What Can You Conclude About Ac In Triangle Abc

What can you conclude about AC in Triangle ABC? AB + AC = 5; AC + BC=4. Please list the steps you would use. Thank You.?

1. Draw a picture
2. Make use of the triangle inequality.
2a. AC +BC > AB = 5 -AC
.. 4 +AC > 5
.. AC > 1

2b. AB +AC > BC = 4 -AC
.. 5 > 4 -AC
.. AC > -1

2c. AB +BC > AC
.. (5 -AC) +(4 -AC) > AC
.. 9 > 3*AC
.. 3 > AC

You can conclude 1 < AC < 3.

Algebra help...what can you conclude about AC in triangle ABC if BC = 7 and AC = 2 + AB?

here is the question: the sum of any two sides of a triangle is greater than the length of the third side. what can you conclude about AC in triangle ABC if BC = 7 and AC = 2 + AB? whenever i try to solve this, AC cancels out and I get a true, but unhelpful, equation. Please help!

What can you conclude about AC in Triangle ABC?

This would be a good question for the Mathematics group.

In a triangle, a side must be shorter than the sum of the lengths of the other two sides, and it must be longer than the (positive) difference of the other two sides.
[As you will see below, they each give the same solution, so you could just pick one, but I'll show all three.]
Substituting our conditions AB=6 and BC=18-2AC and then make the central term 0 and simplify:
AC+18-2AC>6>|AC-18+2AC|, 6+18-2AC>AC>|6-18+2AC| and AC+6>18-2AC>|6-AC|
12-AC>0>|3AC-18|-6, 24-3AC>0>|2AC-12|-AC and 3AC-12>0>|6-AC|-18+2AC
(AC<12 AND 44 AND AC<8)
all of which reduce to: 4
So, the length of AC is between (and exclusive of) 4 and 8.

In triangle ABC, if D is any point on side BC, show that AB+BC+CA>2AD?

We know that:-In a triangle sum of two sides is always greaterthan the third side.In truangleABDAB+BD > AD…………….(1)In triangle ADCDC+CA > AD…………….(2)On adding (1) & (2)AB+BD+DC+CA > 2ADOn putting BD+DC=BCAB+BC+CA > 2AD . Proved.

For what difference of AB and AC is the a triangle ABC, given that BC is 3cm and angle C is 60 degrees? Is this possible?

The answer by Eeshaan Jain is correct, but it doesn’t always have to be right angled triangle, but to find the exact difference we must at least know one more side or angle.To solve this problem we have to use sine rule, which states [math]\frac{a}{sin A} = \frac{b}{sin B} = \frac{c}{sin C}[/math]wherea= BCb= CAc=AB are the sides of triangle and A,B,C are angles of triangle.From the given data we can conclude that[math]\frac{3}{sin A} = \frac{b}{sin B} = \frac{c}{\frac {\sqrt{3}}{2}}[/math]Solving the equations we get[math]c= \frac{3\sqrt{3}cosec A}{2}[/math][math]b= 3 cosec A sin B [/math]the difference would be [math]c[/math][math]-b = 3 cosec A[\frac{\sqrt 3}{2} - sin B][/math] if [math]B < 60 [/math]degrees or[math] A > 60 [/math]degreesand[math]b-c = 3 cosec A[sin B - \frac{\sqrt 3}{2}][/math] if [math]B > 60 [/math]degrees or [math]A < 60 [/math]degreesso A is 90 degrees then B is 30 degrees, soc-b = 3*1 ([math]\frac{\sqrt 3}{2} - \frac{1}{2}) =[/math] 1.09807 cmsor if B is 90 degrees then A is 30 degrees, so[math]b-c = [/math]3*2[math] [1 - \frac{\sqrt 3}{2}] = [/math] 0.80384 cmsand if both A and B are equal then the difference would be 0 because it becomes equilateral triangleAlso refer triangle inequality theorema+b>c, soa>c-bor a+c>b, soa>b-c Simplydifference of AB and AC is less than BC i.e., 3 cms

If AB is opposite AC and AC is opposite AD, what can you conclude? Explain. (2 points)?

You can conclude that AB=AD

If I have the triangle ABC with AB=AC and the angle bisector of B is drawn so it intersects AC in D, how can I calculate the angle BAC? Such that BD+AD=BC.

