What Close-minded Fool Would Ignore Obama

Did Obama commit Treason?

the Presidential oath of office solemnly affirms or swears that the President shall defend the United States from all enemies, domestic and foreign.

The summary of the Benghazi attack on sovereign US territory as we know it today: [source front page of the Investor's Business Daily for Monday, Oct 29th]

overhead drone provided 50 minutes of real time video of the attack, which was piped into the White House situation room

multiple real time emails were sent in the same situation room, detailing the attack by 20 armed men and the weapons they were using.

the two CIA operatives in the CIA safe house nearby were ordered to "stand down" twice -- which they courageously and at eventual cost of their own lives refused to do.

Ansar al-Qaida claimed responsibility while the attach was underway and asked for assistance from any like minded men in the area. [no idea what response they got]

The fire fight lasted seven hours in all. US forces nearby included F-15s, which could have been overhead within an hour, Special Forces troops who could have been there within three hours, and AC-130 gunships and attack helicopters which could have been there within two hours. Two Navy ships in the Mediterranean also apparently had helicopters within range and Marines on board.

Joe Biden, despite the 5pm situation room briefing, says "Nobody Told Us" -- a flat out lie if there ever was one.

The President apparently went to rest before his trip to Vegas to raise campaign funds. Timing not reported, but it either was before our people died or after they were dead. What did he do? went campaigning.

This craven, cowardly refusal to defend the persons and lands of the United States [the consulate is legally US territory] and to DENY others permission to do the same, in defiance of his oath of office, sure sounds to me like Treason.

Lets have the House of Representatives impeach this fool -- in special session if that's what it takes -- so that he can be indicted and tried for Treason.

and if the Senate refuses to hear the Impeachment -- let us beat the Democrats and Harry Reid over the head with this until it is plain to all Americans that the Democrats are the party of surrender.

am I hot? you betcha!

In your opinion, if the evidence cited above is the truth -- is this Treason by Obama and cause for his removal from office?

Is it possible that the suspicious packages sent to the Obamas, the Clintons, and others were sent by Democratic activists as a strategy to damage Donald Trump ahead of the midterm elections?

I think the greater possibility is that the bomber was somebody (or an organization) bent on creating as much chaos as possible before the elections.First, we have evidence planted on the bomb that points us to both political parties.On the left hand, the bomb to CNN (at least) had Debbie Wasserman Shultz as the return addressee. DWS was exceptionally hated by the Berniecrats for her role in subverting the Sanders campaign, so this points to a disgruntled liberal. All recipients so far were “big money Democrats,” further adding speculative evidence to this claim.On the right hand, the bomb had some crude, obviously forged Muslim symbolism on it. Blaming Muslims would be more likely to work on Republicans. Additionally, all of the targets were people highly critical of Trump. All were Democrats.Secondly, take a look at the above facts and you’ll notice something: it seems like these bombs weren’t meant to reach the target. Why would you put a prominent policy wonk’s name as the return addressee if you didn’t want to arouse suspiscion about the packages? Why would you put Muslim imagery on bombs that were supposed to explode (especially when this is not a common practice by terrorists?)The answer, in my mind, is that these bombs were made by someone who wants to create panic before the elections, to cause mass confusion and finger pointing.They know conspiracy theorists on both sides will cherry pick clues that fit their agenda and be able to frame it either way. They know that there’s allot of contention around the 2018 elections, and the population in America is divided. This was meant to hit all the armchair theorists on reddit and 4chan right in their screech centers.That’s what seems most likely to me, right now, at 2:35pm Eastern time on October 24th of 2018. I’m very interested to see how this actually plays out.Edit:The initial reports are showing that this was, indeed, a whacked out Trump supporter. He was active at Trump rallies, and had a criminal record. That makes my theory wrong, but I’m keeping it up anyway for the sake if transparency. It shows the danger in speculating:Pipe bombs: man arrested in Florida over explosive devices – live updates

Why do liberals tend to look away or deny the threat of radical and moderate Islam?

