What Causes A Mall To Decline

POS machine declined my debit card but the amount has been deducted. How will I get my money back?

Lets understand the flow of card transaction at merchant terminal:Step 1 - Customer present card of Bank A to merchant who has terminal of Bank A (simplest case )Card details with amount to be deducted from POS terminal will go to Bank A acquiring server (assume this as dept X for Bank A) .Acquiring server will sent a request to core banking server (assume this as dept Y for Bank A) to validate and deduct the amount.Core banking deduct the amount and sent a conformation to acquiring server (at this time you receive a SMS that your account is debited)Acquiring server after receive of confirmation forward the same to terminal who in turn generate charge slip and merchant get a confirmation that amount is received for the transaction.Every night terminal confirms back all the successful transaction to acquiring server and based on this they receive money next day in their accountThe problem faced by you and many other happens when step 5 fails i.e. due to network issue between terminal and acquiring server, debit confirmation is missed out.In all such cases, terminal confirmation at night will not contain your transaction and bank will come to know that this was failed transaction and based on this they will credit your account.The number of days it would take to re credit depends on bank and merchant.I hope this will clarify your doubt.

What causes shopping malls to fail?

You could consider

1. Wrong site, lack of parking, too far from nearest city
2. Poor maintenance or frontage (not attractive enough for shoppers to stop and browse)
3. Wrong mix of business, too much boutiques, not enough food shops, florists etc
4. Increased ground rents push smaller unit business out.
5. Economic recession, petrol , rent and VAT increases mean shoppers stay at home or shop on line.

Did the rise of shopping malls destroy the downtown areas of suburbia?

Its been a while since I went to SF, so my answer can't really be applied directly to the district. Large Scale Shopping malls tend to cater to a specific type of service, and that is retail. Thus the hypothesis is flawed when you apply the concept of nightlife. What you talk about lively downtown, it might be applicable, but is not necessarily the reason.  When considering a lively downtown, large malls may cause the decline of the high street as the younger generation might be more interested in hanging out in the mall during the day as they are provided with more entertainment and choice.  Now in my mind, downtown suburbia, and the respective high street should have plenty to cater to the locals, which include retailers, service providers, cafes, restaurants, bars, and clubs. All of which, except for retailers and various service providers, could contribute to a robust nightlife scene. Though one really needs to consider what type of residents are located in the suburban area.

Why do some people get so mad when you decline an invitation to hangout?

Because they take it as a personal thing against their character..and they're probably lonely/insecure.

Anyone else notice a decline in Trick-or-Treaters?

I think its because now people have safer options than letting their kids walk the street.. now schools have trick or treating in the gyms or malls have trick or treating so do department stores and its also indoors so its warmer than being outside if you live someplace cold

Why are shopping malls dying?

The world has been afraid of losing malls and department stores for the past 15 years. It is slowly happening and we are finally starting to see the age old anchor department stores like sears and JC penny decline. Sears has been in limbo for a long time.3 reasons malls and department stores are gradually fading. I believe the mall will certainly outlive department stores. Especially outlet malls that offer great prices on expensive goods.department stores and malls are in decline because of online stores. This is has been very obvious since the dawn of Amazon.Stores and malls couldn’t keep up with the newer business models and by the time they caught up, if at all, the competition took their business.Bad business decisions and company management.I notice a lot of malls tend to close because a bigger and better mall has opened nearby. I grew up in an area that had a mall that was built in the early 70s, then another built at the end of the 70s, and then the Big galleria built in the late 80s.The last mall built was a modern style mall that was much larger than the other two and offered a huge selection of stores. It was also in a much more central location. It was actually built right next door to the mall that was built before it and over the course of 20 years had the life sucked out of it by the galleria next door. People tend to gravitate towards what’s better.

Why Philippines Birth Rate and Fertility Rate declining?

Well, my Teacher samples of Population of Asian Countries like Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Philippines, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia And China. My Teacher said that Philippines Fertility Rate back in 1980's was 7, but now it is only 3. Then the birth rate is on decreasing side as well. All together with Any other Asian Countries particularly in the East. What causes it???