What Can I Do If My Sleep Specialist Tells My Primary That I Am

What do I do about a wife who insists on sleeping separate, but tells everyone she invites me into her bed?

I love my wife, but it is getting really hard to abide by the codes of the marriage vows.
She tells her daughter, my step daughter whom I love deeply, that she tries to get me to have relations with her but I won't sleep in the same bed.
The reality is, when I sleep in her bed she always acts like it is an imposition to her comfort and I feel like I am forcing myself on her so I go to my own bed in the living room, though lately, with a lot of opposistion from her daughter, I have taken over the spare bedroom so I do not have to sleep in the livingroom.
My wife tells everyone she sees that I won't sleep with her!
What do I do? Her friend, I'll call her June, knows what is going on and is constantly trying to get me to take her to bed.
I always refuse, but it is, after eleven years, getting very hard to say no to an extramaritial affair.
I do know that an affair is not the answer that is why I am appealing for help.

I told my phsyciatrist TOO much, now what do I tell my primary care doctor PLEASE HELP ME?

I have some major problems Please help me
Here is a list...It's quite extensive PLZ HELP ME

On June 4th 2010 I saw my Primary Care Doctor for a regular check up. I didn't mention to him that my back hurt because he kinda rushed me. I tried to reshedule an appt with him again but he was on vacation so they put me to see another doctor.
They gave me another appt with an on call doctor for June 24. When I saw that Doctor I told him that I had been having back pain for about a month. The thing is.....I said "about a month" If that was the case...then why didn't I mention it when I saw my doctor on the 4th? So does anyone know what i mean? I saw my regular doctor on the 4th....didn't say anything about pain, then saw another doctor on the 24th and said it had been "ABOUT A MONTH" the thing is...iti had been only 3 weeks since doctors appts. I am worried that the people at Social Security Benefits will think I'm lying and I'm not.

Now the next thing. I saw my phsyciatrist yesterday. I told him
1. That my mood goes from Very depressed and flucuates to highs and when i get high I sometimes feel as if i am a child and get overly happy. I told him that my depression was really bad when I am depressed. I told him my anxiety and ocd are really bad. All of this is the truth. I told him I had a suicide date (June 26) and I didn't cary out my plans because I didn't want to hurt anyone's feelings. My questions are...did i say too much? How much of this do i tell my primary care physican?

I also screwed up. I told my Phsyciatrist that I didn't take naps but I do. Something wierd happened...I just froze when he asked me and it was like I went blanik. DO i write him a note explaining that i sleep all the time and that when he asked me my mind when blank and that i was embarrassed to correct myself or do i wait till next appointment and say that "you know, over the past week or so I've been sleeping all of the time"? I am scared because he thinks I don't sleep at all and he is going to put me on THorazine. I don't want to or need THorazine. SOMEONE HELP ME SOS

I CANT SLEEP, how do i tell doctors to help?

Boob... I'm speechless! Serious, I just saw that you posted the question twice, so I'll copy/paste my answer from your other thread here.

First of all, I feel your pain. Sleep specialists always rush to put people on meds. At least that's my own experience. Needless to say pills didn't help and actually made it worse. Like someone before me mentioned, melatonin is a good option for you if you haven't tried it already. It is a naturally occurring hormone that is released during the night by the pineal gland; a small organ that is located at the centre of our brains.Melatonin plays a very important part in determining when we feel sleepy and when we feel like waking up. Our circadian rhythm, or body clock, is regulated by the level of melatonin hormone that is present in our system. That's in case you feel like taking supplements. What helped me most was establishing good sleep hygiene.Sleep hygiene is a system of guiding principles that attempt to attain a more restful and effective sleep in order to reduce excessive daytime drowsiness and encourage daytime alertness. Try to make an exclusive association between your bed and sleep. Avoid reading, watching TV, playing and working on your laptop in bed. That's just one step of 8 in total. I will leave the link to the source below, so you could read the entire article. Another thing that relaxes me at night is ambient music. When turned down almost to the minimum it helps me enter a sort of self-meditation state and before I know it I doze off. Such things like modifying my bedroom and establishing good sleep hygiene helped me overcome the nastiest insomnia effects. I hope that helps, sweetie ;)

I pee in my sleep what can i do?

maybe your worried about somthing, and it just makes weird things happen to your body at night. try just relaxing and clearing your mind before bed, and make sure not to drink any liquids before bed!

I tend to sleep walk alot and my doctors says it can be harmful. why?

i know you could accidentally injure your self, but i don't understand why i do it in the first place.
my friends and parents told me I washed dishes, went up and down the stairs, and even got dressed to go to school 2:30 in the morning.

I would really like to know how to prevent sleep walking because it happens a lot to me.

What can I do if sometimes I sleep for 48 hours straight? Am I mentally ill?You could be suffering from some mental disorder or even just emotional distress. However, You could also have some physical disease or illness that could cause you to sleep that much.It is also possible that your lifestyle is just isn’t that healthy. Namely, If your sleep cycle isn’t proper, You are more likely to fall asleep like that and quite a bit as well.If your sleep cycle is proper, Consult a doctor. It could be any from really wide range of causes both mental as well as physical. Some basic tests and your history should be able to point to the right direction.If your sleep cycle isn’t proper, Fix that first. Not getting proper sleep has its own harm.

