What C/c Ide Are You .

What IDE do you use for C/C++?

All the IDE's are already covered here so I will only repeat them. To do C++ development any IDE can be chosen which can help in good code completion and debugging. Even most of the IDE's are more or less had similar features. These are my top 5 preferences, feel free to add/modify yours.Visual Studio - for its nice debugger, which is base necessity in C++. Probably best in the lot if you are using windows platform.Code Lite - Powerful open source, faster than eclipse, cross platform support, code completion features etc.Netbeans - For its Popularity and incorporation of almost all features necessity to make a C++ developer's life easy.Eclipse CDT - for its good CVS or different version control support. Those who work on both C++and Java or in transition from first to second or vice versa, this IDE is a blessing.SlickEdit - For its cross platform support, some of the features and intellisense are pretty good from the rest.

What IDE do you use for C++?

The IDE (Integrated Development Environment) is a set of tools for developers.It includes a text editor, sometimes a very friendly UI, a compiler, a linker and a debuggerAll you have to do is pick the one you feel most comfortable with.About the compiler, maybe there are other reasons to choose one rather than another, not just a matter of preference.By the way, when I’m on Windows I adore Visual StudioWhen I’m on Linux, I use CodeBlocks, but I’m about to switch to Visual Studio Code (which is multiplatform).Please, DON’T use Dev-C++. As far as I know, it hasn’t been updated since 2005 or something like that. AVOID!EDIT: What I love about Visual Studio is the comfortable and very handy User Interface. It is clearly a professional IDE for professional developers. Not to mention its extremely powerful Debugger, Intellitrace and Intellisense.Don’t listen to those who say: “Visual Studio is stupid, it makes your life too easier, it’s for noobs” — they are the jerks, not you.Making your life easier doesn’t mean to be incapable.Tell them to build themselves their own car, instead of driving something created by others

What Perl IDE's do you know?

Hi spaceman! :O)

I've tried a few. One I would reccomend to you would be at . It's a free Perl IDE w/ highlighting :O) You can also find a similiar editor at

If you are comfortable with the IDE from Visual Studio, it may be nice to check out - This does include a classes/objects/etc. tree too :O) is a program which will help you navigate through your classes/subroutines through a tree too. :O)

I hope one of these can help you.. :O) Good luck!

Which is the best IDE for C/C++ programming in Mac?

Netbeans·Xcode·CLionQt CreatorEclipse (CDT)KDevelopSlickEditSublimeVisual Studio forCheck these out. Keep Coding :)

What are some good IDEs for a beginner in C/C++/Python who wants to switch from Turbo C++?

Visual Studio is a fantastic IDE for C/C++, especially its debugger and Intellisense (autocomplete). I really can't ask for better.

What's the difference between Eclipse CDT and Eclipse IDE for C/C++?

There is no difference with respect to C/C++ development. AFAIK, Eclipse Classic does not have a CVS plugin.

What is the best C and C++ IDE (with the easiest set-up)?

Here is a list of some very good C/C++ IDEs. You should select the one which fits your needs. If you are a beginner then try your hands at TurboC++, otherwise take a look at these.1) CLionPlatforms: Linux, Mac OS X, WindowsJetBrains, a well-known company has created this IDE for C/C++ developers.Smart editorEmbedded terminalVarious languages and standards: C++11, libc++, boost, JavaScript, XML, HTML and CSSKeyboard Shortcuts to help you with fast project creatingCMake supportCode analysisWhy it's a number one? Well, because it has a multi-platform support first of all and a has a lot of functions which will help us in developing.2) Visual Studio Code - Code Editing. RedefinedPlatforms: Windows/OS X/LinuxI recently started using VS Code and I find it really awesome. C++ syntax packed with IntelliSense makes your tasks much easier. Easily debug your code with excellent formatting. Really this is the best app by Microsoft for Developers. VS Code is supported on Windows, MacOS and Linux as well.3) XcodePlatforms: Mac OS XThis IDE is the best choice for Mac users. Probably there are so many programmers who prefer to use a Mac. And again this IDE like the previous one (Visual Studio) is not only for C/C++ developers, there are many other popular languages supported. It is completely free to use. So you get pretty cool features to develop your program with C/C++.4) EclipsePlatforms: Linux, Mac OS X, WindowsThe second good IDE which has a multi-platform support. It is also open source which is a big plus and completely free.C/C++ Development ToolsEclipse Git Team ProviderMylyn Task ListRemote System Explorer5) NetBeans IDEPlatforms: Linux, Mac OS X, WindowsMulti-platform, free IDE. Has a lot good feature which can help you in development.C++11 SupportQt Toolkit SupportRemote DevelopmentFile NavigationCompiler ConfigurationsYou can view the whole list here. Hope you liked the answer!

Easiest, most intuitive C/C++ IDE (Windows)?

I'm guessing that you are a victim of Microsoft's changing the world every so often and expecting everyone to come along for the ride, no matter the price. They had Windows 16-bit + C for a while, then tried out Afx, which failed, then switched to MFC and later added ODB, flipped over to a new 32-bit NT which at first refused to support Win32, but was forced later to add a Win32 support layer (slowing it down), and then started their common object model and associated development tools for it later on, dropped all that like a hot potato, and started another initiative... finally coming up with .NET and thereby completely redesigning VB in one fell swoop from VB6, making VB6 and VB.NET entirely different languages.

Welcome to Microsoft.

Anyway, what are your goals, long term? Do you want a compiler that will be around for a while and will still compile older source code 10 years from now? You want a windowing support and a graphics interface that is standardized and may even be portable to other operating systems? What about the IDE? Are you aware that you can use other compilers under Visual Studio and just use it as a fancified make program? (I don't consider Eclipse easy to start with, by the way.) What other targets (Andriod O/S, Apple iOS, Linux, FreeBSD, etc?)

EDIT: Feel free to write, then.