Draw the point [math]E[/math] on the edge [math]BC[/math] so that [math]BE=BD[/math]. Then triangle [math]BDE[/math] is isosceles. Since [math]BD+AD = BC[/math] and [math]BE=BD[/math], we conclude that[math]CE = BC - BE = BC - BD = AD[/math]Furthermore, since [math]BD[/math] is the angle bisector of angle [math]\angle \, ABC [/math]and [math]AB = CA[/math],[math] [/math][math]\frac{CA}{CB} = \frac{AB}{CB} = \frac{AD}{CD} = \frac{CE}{CD}[/math]Hence, triangles [math]\Delta \, DEC[/math] and [math]\Delta\, ABC[/math] are similar, because they also share a common angle. However, triangle [math]\Delta \, ABC[/math] is isosceles, so triangle [math]\Delta \, DEC[/math] is also isosceles. Consequently,[math]\angle\, CDE = \angle \, DCE = \angle \, BCA = 2\,\alpha.[/math]Thus, angle[math]\angle \, DEC = 180 - (\angle \, CDE + \angle \, DCE) = 180 - 4\, \alpha.[/math]and so[math]\angle\, BED = 180 - \angle \, DEC = 4 \, \alpha[/math]However, triangle [math]\Delta \, BDE[/math] is isosceles, so[math]\angle \, BDE = \angle \, BED = 4\, \alpha[/math]Finally, angle[math]\angle \, DBE = \frac{1}{2}\, \angle \, ABC = \frac{1}{2}\, \angle \, BCA = \frac{1}{2}\, 2\, \alpha = \alpha.[/math]Since the angles in the triangle [math]\Delta\, BDE[/math] sum up to [math]180[/math][math]180 = \angle \, BED + \angle \, BDE + \angle \, DBE = 4\, \alpha + 4\, \alpha + \alpha = 9\, \alpha[/math]so[math]\angle \, DBC = \angle \, DBE = \alpha = \frac{180}{9} = 20[/math][math]\angle \, ABC = \angle \, BCA = 2\, \alpha = 40[/math]and thus[math]\angle \, BAC = 180 - (\angle \, ABC + \angle \, BCA) = 180 - 40 - 40 = 100[/math]

In a triangle ABC angle BAC = 90, AD is its bisector. If DE is perpendicular AC, AB = 4cm and AC = 6cm then find 12/DE in cm?

Based on the figure given above (constructed as per given information), we can conclude that the triangles ABC and EDC are similar triangles.Reasons:Since sides AB and DE are perpendicular to AC, we can conclude that they are parallel to each other.This makes the angles ABC and EDC congruent to each other by the Corresponding Angles theorem.Same goes for angles CED and CAB.Then there is also a common angle ACB (or ECD) shared by both the triangles in question.This makes the triangles similar to each other by the A-A-A test.Since triangles ABC and EDC are similar, we will then get AB/DE = AC/EC.AB = 4 and AC = 6Thus, 4/DE = 6/ECThus EC/DE = 4/6 = 2/3Now we know that the angle BAC is a right angle, and AD is its bisector.Thus measure of angle DAE will be 45 degrees, and the remaining angle ADE of triangle DEA will also be 45 degrees (as 180 - 90 - 45 = 45).Thus triangle DEA is an isosceles triangle, and hence DE = AE.With this known, we can also conclude that EC/DE = EC/AE = 2/3Let AE and EC have lengths of 2x and 3x respectively.Since AC = 6, we can conclude that 2x + 3x = 6 and x = 6/5 = 1.2Thus DE = AE = 2x = 2.4 and EC = 3x = 3.6Hence 12/DE = 12/2.4 = 5

In a triangle ABC, M and N are on AC and BC respectively such that CM=CN. The intersecting point of AN and BM is O. If AO=BO and one of the angles of ABC is 40°, what are the measurements of the other angles of the triangle?

I believe triangle ABC must be isosceles. I suspect someone cleverer than I can come up with a simpler proof than mine; I’d like to see it. Meanwhile, see the (intentionally) misdrawn diagram below. (My many thanks to fellow Quoran John Cardan for explaining to me how I can get my own diagram into a Quora answer. A math diagram is worth 2^10 words.)Let’s suppose OM < ON (as in the diagram). Then, since AO = BO and m AM and b) m m CN which contradicts the given, CM = CN. A comparable argument works if OM > ON. Thus we must have OM = ON.Now if OM = ON, then triangles MBA and NAB are congruent by SAS from which we get c) m