What Can I Do With Somebody

What would you do if somebody cuts you off on the road?

Story Time: I was going to a Butcher shop with my younger brother. It was the middle of winter so snowbanks took up 50% of the parking spots. I pulled into the Fire-Lane and put my hazards on. My brother jumped out and went in to get the meat. Some big guy came up to my window, knocked on it (and indicated he wanted me to roll down my window). I rolled it down and he says in a direct voice "Are you the fire-department?"

I said "No, not exactly..."

Then he responded with, well then "Get the F*%K out!"

So I pull out of the fire-lane, drive around the the lot a quick few times till a space opens, and I park in it. Then the guy pulls out of his spot and blocks me into it! So I wrote down his license plate # and I called the police when I got home. (I happened to know the Capt. of the Police Dept).

"Officer Watson, I dont know if you can do anything, but this jerk totally rode my butt for 1/4mile before passing me in a double yellow while obviously speeding, I have his license plate."

"Ya, sorry to say I cant do much about it... but I can be sure if he get caught doing any more illegal activities, he wont get a warning. Thanks for the tip-off"

So to make a long story short, I was able to lie to the police and revoke any potential warnings he might get in the future.

Can I sue somebody for selling me a washer on Craigslist that is not working?

My husband and I bought a washer and dryer from craigslist 3 days ago for $300. We had our friend picked it up for us since it is kinda far from where we live, its like 40 mins away, and our friend lives very close to where the seller lives. So he picked them up friday night and took them home. He works with my husband, so the next morning he took them here on our house but my husband didnt have time to hook them up til that night. After hooking them up, we found out that the washer is not pumping hot water, only cold. The seller stated on her post that they are in excellent condition and that there is nothing wrong with them. I called for a repairman to fix it, he charged me $125 even tho he didn't have get to fix it all the way. There is still no hot water pumping, this time only warm and cold. He said to fix it totally, it'll need a new timer and its another $200 fix. When I tried to call the sellet about this, she said she wouldn't give my money back and keep on insisting they work fine. Im already out $425, and dont wanna spend another $200 to fix. Can I sue her on small claims court for misrepresentation, and do I have a chance to win? Pls. help.

Can I sue because someone sold me fake shoes?

Hi I'm a 17 year old who just graduated from highschool recently, and I got 500 for graduation to spend on myself. I spent 200 on clothes and wanted a really nice beautiful Air Jordan sneaker.
There's a facebook group, not a gang or anything just somewhere where people sell sneakers unused and used. There is also another group for people who don't scam others or sell them fake shoes, and him and I both are in the group. He made a Facebook post saying he was selling a shoe called Pantone 11s for 300. I told him I'll buy. He sold me the shoe and went on about his business. Then a friend messaged me and told me they were fake, and so I messaged him and said "hey man somebody calling your shoes fake" then he said that he doesn't deal with fakes, he has bills to pay that's the only reason he sold them. But then I took the time to examine the shoe, and noticed the signs that they are fake but they can easily be mistaken as real. I asked for s refund he tried telling me they were real.
I gave him more proof that they were fake and he stopped messaging me back

I know that you can sue someone for selling you fake shoes but I'm only 17, I don't even know how to sue a person can someone please help.

And I don't know if I mentioned this or not but this was local
Not eBay
Not from the store
I met up with this guy

What can I do when someone owes me money and doesn't pay me back?

Decide whether they even have the ability to pay you first. If they really cannot pay, chalk it up to experience and move on.If they have the money, but are trying to screw you, consider that a declaration of war. Take them to court.If they lied to get your money, call the pokice and charge them with fraud.Be careful…Many people that are owed money get mad and say things that make collecting the debt turn into YOU in jail.“Extortion” is a crime. If you say. “You better pay me or I'll tell your boss you stole from me (or any negative consequence),” you may be in big trouble.As an employer I've been stolen from once big time. Saying “I'll ruin your reputation in this business is you don't pay” is extortion.The better way to say it is… “I'm calling the police and talking to the Prosecutor. You've had your chance to pay. That's going to rightfully get you known for who you are… A thief.”Notice I no longer asked for money. That actually worked for me. He begged me to take the money. I told him he could talk to my lawyer. The lawyer collected, and got his fee from me former employee. The guy signed a statement that he reacged out to pay the theft back of his own free will. It was written to keep him out of jail and to clear me of extortion.

What to do if someone is knocked out?

When somebody is knocked out, one person should lift their legs to help redirect blood flow from the extremities to the upper body because the brain will need the blood flow. Somebody else should be making sure their airway is open so that they can breathe, you can do what is called a head-tilt-chin-lift to accomplish this. Just press on the forehead and lift the chin so that the tongue doesn't block the throat (they'll probably be snoring if their airway is blocked). Talk to the person to try to wake them up. If they don't wake up, try pinching their trapezius hard to see if the pain causes them to react. If they don't react, call 911. Try to have somebody around that can perform CPR just in case (you should really be doing this with instructor supervision).