What Can I Put In My Cats Food So My Puppy Will Stop Eating Their Poop

Why does my puppy eat poop and how can I make it stop?

Many dogs have this bad habit. It is learned by puppies from their mothers. Mother dogs often will eat their own poop and other dogs' poop while pregnant. After the puppies are born the mother will eat the puppies' poop to keep their area clean.

There are a few ways to avoid it, but not all work. I tried all of these on my Shepherd before I found the right one.
- you can mix tomato juice in with the dog's food (it makes their poop taste unappealing to them, you can try this one but it gave my Shepherd diarrhea)
- you can put tabasco on the poop piles right after he goes (my Shepherd ended up just eating around it but most dogs will stay away)
- you can simply go pick up the poop right after he goes (this one didn't work for ME, I have other things to do than watch my dog until she goes and then run out there and pick it up)

This one was the solution that worked for me.
- I bought a fresh pineapple and cut it up into approx. 1"x1" pieces and gave her 3 in the morning and 3 in the evening. She loved it plus she stopped eating her poop because pineapple also makes the poop taste bad to them. (Although I really don't know how it can taste good in the first place).

A very common misconception is that this habit is caused by lack of nutrition, which is untrue. Don't let anyone tell you that this is why he eats his poop. This is simply a learned bad habit that can be hard to brake. But you can do it!

How can I stop my 6-month-old dog eating my cats’ poo?

Make the cat poo unavailable. Put it in a room where the dog doesn’t have access, or elevate the litter box so the dog can’t reach it. Dogs LOVE cat’s poo, breaking him of eating it, if it’s within reach is going to be an uphill battle and one that you probably can’t win.

My puppy eats his own poop?

The eating of the poop just started a week ago, maybe a little longer. I would notice there would be no poop to clean when I would come home and then I caught him in the act. I leave him plenty of food and water, so why is he doing this. I try my best to clean up his messes asap. I try to punish him, but it is not working. Is there anything I can do to stop him?

My 10 month old puppy eats poop what do i do?

I looked it up...and it said it might be a lack of we started to give her puppy vitamins. I dont know if it is really working. We give her purina one dog food so i dont know the issue. We have also tried different food too. We also put hot sauce on the poop when we catch her doing it. But i am desperate please help me. She also farts a couple times each day...WHAT DO I DO PLZ HELP!?!?!?!?!?

What could happen to a dog that continually eats the cats poop out of the litter box?

Coprophagy in dogs is not that uncommon. Sometimes it is stress, but most often they scent an appealing bit of waste they either want or need. Cat and dog diets are different and although some people try to make their dogs vegan, they have a protein or vitamin requirement that needs to be satisfied.Either put the tray where it cannot be accessed by the dog, keeping in mind the cat will be pissed that it is moved and will seek vengeance or, if using commercial dog food, ask your vet if the combination is suitable and sufficient. Your dog may require supplements to balance their diet.

Rat terrier who eats her poop ?

Dogs will commonly eat their own as well as other animals' feces. Puppies are known to eat their own excrement during paper training and housebreaking, and it is believed to be due to a combination of physiological and behavioral factors.

On the physiological side, since the digestion of food is not always complete, puppies still see nutrient value in their feces and view it as a snack. Often dogs are attracted to undigested rice, corn or peanuts in their stool if they happen to consume these foods. Maximizing digestion can help solve this problem. To do so, add enzyme supplements to their food, such as meat tenderizer (from the supermarket), papaya extract (a natural enzyme available at health food stores) or products from pet supply stores especially designed to help dogs digest. Mix the enzyme powder in each meal, and let it sit for 15 minutes prior to feeding it to your pet. This should eliminate the presence of anything they view as "good" in their stool. It will not help with the peanuts or corn, but these foods should not be fed to your pet in any event.

Another way to discourage coprophagy (the medical term for eating poop) is to coat the stools with hot sauce or vinegar, thereby making the experience of eating it unpleasant (as if it seemed great thus far!). Sometimes owners have to go to the extreme measure of injecting the stool with hot sauce so the pet gets the full extent of the bad flavor. Yet another method is through products which taste good when mixed in the pet's food and eaten, but turn bitter when excreted in the pet's feces (isn't science great?). Doing this or the hot sauce method for one to two weeks is usually enough to convince a dog that their food bowl is a safer spot for snacks.

On the behavioral side, many pets eat their stool during the training stages because they become confused about whether to go to the bathroom on or off the paper or outdoors. Just as potty training for kids is tough, telling a dog when and where to eliminate is emotionally stressful. They will feel bad about going in the wrong place and destroy the evidence by eating it. Owners often call me because they are concerned that their puppy has not had a bowel movement in a few days, but it usually turns out to be a case of recycling.


Why does my cat poop in his food bowl?

In addition to the excellent advice in Gabrielle Wilkinson Adams' answer, here are a few other possibilities -If this is behavior your cat had when he arrived at your home, it is possible he was doing this at his former home. I once had a litter of kittens who decided to poop in their mother’s dry food. Since I fed my cats canned, cooked and raw foods as well, and the kibble had a texture similar to litter, I guess it made sense to them. And with cats, once something has been marked as a ‘bathroom’, they tend to relegate that role to it. I had to put the dry food into a raised cup, that was out of reach and too small for their little bottoms.If you are feeding the cat near the litter-box; or in an area where there used to be a litter-box; or in a place where a cat would want the litter-box to be; or a place that had previously been treated like a litter-box and now has residual odors; a new location in a better environment for dining could be the solution.If your cat feels threatened by another animal in proximity to the food, this can be a sort of defiant act of desperation. We had some cats who were fed in an outdoor enclosure, on a table next to its fence. Raccoons and feral cats used to visit at night and attempt to get their food. One of our cats began pooping in the food and water bowls. This behavior stopped when we adjusted things so the outside animals couldn’t reach them anymore.If the food actually smells like feces to your cat, that is a problem. Do you buy high quality kibble or cans? Do you just give him the amount he will eat in a day and provide it fresh daily in a clean bowl? If you add liquid to the kibble, it spoils even faster. And if the bowl isn’t cleaned between meals, nasty stuff accumulates on its surface.If the food container now smells like poop to your cat, you may have to replace it. If it is a plastic bowl, it may not get clean enough to entirely remove the odor. Ceramic with a nonporous surface can be cleaned more thoroughly. Disposable paper food bowls are another option. Especially if people sometimes forget to wash the cat’s food bowl. With paper ones, they won’t have to.I hope this helps!I answered - “Why does my cat poop in his food bowl?”