What Colour Do You Like

What colour do you love the most to see near you?

That will be definitely Cool Blue. It just is so soothing and provides relaxation to your mind when you look at it.Hope you like it :)

What colour do you like and dislike the most?

Thanks for A2A.What colour do you like and dislike the most?Like:As a child, I loved “go faster” red.Although I didn’t know it, my Spiritual self was developing, and my color preference gradually rose through the entire spectrum until it has settled on blue.This causes a psychological problem. Our bodies are programmed that blue (day) is wake-time. Because nearly all of our lighting has been changed to fluorescent, we are being bombarded with the wake signal at night. Even “white” LEDs are emitting Blue and UV (because they are actually fluorescent); only those expensive fancy LED bulbs with programmable color are UV-free.Windows 10 now has a “night” feature so that the amount of on-screen blue can be reduced, but it can do nothing about the amount of UV that is escaping through the imperceptible gaps between sub-pixels.Therefore, I also surround myself with green because it’s the color of the Heart and is very relaxing, and as I replace various lights throughout the house, hall-way lights that are only needed for that quick walk to the bathroom will be red or green. Yes, I would prefer having a lush green lawn, but summer will always burn it, and winter will always freeze it, so I settle for the trees.Dislike:Muddy colors like brown, “military” green, “navy” blue, and “neutral” beige. It becomes fairly obvious that I prefer my colors to be the “pure” versions as named by Newton in the color spectrum.

What colour do you like the most, and what are their effects on our lifestyle?

BLUE is love !It gives a sense of peace and calmness. Whenever I feel down, I look up at the sky which makes me rethink about my choices and options in my life.Nature is a great healer. You can sit all day looking at the sky and feel a sense of calmness within yourself. Oceans in the same way can indulge a sense of peacefulness within our body and soul.Blue is often seen as a sign of stability and reliability. Research shows that people are more productive in blue rooms.Blue is a water sign which stands for Aquarius horoscope. The Aquarian symbol indicates spreading love and life to others without giving a second thought.I feel blue is a stable color. It holds a special place in my life since my childhood.Thanks! ♥

Do you like this hair colour?

You did a bad thing when you dyed your Hair blond after it's true color is brown. When Dying your hair you never go from

Black to Blonde
Brown to blonde
Blonde to black
Blonde to brown

So don't do it again, you don't want to be asking a qestion on here 3 or 5 months from now asking about what you do when your hair has either fallen out or it is fried.

Why do you like the color red?

I like red because it's, say it with me in a Spanish accent with Spanish guitars in the background, the colour of FIERY PASSION and LOVE.Nah, I'm just pulling your leg. Red’s a really great colour for no reason at all. I just like it a ton.A lot of my clothing is red, which is really nice to me because I get a bit too anxious to go outside in colours other than red, blue, black, white or gray. It's a colour that matches with a lot, but also looks great on its own, in my not so humble opinion.Plus, it's the colour of anger, something I feel very much very often. It's also quite a bright colour, which I like very much. Bright colours catch my eye, and if there are a bunch of patterns, specifically flowers, I really just fall in love with the article of clothing in question.So, there you have it. Why I like red.

Which color do you like red or blue?

You probably won’t like my answer, but keep in mind, I work with color constantly, I have “color memory”, which most people not only don’t have, they don’t know they don’t have it. What that means is that I can see MORE color, and the depths of a color.My answer is, I like ALL colors. Color preference is a fine thing to have, but because my job is to satisfy every one of my clients (Just Your Style, means just that) I need to be able to put colors together, not in a traditional way, but in a way to make those colors work in a different way, to create the exact look my client wants.My personal color preference for clothing right now is clear, deep blue, but that will change back to lavender or pink - or white.

Which colour do you like most and hate most - white, black, red, yellow, green or blue?

I like white the most. WHITE compliments all colors, so versatile that you can pair it with all the colors you choose. I love all the said colors except…I hate blue the most because it doesn’t compliment my skin tone well (me, being a warm tone girl).

What colour JanSport backpack should I get?

I’m getting a new backpack for school. I want the SuperBreak JanSport backpack. I’d probably get it in a solid colour not a pattern. I’m a girl. What colour do you like the best?

Men! What colour nail polish do you like on girls?

Haha I agree! it's somewhat of a stupid question, that's why I added "or do you not care?":) lol though I've gotten quite a few answers, now haven't I?;)