What Color Corsage To Get For Prom Date

What color Corsage should i get my date for prom if her dress is yellow???

1. My date is wearing a regular yellow dress, i was wondering what color corsage i should get her... any suggestions???

2. also what would we a good color corsage for a royal blue dress???

thank you!!!

What color corsage should i get my prom date?

She will be wearing a white dress with silver accessories. and i will be waring a black and white tux with a silver vest piece and tie. what color corsage should i get her?

Should I get my lesbian prom date a corsage?

I'm going to gay prom with my girl this year. do you guys think I should get her a corsage or a boutonniere or what? she hinted that she got me a corsage so I want to get her something too. I think she's going to wear a tux (she's being all secretive about what she's wearing so I will be surprised so i don't know for sure) and I'm worried a corsage/tux combo will be weird, but i also don't want to go along with the whole male/female stereotype just because i feel like i have to. I told her I didn't know what to get her so she was going to end up with a bucket of chicken. :) thanks for the help!

What color of corsage would go with dark purple? What type of makeup? And what should my date wear?

omg your dress is soooo pretty.that would look so cool with a lime green (i doubt they have that color but if they do, tell him to grab it and run!!!!) corsage. but if they dont have that color, then tell him to get white or yellow :)

he sould wear a suit with a light purple tie and a black shirt that would look really good in contrast with your dress!

annd for makeup, i wouldnt go with so much as the girl has on in the picture...maybe a natural look with brown macara and eyeliner, and a hint of light purple eyeshadow. but really go easey on the eyeliner if you dont usually wear eyemake up. you dont want to seem like you just piled it on.


My date is wearing a red prom dress, what color corsage?

My date is wearing a red prom dress. I have a dark gray charcoal suit.

What color shirt/tie should I wear???

What color corsage/boutonniere should I get???

My prom date is wearing a black dress what color corsage should I get?

white, pink or light yellow all look good with your dress

Which color corsage goes with which color dresses?

Color choices are about the most individual preferences on the planet. I urge you to let your individuality shine. Here’s an easy homework exercise for you:If you already have the dress color picked out, take a swatch of the fabric.If you are still deciding the dress color, so much the better. In this case, go to your local hardware or paint store in pick out all the paint swatches you think would look good as a dress.Now go to your florist, if you have chosen one (if not, go to several florists; this exercise will help you determine which florist you like.Now look at the flowers the florist(s) can make into corsages against the background of your color swatch(es). What looks good to you? Courage now. Pull up your big girl undies and make a firm decision. No whining, “I can't decide” or “Tell me what you think.” Just do it. Now you are an artist and your decision has your name on it and the combination is your own personal statement.

What color corsage will match a dark blue dress?

My date has a dark blue dress for prom and I don't know what color corsage to get. Should I just go with a white one or some other color? What colors compliment a dark blue dress? Thanks.