What Can I Do About This Cop

Can you report a rude cop?

You know that you technically didn't do the right thing, but you also have a good explanation. You can go to court and explain your case, and get the ticket pleaded down hopefully or maybe even dismissed, but you have to plead your case in court. I know it's frustrating, and some police are very rude, and don't understand who they need to be nasty with and who they don't need to be nasty with. Some of them become officers because they have issues with feeling like they never got enough respect, and this is a chance for them to get it. Unfortunate, but true.

What does cop stand for?

Q: Where did the term "cop" come from?
A: The term originaged with the London police force back in the 1800's. The police officers, or constables, would walk their beat all day (or night) and return to their station at the end of their shift. At the station was a large ledger or log book. Before leaving, the officers would write information about their activities during the shift, and sign their name, followed by the abbreviation, "COP", Constable on Patrol.

What Should I Do If The Cops Crash My Party?

If you are throwing a party and want to make sure the police do not come, make sure all your windows are covered, keep the volume of the music down, make sure people aren't being too loud, if they go outside make sure they are not smoking if they are underage, or taking anything that could be construed as alcoholic beverages. You also have to make sure people leaving the party have DDs and they are not walking around drunk. All of these things can give the police probable cause to enter your house.

If the police do come, be cooperative and polite. Its going to be better for you not to lie. You can't plead the 5th. Pleading the 5th involves self-incrimination during a court proceeding. The police are not the courts, so the 5th would not apply in that situation and you would just look very stupid. Also, if other people are drinking, pleading the 5th would not apply because it is them drinking, not you.

If the police ask to come in, they know you are having a party and you refuse to allow them in, they are going to do two things. One, they are going to say that gives them enough probable cause to believe something illegal is going on, or two they are going to get a search warrant.

Not seeing alcohol would not mean they can't enter because a party would be enough probable cause to believe there could be drinking going on. Especially with the way people will be acting around you.

If you are caught, you can be arrested and more than likely will be, especially if you make it hard on the police. You have to remember police have extreme discretion and can claim something very simple as probable cause and it is going to stick in court. You're better off being up front and honest, getting the party shutdown and getting a ticket. Otherwise you are going to be hauled off to jail, getting in a lot of trouble with the law and things going on your criminal record.

What does a sheep dog have to do with a cop?

Anyone that has been around sheep knows that they don’t get along with sheepdogs. If the dog walks through the middle of the herd, they part like the red sea. And if he is close, they don’t turn their back on him. They don’t trust him. But if a wolf approaches the herd, they all run behind the sheepdog. They know the sheepdog will not allow the wolf near the herd. And the amazing part… the sheepdog will confront the wolf, and fight if he is attacked. He will hold his ground, even if it means he may die. Die trying to save a sheep that doesn’t even like him. Sometimes I think sheepdogs are the only ones who appreciate what a police officer does, because the officer does the exact same thing. Anyone disagree?

What authority do Mall Cops have?

some are off duty cops.they can do anything a regular cop can do and will porbably be in uniform.mall "cops" are just security guards.they have no powers of arrest you have to make or commit some type of violation in order for them to get involved.sadly they can not make you do anything because the laws give them no is best to cooperate with them and then move on.if you are on the mall property thay can try to stop you but have no leagal right to do so.again just stop and cooperate.they can not write citations.
----------------retired texas deputy sheriff----------------

How much money can a dirty cop make?

You'd be surprised. I used to bartend in a cop bar. I heard some stories that would make your head spin. Cops don't make a whole lot of money. You don't see many cops renting bachelor apartments though. NEVER trust anyone who wears ballistics and carries a firearm for a yearly salary and doesn't complain about it. He's not complaining because he's got something going on. These days, it's easier to find an honest drug dealer than it is an honest cop.

Can an undercover cop do drugs if need be?

Nope. Against the rules. Somebody holds a gun to your head and makes you, you go home and tell the boss and your UC career is over. We could fake it, though, and got real good at that with practice. I watched a friend of mine demonstrate it on the witness stand in front of a skeptical defense attorney and the jury and made the attorney look like a complete ass. I’m not going to tell you how it works. Also, it’s better if the topic never comes up, and if you’re dealing with people who are asking you to shoot up to prove you’re not a cop, you’re dealing with the wrong crowd to start with.This is just a bad idea for a number of reasons, but number one is always that your cover might be blown and they’re giving you a hot shot - a lethal dose. That would be a bad way to find out you’ve been burned.