What Can I Do If My Parents Forbid Be To Help Others And Only Want Me To Help Them They Are

Can my (16 yo) girlfriend'sparents forbid me to see her if she is pregnant with my kid (I am 17yo)? HELP PLZ!!

ok here's the problem, my gf just found out that she is pregnant 16 and i am 17, and she is afraid to tell her parents bcuz we are afraid they will take the baby and forbid me to ever see her again!! So i have been looking for infromation for about 7 hours now and have came up with nothing, and i wanted to see if anyone can help me?





My parents forbid me from dating black people?

Earlier today me and my parents were eating dinner and I told them I have a huge crush on this guy whose skin colour is a light black colour. They then got really pissed and said if I date someone who is black, they will never talk to me again.

I've never known them to be racist before. They've never had problems with people of that ethnicity before.

Why would they not want me to date someone who's black? That's so downright racist!

If your Christian parents forbid you to get married to a person, is it a sin to stay with them?

Please read 1 Timothy chapter 4. It talks about forbidding others to marry. Read it. With that said you need to listen to people counsel that love you. That doesn't mean they are right but are looking out for your best interests and would be wise to hear their reasons (Proverbs 27:17). Ultimately the only thing that matters is what God wants for you. You will be face to face with the Creator one day. What will He think of your decision to marry this man? You are an adult and have been given a mind and free will. Use them.

My parents forbidding me from seeing my girlfriend?

First off, stop complaining to your parents about the girl and NYC. Just tell them you respect their opinion and rules while you live in their house – and when you are 18 you are going to move to be with your friend.

Then, since school is about out - find a summer camp that your parents believe that you many actually be interested in going to – tell them you think this may help your college application / scholarship look good. Have the girlfriend do the same with her parents.

Next, you both enroll at the camp and roommate together and spend the whole summer together.

Depending on both of your family’s financial status, both of you may need to get a job – either for you to help parents pay or help the other way pay for their way there.

I don’t know your ages – but I promise you that you two will have the rest of your lives to spend with each other. Start preparing now for the future. Decide what college you 2 want to go to – you CAN be roommates. If you need to get a job to pay for college do it! Get good grades to get a scholarship – then room and boarding is included! Have her do the same!

Why do parents try to forbid their children from having sex?

With a sensible attitude like yours your daughter is actually likely to wait longer. I did more or less the same thing and my daughter is 18. I told my daughter that it was natural and that she should wait until she found a guy she found worthy. I never expected her to wait until marriage.... she has eight years of college in front of her. That isn't a realistic expectation for a woman on a professional career path. She has never slept around. My daughter respects herself. She's at university. Some of the nice girls who've been forbidden by their parents to have sex are the ones who've had the 50 partners. They're looking for the love and information their parents can't seem to bare to give them. Girls who get pregnant are usually the ones whose parents absolutely refuse to talk about it. Or they have talked about it and mom or dad make it so "dirty" that they make it seem enticing. You couldn't possibly have sex with one guy, it must be 50, because if you do it, then you're a slut!!! Idiotic. No wonder they can't go to their parents with questions, so they end up sneaking off. Somehow, I think a few might do that in 10 years when their moms are on YA all day telling other women how perfect their parenting is. ;-) Ok., snark alert, I couldn't help it. But seriously, information DOESN'T encourage girls to have sex. Ignorance does. They don't know better. I wouldn't burst in on my daughter having sex, but I also wouldn't be complicit in it. There is a difference.

Of course no one wants their daughters to have sex at 14. There is a lot of emotional baggage that goes with that. We try to prevent it, but forbidding it never works. Humans are all sexual and will do what is natural. But over and over again studies show information actually prevents sexual activity.

Why do some parents forbid their children to masturbate?

The only reason I can see is if they fear that the child will become sexually active or have an interest in sex at a young age. Some parents are very protective. But, the shield can only last so long. Kids find things out.

I won't forbid my children from masturbating. In fact, I'll only talk to them about it if they ask or seem like they have a problem with it. It's a very personal matter and I'll leave it up to them. They can if they want to as long as I don't have to see it!

I hate my parents. I want to run away. What should I do?

It just depends on how old you are and how willing you are to live through absolute shit to make it on your own. I wouldn't suggest running away unless you are being physically/sexually abused. It also depends on your personality. If you're a self motivated, make your path kind of person then no matter what I think you can make it.I basically ran away on my own when I was 16 and my life has been so shitty. It took forever to improve my life. It took forever to correct my credit. It was hard to go to college while working two jobs. But now I'm 26, working on my bachelors job and have a good job and a stable/ much better than one would expect place to live and I met someone amazing.If you do chose to go on the route of living on your own, I would advise you the following:keep good relationships with all people because you never know when you may need assistance.If you chose to be in relationships, if you get a gut feeling that someone just isn't right, stay away from that person. There are many evil people out there that can harm you and even kill you.If you choose to have sex, use protection. It's extra hard for people with kids to become successful without the assistance of others- I'm sure it's possible but it's your body and you can prevent unwanted pregnancies.Unless you're like dying, do not go to any hospitals because the bills will fuck up your credit so bad.Don't get fancy with your meals. Learn to live/eat cheap.Also before you run away, have a vehicle, in case you have to live in your car for a while.I wish you the best!

What would you do if your spouse blatantly rejected your parents and forbid you to have anything to do with them?

Do the same.Not seriously, of course, but to show them the absurdity of their behavior. If anything, they’re depriving themselves of enriching human contact and socialization. As idiotic as it is, whatever. It gives me the right to do the same to them - do unto others as you would have done unto you. So, by rejecting my parents (for no good reason) I am automatically given the right to reject his (for no good reason). And, just to teach him a lesson, I would (after discussing the matter with his parents in private prior to engaging in such behavior).Oh, and also forbid me to have anything to do with them? Who the fuck does he think he is? I’d tell him right then and there that if he required that of me, then I require he cease any and all communication with his family too - there’s no reason he should have what I don’t, and if it isn’t cool with him then his controlling and manipulative games aren’t cool with me.Now, my parents are wonderful, intelligent and hardworking people and someone who had a problem with them would have a problem with me, and I could never take a man seriously who’d actually expect me to quit communicating with them. They must have serious delusions of grandeur and one shouldn’t help feed such things.Short answer - quit communicating with the soon-to-be ex-boyfriend, as that is the most reasonable course of action. Family is forever.