I can't sleep!! HELP!!?

I think you have a lot of stuff going on in your life right now and therefore, it's hard for you to relax. Your job makes your sleeping pattern very inconsistent. I would try to get used to the job and the nightly hours a little more so that it would be easier to adjust because every one has an internal clock that helps tell them when to wake up and sleep. It's always best to try to find ways to go to sleep. I will list a few for you:
-try listening to soothing music
-try reading a bit before heading to bed
-inhale and exhale deeply to relax your body
-do light exercise work out (pilates)
-watch a bit of tv
-take a warm bath/shower
-just close your eyes and make sure not to open them (eventually, you might fall asleep)
-keep yourself warm in the night (you lose most of your body heat from your toes and neck) so if you're freezing, put on some socks.
-Arrange your room so that you would want to go to sleep (ex: settings of light to become more dim, a comfortable, clean bed, an inviting room)
-thinking of positive things and list what you are grateful for (being positive can help you sleep faster because you aren't too stressed and holding back upon sleep)
-drink warm tea

If these don't work, I would continue trying until I get used to it. I would consult a doctor last because I don't really have a strong belief in medicine. You never know there might be side effects with medicine and pills. Best of luck and happy sleeping! =)

Why do doctors tell pregnant women to sleep on their left sides?

Don't ever take the sleeping pills route!!

1. They will damage your liver big time and you can get into serious health problems.

2. You will get hooked up on them and you won't be able to have a normal life any more if you don't take your pills everyday.

The sleeping pills industry is damaging our health by capitalizing on our ignorance, and by distracting people from effective and natural ways to deal with this problem. I had been taking prescription sleep medications [Ambien] for over 5 years. It stopped working and I simply took more. Still did not work. Nights were very difficult - medication put me to sleep but I would wake up after 2–3 hours with a strong sympathetic response (fast pulse, pounding heartbeat, wide awake alert). It was a very difficult cycle to break. I was really in bad shape due to lack of sleep.

After years of struggling I was able to cure my insomnia naturally and pretty fast. I followed the Sleep Tracks sleep optimization program, here is their official web -site if you want to take a look:

Ohhh..and Good Luck!

My primary care doctor can't/won't prescribe me any strong pain medication for my back.?

I am sorry but your Doctor is not wrong in withholding stronger medicine.He is liable with what he prescribes and with all the abuse out there already with prescription medications he needs to be cautious as well as he is monitored by the government so if he over prescribes etc he can lose his license.
Let him check out every avenue first before he just prescribes medications to buffer the pain. The Physiotherapy may help you and then you wont need medications at all. The Hydrocodone and Ultram are highly addictive medications and the withdrawal would be worse then the pain you feel now. Try hot baths, I do know that sometimes helps my husband with his daily back pain, which he just had a CT Scan for yesterday. You coud also try using a box under your desk to raise your feet up to help with the strain on the back while sitting, also doing waist turns, arm stretches and up walking often may help as well.I know you already hurt but it may lessen it some. The MRI which stands for Magnetic resonance imaging, is the best test to see anything wrong in the body. I do believe you need a referal to see a PM Doctor. Mention that to him when you see him next that your wish is a PM Doctor to help you. You can also go get a second opinion from another Doctor or ask to see one of the following

Orthopedists who deal with musculoskeletal system, from head to foot, including the spine. An orthopedist might address conditions such as ruptured disks, sciatica, low back pain or scoliosis.

Rheumatologists who deal with arthritis and musculoskeletal problems, including back and neck problems such as spinal stenosis, and spinal arthritis. They also treat diseases that are related to back pain such as osteoporosis, fibromyalgia and other forms of back pain.

Neurologists who deal with problems with the nervous system they might be the doctor of choice if your back or neck pain is chronic and longstanding, as these physicians are experts in the origins of pain.

I would recommend you to wait atleast until the MRI results are given to your Primary Doctor. Then you both can decide on which Doctor to send you to.

I wish you all the best and hope the test shows the easiest condition to treat and eliminate

There are two possibilities here. If you feel like your breath is being constricted during sleep, it is probably a symptom of sleep paralysis. When our bodies go through REM sleep, we become paralyzed from the neck down, except for our diaphragms and our hearts. Usually are diaphragms inflate our hearts and keep them pumping. However a few of the accessory muscles that support our diaphragms become paralyzed, and that can make it a little tougher on our diaphragms.A lot of people feel a crushing sensation in their chests during this time, and some times there is an emotional and fear component attached which causes strange hallucinations and nightmarish visions.However, if your heart is really stopping when you sleep, you have sleep apnea. That is a condition where the loose skin in your throat blocks your breathing airways when you sleep. If you have this, you will usually awaken a lot at night and have trouble sleeping and experience drowsiness during the day. It is a very dangerous condition and is especially common to obese people.Whichever one you have, I would definitely recommend seeing a doctor. If you are having a problem with sleep paralysis, he will be able to prescribe an antidepressant which can relieve your symptoms. If you have sleep apnea, he will be able to recommend treatment.In the meantime, I will send you a link to some cool sleep products that might help you sleep a little better. Good luck and enjoy!All Products