What Bug Could This Be

What bug is this?

I just found about 3 of these bugs chilling around my side table/chest of drawers that is made of wood (which made me think this could be a termite?). However, when I googled the common termites, this doesn't really look like them...I live on the second floor of an apartment complex in the boston area - in case that helps. My second thought was could these be bed bugs??? Really hope they are not. I feel like this is a very common type of bug cause I get the feeling I've seen this type of bug before too in a previous apartment I've lived in in the Midwest. But I'm no bug expert so thought I'd ask you guys! Please if you know what this is, tell me what it is and if I should be worried!
Also, the image is zoomed in and cropped because the bug is really tiny. You may have to zoom in a bit more to be able to tell what it is....Thank you!

What do I do about severe bug bites?

There are various things to put on it. Aloe would be one. Hand sanitizer makes a good bug bite topical.
Looks to me like flea bites. Use a little bug spray in your shoes overnight.

I can't see any bugs. What is biting me at night?

There are many possibilities. Here are some...1)     Mosquitos –have a very light touch; many times you never know you’ve been bitten until much later when the venom causes itching. They can also bite through clothing.2)     Fleas –fleas are so small and fast that you rarely ever see them bite you. Like the mosquitos, they could be long gone before you feel the bites. Because of their size they could be in your bed and you still may not see them.3)     Bed bugs – hide under the mattress and don’t come out until they sense your presence; they usually leave some signs of their presence, like dried blood (their poop) in the seams of the mattress.4)     No-see-ums – Yes, there really is such a thing. As the name suggests, they are very difficult to see. They have long (relative to their tiny size) mouths that often leave a “v” shaped bite mark under high magnification. Their bites and itching often don’t show up for a day or two so you don’t even know you’ve been bitten until much later.

Could this be bed bugs or a spider bite?

Bed bugs usually do not bite on the face. Your best best is to check your sheets and mattress for bed bug fecal stains, which are small black or brown spots. You'll find them near the seams. If your mattress and sheets are clean then you could probably rule out bed bugs. Bed bugs also focus on exposed areas of the body when sleeping, so if you wear pajamas or something like that, it would also rule out bed bugs. Bed bug bites are also often in patterns, such as a straight line, where a arm rested near a bed seam. Bed bug bites heal in 3 to 5 days, so if they are not healing, this would rule them out as well.

You should see a Dr. as you might have scabies, which are small mites that burrow under the skin. I put sources below where you can see pictures of scabies and bed bug bites. It can also be mosquito bits which appear randomly in different places on the body. Mosquito bites quickly heal, in less than a day they should subside, if they don't then think scabies and get immediate treatment.