What Can You Tell Me About My Moon Sign

Can you have the same sun and moon sign?

Absolutely, you can. And it amplifies the power of that sign...

You can go to, input your birthdata, and find out what your other planetary placements are, too...

Blessings to you.

How can I know my Sun sign and Moon sign?

Sun and Moon signs? Why not obtain the entire birth chart?If you go to the website shown below, you can obtain an accurate copy of your natal in a few seconds for free.Please keep in mind that the planetary positions shown will be in the Tropical zodiac. Here is the Link for the website: Birth data entry?The next step is to begin to investigate the various archetypal themes in your natal chart.

What is your MOON sign?? Do u hate it??

moon sign alone doesn't always indicate how you are; if you have positive harmonious aspects, then it's not bad.

my moon sign's scorpio. GAH... talk about intensity that i can't deal with. my sun, mercury, venus, jupiter all chilling and doing weed in aquarius, then there's that moon doing sinister back-alley thing with my ascendant, pluto, and mars. so there are really strong square aspect in charge here (for me, that is).

there are days when i can be as cold as the south pole, and then there are days when i can make anyone cry, then there are days when i want to kill someone, and then there are days when i'm happy, superficial, and friendly. ha ha... ^^;;; although, if you ever met me, you'd only see the happy, nonchalant part of me (because my moon's hiding itself in the 12th house you see), and wouldn't suspect anything different going in my head. :)

at first, when i learned about scorpio moon, i hated it, especially when placed in such tough aspect placements; but now, i'm like, eh, whatever. it's part of life, and if it wasn't there, then nothing would ground my crazy hippie sun, so i've learned to more accepting. :)

besides, now that i have better control, sometimes i can turn my "emotion sensors" off, and sometimes, if in a good setting, i'll turn it up way high, and somehow end up being the life of the party. :)

every moon sign has its + and -, but when you learn to utilize them, it gets better for yourself.

Moon sign Sagittarius, can you help me out?

YOUR MOON SIGN shows your emotional needs.

sun leo moon saggitarius
The combination of your Sun sign and your Moon sign produces a constant passion for travel, adventure, change, and excitement. You are continuously looking for another mountain to climb or stone to turn, and life seems a never ending chain of games to win and adventures to explore. The combination here blends the Leo vitality, authoritativeness, magnanimity and warmth, with Sagittarius honesty, directness, versatility, and sincerity, yielding a very optimistic and enthusiastic temperament. Yours is a restless, but always positive and alert mind. Your challenge is to keep the white hot flames of this dual Fire sign ablaze, and avoid the tendencies for energies to go up in smoke and be wasted with lively, but unproductive activities. You are more subject to burn out than most. By harnessing your fiery emotional nature to constructive purposes and setting goals for yourself, there is little that you cannot do. You charm people with your dash and enthusiasm. Your boundless energy and imaginative equipment assures you have the abilities to go far if you can only channel your efforts and remain true to your goals. It's hard for you to settle down to a job, to a relationship, to a solid base of operation, or to a truly focused purpose of any kind. Pettiness and triteness infuriate you, and subtlety is not your style. You may get into trouble by saying exactly what you feel, never mincing words or sparing feelings. While you remain mobile and independent you are happy, but when you begin to feel confined and harnessed, you can become very unhappy and dispirited.

I want to know my rising sign and my moon sign?

I am an aries born on 21st of March 1988,at frieburg germany at 9:29am.I want to know what I am like as I am born on the cusp,however,I rarely have any qualities of pieces,All the qualities of mine is of a core fire sign.I would like to know about my moon sign,sun-risging sign.The more information I get the more likely you would be chosen as a best answer!!!

Which is the powerful moon sign ?

1) Cancer - very strong in Cancer (the zodiac sign ruled by the Moon),
2) Taurus - strong in Taurus (the sign of the Moon's exaltation).

3) Capricorn - Very weak in Capricorn (the opposite sign from the Moon's sign),
4) Scorpio - weak in Scorpio (the sign opposite the place of the Moon's exaltation).

Does anyone have a moon sign in Taurus?

im a taurus moon, and yes i am abit of a homebody . . .

i love being at home especially when its cold, you know cuddling up ( with someone) in front of the fireplace with some cushions, a big blanket, some hot chocolate and soft music, and ahh i just love how my house is so cozy and i feel good in it, but at the same time, i do need to be out, and get my fresh air, otherwise i suffocate . . . i think my outdoor life and indoor life is balanced, but i do feel more "me" at home . . .