What Can I Eat To Boost My Energy And Strength

Excedrin is also used to boost up energy and strength?

So, I checked out this medicine online, it is a pain reliever pill, but somebody also told me it is also used to boost up energy so you can have a better performance during workout? Is that true?

What can i give my husband for energy and strength?

he needs carbohydrates for energy, If they are low GI he will maintain his energy levels for longer while High GI foods will give energy in a short burst but wont last long (eg red bull). He needs to be eating enough protein (1.2 grams per kg bodyweight).

Eating low GI foods before exercise may help increase endurance and prolong the time before fatigue hits. The slower rate of carbohydrate digestion means a steady amount of glucose is released into the bloodstream during an exercise session or in your husbands case hard physical work.

for snacks any kind of health bar, healthy sandwiches (whole grain), fruit etc.

He really should be drinking water, red bull even though it gives you a short burst of energy, as soon as it wears off the energy levels will be lower than before making you feel worse and in need of another shot of energy. giving up red bull may be difficult due to the caffeine levels which cause withdrawal symptoms in some people.

if your husband is eating a balanced diet he should not need extra vitamins (More is not always better)

How do i naturally boost my energy?

Raise your metabolic rate... try exercise. Naturally, diet has to do with it as well. Heavy starches require more energy from the body to break down. Foods, drinks and snacks with with high amounts of processed sugar tend to make the body crash as the sugars break down as well. Want something sweet??... try a natural... not processed... piece of fruit as a snack. The natural sugars in fruits, especially citrus fruits are not only good for you... they provide a good deal of energy without the sugar crash. Have a good night sleep as well. It always helps.

What Are Some Good Ways To Boost Your Energy While Pregnant?

I found when I was pregnant that eating foods like a peanut butter sandwich on whole wheat, oatmeal, protein (beans, nuts, beef, chicken, even yogurt), fruit especially bananas gave me the most energy. Stay away from drinks high in sugar since they will raise your blood sugar and make it drop suddenly causing fatigue. Of course rest as much as possible (really hard since you have your hands full). Of course consult your doctor before taking iron tablets but that could really help alot. Make sure that you are drinking plenty of fluids (milk, water, 100% juice) since dehydration can cause fatigue also. If you suddenly feel tired eat something high in carbs (even if all you have is potato chips). Walking is really helpful. Another thing is to turn up the music and dance with your toddler. Music is know to boost moods and could provide more energy. Congrats and good luck on your pregnancy!!!!!!

How do I get my energy back after mastubating? I masturbate excessively (more than twice each day sometimes).?

I am 100% sure that masturbating two or more times a day will make me extremely extremely tired, and this tiredness will last for at least 36-48 hours after the 2nd or 3rd masturbation. I'm in my early 20's. Sometimes I take a break for 3 or more days and the energy ALWAYS comes back after 36-48 hours.

This tiredness causes come back pain, and sometimes my thighs get so tired that it's very hard to stand up, and I don't feel like thinking. I read that others on the net have this problem. (And the energy decrease is extremely significant, and occurs as a direct result of maturbation.)

MY QUESTION: I don't want people to tell me not to masturbate...but what can I do to either "prevent" future decreases of energy after masturbating ... OR ... what can I do to get my energy back quickly afterwards?

(ps. Sleeping 1 to 2 hours helps sometimes, but I don't have much time. Other answers would be appreciated.)