There’s a couple of reasons for what you’re talking about here.First of all, the threat of anything to do with “Islam” as an abstraction is less to you and me on the street in the USA than tons of other serious problems. Statistically speaking, they’re not anywhere close to being near the top of the list of real problems or dangers we face in the USA. I’m actually more likely to be hit by lightning. But at the same time, when the issue is framed in abstractions to paint over an entire religion with a single brush, it’s not hard to see that this kind of fear-mongering is less concerned with real life than it is an exercise in generalized discrimination.With that said, Liberals take very seriously any sort of proximal danger to the public at large. To be real, “Islam” per se doesn’t pose any more threat to anyone than Christianity does. It’s the screwballs around the fringes that we need to watch for- and liberals generally support targeted efforts to minimize this sort of crime! This talk about how they don’t is intended to keep conservatives outraged, angry.Well, the Muslim boogeyman is something the right has been crying wolf on for decades, and a lot of the rest of us are damned sick of hearing about it.Here’s why: Muslims in the USA have more to fear from riled-up, angry Christians who’ve been listening to their media scare them with tales of Sharia than the rest of us have to fear from them. (There happen to be something on the order of 917 hate groups currently active in the USA, of which over 100 are specifically anti-Muslim)[1] This, in turn, promotes the sort of alienation and radicalization we’re being warned about.What you’ve probably noticed is that liberals tend not to join in the chorus when the the right start using scary Muslims as a threat to rally against, or to justify bigotry against them as somehow being an act of self-defense. Liberals tend to see through transparent efforts to trump up a new boogeyman, and they understand it’s essentially either an incitement to the spike of hate crimes that will follow, or a distraction to divert attention away from the hundreds of active non-Muslim hate groups operating within the USA.They see the hate crimes (including those committed against Muslims, by Americans who can’t explain why they’re angry except some vague crusade-era talking points), and don’t like it.No, they’re not looking away from the danger. They’re looking at the bigger problem instead.Footnotes[1] Hate Map

What age is life not worth living?

IRRELEVANT BUT POWERFUL TOPIC AHEADI'LL SHOW YOU WHAT HAPPENS AFTER YOU DIE.READY FULLY BEFORE COMING INTO CONCLUSION.Also are you a critical thinker? And use logic and reasonYes...Even though, (Modern)SCIENTISTS DOGMATICALLY claim that the universe is random with no purpose.THE CLAIM NO LIFE AFTER DEATH COMES FROM THE FACT THAT REALITY IS MADE UP JUST HARD BITS OF MATTER.Despite of logical arguments by Philosophers and great minds, The scientists (Materialists, The MASSES worship Materialist as Scientists. They are vastly different terms)It was not until the 1950's that QUANTUM MECHANICS COMPLETELY SHATTERED THE IDEA THAT REALITY (THE UNIVERSE, STARS, PLANETS... IS MADE UP OF MATTER) THROUGH THE DOUBLE SLIT EXPERIMENT.It proved that everything is made up of waves, We all are waves (Nikola Tesla had claimed this 50 years ago).This destroyed any absurd ideas that We'll die after death (because this claim had arised from the fact that everything is made up of matter)But still many foolish, shallow and close-minded fools like Neil Degrease, Carl Sagan and ... Are spreading the junk idea that you'll die after death.It all started like this…SCIENTISTS said that we don't have any purpose and the universe has no purpose.The likes of Carl Sagan, Neil Degrease, they indirectly are making people Nihilist, Hedonists,….Then the top celebrities showed how to love life, you only live once so fuk the karma, emotions so live how it's best for you.This made people so unhumanly.The Religions main goal is to divide…Those SCUMS…Now The Elites used Brainwashing propagandas , created misleading events like (9/11)To enslave and fool the already dumbened, careless humanity.I have a proof that we don't after death.Think about many past life remembrance cases...We're they all just random?Nooo, They proved that our consciousness isn't destroyed after death.And life too has a purpose.That is evolving your mind (not by being successful and Rich) but by contemplating, sharping , controlling and awaring your mind with FACTS.