What Can Average Americans Do About The Corporate Takeover Of Their Governmet

Why do some people think there are technically 52 states in America?

I got into a debate about this with a friend of mine; she thought there were 50 states in the continental US and that Alaska and Hawaii made a total of 52.

Is health care a right, privilege, or responsibility? Please state your country of residence also.?

I am an American.

I believe that life, liberty and property are among our fundamental rights, and that "guaranteeing" government health insurance to everyone in the US (including tens of millions of illegal immigrants) is not possible without at least partially abrogating the other rights I've mentioned.

I think our society provides health care to all who need it. What we don't do, though, is destroy all incentives to work, save, invest, innovate and be self-reliant by forcing socialism on the country. At least we don't yet!

I think we all have responsibilities to ourselves, and recall that even FDR said that government programs can have a "narcotic" effect.

PS A government takeover would probably do the most to kill any discoveries or innovations that would bring more cost-effective solutions to the market. Why bother trying to build a "better mousetrap" if the government will just pay you for the same old inefficient one?