest destinations & what could be seen at each one, all quite near to Melbourne. Then someone asked them what They would like to see. ... This is what they said (not verbatim of course.) ... "Well, we were thinking of spending the weekend here in Melbourne, then on Monday morning, at about 8.30AM after breakfast, we'll get in the car & go." .. "Oh, Where to?" asked one of the Australians. .. "Perth." said the American woman. "Yes, Perth sounds nice" added her husband, then he continued; "We thought that on Monday morning after breakfast at about 8.30, we would get in the car & just drive over to Perth. Then, we can stop there for a few hours to look around & do some shopping, & after that, we will get back in the car & drive back here. We should be back by Dinner Time." ....... (at hearing this, nearly everyone within earshot of them just cracked up & rorared with laughter.) .. Finally, I leaned over to them & asked, "Dinner time?" "Yes, why?" they both replied. .. I said, "Dinner time?, in what week?" ........ (We all that had to explain the Immense Size of this country, & they couldn't believe it.) ... I wonder if they ever got over there?? ::::::::: EDIT :::::: .... "Consider going to some places NOT in the cities." ... "If you really like the Australian Accent, you will have to come out here, out into the country or the 'Outback'. ... In the Cities,, you will hear practically every accent from all over the world,, Except Australian!

Which is the ideal city to live in the USA for a travelling consultant?

Any centrally located city(Read: Dallas, Chicago, Atlanta) which is a major airline hub is a good candidate. Reason: You get direct flights to and from most major cities on either direction and there is a high probability of that falling in the preferred travel-time. Monday mornings(6:00am to 9:30 am) and Thursdays( after 2:00pm).I live in Atlanta and could not have asked for a better hub. Great city. Good cost of living and lots of places within 4hr drive to visit during the weekend. I travel to Madison(not a major metro though) every week and my direct flight takes off at 9:30 am. If i miss that, i have another one at 1:30pm. And the best part, on thursdays i have direct flights back home at 3:55pm. I can reach home and still have time to catch up with friends and family. If i miss that, there is one more at 6:00pm. So I'll still make it to home on the same day.Some answers here mentioned New York. The Big Apple. Agreed. But being in the east coast, your worst case travel to west coast say LA or SanDiego is much worse compared to mine or others from hubs. Also, with all the constructions in LGA and the frequent weather disruptions, I have seen my co-workers getting stranded in client location on thursdays. Trust me, it is the last thing you want if you travel. Getting stuck, and your boss asking, ‘since you are not going anywhere, can you finish this presentation for me by Friday EOD?’Finally, as others have mentioned, don't even think about living in the West Coast if saving time is your priority.One draw back with direct flights and central location is, your tickets are going to be expensive and you will accumulate points and status at a slower pace. You might not make it to Diamond status. But I wouldn't worry too much about that.

I need US Cities with the ending in 'polis' and the corresponding states?

I can only think of three other cities:

Demopolis, Alabama
Kannapolis, North Carolina
Cosmopolis, Washington

The following are villiages:

Cassopolis, Michigan
Gallipolis, Ohio
Lithopolis, Ohio
Uniopolis, Ohio

Are there dangerous countries for interracial couples to travel in?

I'd give any Islamic country a very wide berth, so that means take Jordan and Turkey off your list.

Officially as an unmarried couple you can have problems. The fact that your boyfriend is Indian will give you extra hassles and make you a target. They will make the excues that you are not married but will be hassling you because your boyfriend is Indian. The hassling could get as serious as jail.

Indians are looked down on across the Middle East and treated like ****. Sorry, but that is how it is. I know, I have worked there.

You will have a much better time in South East Asia. Europe, Australia and New Zealand should be no worse than any hassles you have had in Canada. I have been all these places as one half of an interracial couple.

I doubt South America would cause too many problems.

You may get odd looks in Korea and Japan and parts of China where the whole interracial thing is looked down on by some, not just Indian / Caucasian couples.

Have a good trip.


My friend is going to the States for three week vacation but he doesn't like to be discriminated, which State should he avoid?

I’ve been to US numerous times mostly to visit my children. They were going to college. Since the schools they went to were in Minneapolis, Middletown (CT), and Grand Rapids (MI), I mostly stayed in those cities. We did travel to Seattle, San Fransisco, Washington DC, Boulder (CO), Chicago and Arizona (Sedona and Grand Canyon).I have never encountered outright discrimination. Not on the street or in government offices. I’m used though to store attendants not greeting me even though I’ve been in the store for more than 10 minutes, or waiters looking surprised if I give a rather large tip. I’m Indonesian and look like the typical Malay/Indonesian.But then, if you look at the states that I visited, there were none in the deep south, such as Mississippi or Louisiana.I think your friend should go wherever he/she wants to go. He/she probably won’t face outright discrimination and it is basically safe to walk in the big cities, even at night.Btw, of all the cities I’ve visited, people in Boulder (in Colorado) were the nicest!

Why do tourists not visit Pakistan even though the cities are more famous than London and NYC?

Pakistan does not exactly go out of its way to promote itself as a tourist destination for westerners. Our impressions of the place are more or less uniformly negative.Islamic state;Politically unstable, kills its own leaders;Gave sanctuary to Osama bin Laden; No alcohol; Horrible mistreatment of women;Main supporter of the Taliban;Sold nuclear technology to North Korea;Large areas where even the army isn’t safe;I could go on, but that’s enough. Any one would be enough.Karachi, Islamabad, Lahore, I’ve heard of them, and what I’ve heard is not good.This year, which has been severely hard for Pakistan’s liberal society, has also seen a simultaneous surge in the number of far-right groups. Moderates, who amid widespread violence have always been a calming influence on many of Pakistan’s right-leaning citizens, have been silenced through either killings or fatwas.  Such oppression has now become an alarming trend across the country. Added to this is the concern that mainstream political parties have been appeasing far-right religious groups with newfound zeal. As a consequence, Pakistan today largely stands divided between the right and far-right, with most moderates finding refuge in silence. (Ahmadiyya Times)Let’s go to the beach in Karachi.How about getting some fresh air in Peshawar.Maybe we can take in a car bombing in Lahore.Uh oh, don’t like the look of this. Get back in the hotel, quickly.Nothing on earth would induce me to visit Pakistan as a tourist. It looks like a deathscape of unimaginable horror. I’d sooner take my chances in the back streets of Ciudad Juarez.