What Can Be Done Politically To Increase Abortions Especially In States Like Texas

Will Texas go from a reliably red state to a reliably blue state like California?

California was once politically similar to what Texas is right now - a reliably red state turned blue. California used to be a red state until it became more diverse. It hasn't voted Republican since 1988.

Both Texas and California are 40 percent Hispanic. Is Texas ever going to pull a "California 1992" in 2020 and never vote Republican after that? If so, that'll be our 38 electoral votes forever. LOL!

Which political party in the United States (Democrats or Republicans or neither) writes and passes legislation to control a woman's body?

The real/specific answer is both Democrats and Republicans if you consider the federal, state, and local level. Mostly because there are members of both parties that hold conservative beliefs on women's issues.The more general answer is that Democrats are less likely to do that because they tend to be more aware and proactive on women's issues and gender issues. Republicans generally have a strong ideological stance against abortion, gender pay equity, and gender discrimination laws.Republicans tend to be more socially conservative and many of their constituents are more religious and traditional and thus espouse positions that tend to favor traditional gender roles and dynamics, which includes many positions that you could say intend to "control a woman's body"

Explain the role of the state in the abortion matters under the courts ruling?

Abortion is protected by federal law (Roe v Wade).

At least, it will be until Mitt Romney gets elected and then it's back to the 1950's!

Is abortion dual or cooperative federalism?

We're doing this project for my government class and we've managed to complete all of the requirements other than answering and justifying whether abortion is considered dual or cooperative federalism.
Here are the definitions:
Cooperative: a concept of federalism in which national, state, and local governments interact cooperatively and collectively to solve common problems, rather than making policies separately but more or less equally
Dual federalism: a political arrangement in which power is divided between national and state governments in clearly defined terms, with state governments exercising those powers accorded to them without interference from the national government
I had been under the impression that it would fall under dual federalism because since the ruling of roe v wade, states still have put some restrictions on abortion, however i still want to hear others opinions. (please don't bring in the morality of it, only what it would fall under)

Texas Politics Challenge to Women..?

They had increased political involvement by women in the last gov election. Wendy Davis had a large following of women, and lost by 12 points (which is a really bad loss). The misconception dems have is that Texas women aren't actually as pro-abortion and pro-big government as they are. Part of it had to do with the nature of Wendy Davis’ pro-abortion after 5 months platform, along with her primary supporters having been seen throwing coat hangers and tampons at state senators.

A social conservative would most likely favor which of the following policies?

A. national health insurance
B. tougher government regulations against sexually explicit programming on cable television
C. a reduction in defense spending
D. an affirmative action plan to increase the number of minority students in medical school

Which of the following groups is most supportive of the Texas Democratic party?
A. non-Hispanic whites
B. African-Americans
C. Latinos
D. none of the above-there is no difference among the three groups

Social conservatives active in the Texas Republican party would be more likely to stress which of the following issue positions?
A. opposition to a state income tax
B. support for abortion rights
C. support for tougher environmental regulations
D. opposition to government regulation of private schools

Ok im not gonna lie these are from my quiz ive answered all xcept these .. im lost i dnt get it :S
some one can help plzz :S

If Roe v. Wade was repealed, and if a state (let’s say Texas), made abortion illegal, could a Texas citizen drive across the border to another state where abortion is still legal (maybe Louisiana), and have an abortion?

I am going to give you a different perspective on your question. (If Roe v. Wade was repealed, and if a state (let’s say Texas), made abortion illegal, could a Texas citizen drive across the border to another state where abortion is still legal (maybe Louisiana), and have an abortion?)Yes, theoretically a person could drive from Texas to Louisiana to get an abortion. The reality is that would be a small percentage of all abortions. For this discussion, we will use the CDC’s estimate of 652,639 abortions in 2014.The first thing to mention is that Roe V Wade is not about abortions. It is about personal privacy and due process. That is an important distinction.“No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws”In the majority opinion, Justice Blackmun rejected the right to life of a fetus. (A side note is that this creates a conundrum with people who are accused and convicted of murder against an unborn fetus when the mother was choosing to complete the pregnancy term).If Roe v Wade were to be overturned, which will not happen, women could travel across state lines to have an abortion. That is until someone brings a suit against the states for violating the Commerce Clause.What would ultimately end up happening is that a percentage of women would be forced to seek ‘alternative’ treatment that was once a right provided to them. Women will attempt to end their own pregnancies or submit their trust and bodies to unregulated, unsanitary, and unprofessional back-alley clinics where someone claiming to be a doctor states they can safety perform the procedure.It is a small percentage of women who can afford to just get up and travel outside their state to get a medical procedure. This number is even lower in lower income areas or in the case of single mothers who do not have the luxury of travel.You will see more cases of women who have died due to botched procedures, infections, or self medication. Even the suicide rate may increase when women are forced by their circumstances to bear a child that was implanted in them against their will by an act of violence.