What Comes From Digesting Carbohydrates

Where does the digestion of carbohydrates begin?

Carbohydrate Digestion begins in the mouth and is usually finished by the time it passes into your small intestine. This is because the saliva breks carbs down into simple sugars- this is why if you hold a piece of bread in your mouth for a long time it begins to taste like sugar. Gross, but true. Hope this helps---

What comes from digesting carbohydrates?

Carbohydrates are first broken down by salivary amylase in the mouth and again in the small intestine by pancreatic enzymes.

What are the end products after digesting carbohydrates?

All the answers posted so far! Carbs will be broken down to simple sugars which are then absorbed into the bloodstream. Your body needs to maintain some sugar in the blood because your brain feeds exclusively on those sugars. No sugar, no brain work.Then your body will, in part through insulin, build up those sugars with other stuff to create glycogen. This glycogen is then stored for later use, often in the muscles and liver.Once those stores are mostly full your body will begin to turn those glycogen molecules into triglycerides (fats), which will then be stored everywhere fat is kept.When your body eventually gets around to consuming these fuel sources you end up producing CO2 and water.This doesn't even touch on the carbohydrates your body cannot break down or absorb. This is where your gut bacteria get to have their fun. They break down these extremely complex molecules into things they can eat, and sometimes stuff your body absorbs I think. I'm honestly not certain about that last part.

Where are carbohydrates digested?

Starch digestion begins in te mouth. Salivary Amylase present in saliva starts the digestion of starch in the mouth itself.

No digestion carbs in the stomach

In the duodenum, the secretions of the pancreas, liver and intestine are poured onto the food
Among these, there is pancreatic amylase which again digests the starch
Then there are the sucrase -digesting sucrose(cane sugar), lactase -digesting lactose(milk sugar) and maltase-digesting maltose(malt sugar)

All these enzymes finally lead to the production of monosaccharides like glucose, mannose, galactose and fructose in the small intestine which are absorbed by the blood.

The end product of carbohydrate digestion is ?

B. Glucose.
The carbohydrate is broken down into glucose that it can use for cellular respiration to make ATP.

What are the final products after digestion of carbohydrates and proteins in our body?

carbohydrates before digestion, they are build-ed blocks of monomers likes of Glucose, fructose, mannose, etc which are manomers which join in head to tail and head-head fashion to each other forms pollysaccharides with glycosidic bonds connecting them. once they enter the mouth, where saliva has enzyme called alpha-amylase which breaks these glycosidic bonds linking the manosaccharides into short chains. these short chains further enters intestinal deudonem where pancreas secrets amylase which breaks the short chains in to complete manosacharides. for exapmle rice before eating millions of glucose are linked together to form amylose and amylopectin to form starch. after digestion it conversts in to free glucose units and absorbed in to blood stream through intestinal barriers and in blood circulation it reaches target tissue cells by insulin. inside the cell glucose undergoes glycolysis to form carbon dioxide and water and energy molecules called ATP.Proteins are build-ed blocks of aminoacids. in stomach pepsin enzyme cleaves the larger fragments in to smaller fragments by cutting the peptide bond which are linking the aminoacids together. then the half digested food are pushed to intestine where pancreas secrets trypsin and chymotrypsin enzymes to further digestion of already digested proteins. results in smaller fragment of protein called peptides will produce and free amino acids. these aminoacids and smaller peptides are absorbed in to the blood circulation across the intestial barriers and transported to tissue cells where conversion of aminoacids into TCA cycle intermediates occurs and undergo oxidation to liberate energy likes ATP, carbon dioxide and water and other free aminoacid will be used as building blocks of protein which body synthesizes as essential aminoacids.Lipids first are broken down into fatty acids and fatty acids are essential in function hence they are mobilized to members. and other fatty acids are stored as reservoir and some are digested to carbon dioxide and water and into ATP.

What happens to incompletely digested carbohydrates?

I am going to assume you mean in a person with a normal functioning gut that has just missed a bit for some reason rather than someone with a digestive problem of some type. Any carbohydrate that has not been digested by the time it reaches the colon will be used by the resident symbiotic gut fauna which will produce various end products some of which are absorbed and used by the body. There may be some gaseous end products which add to normal flatulence. Any carbohydrate your bugs miss will be passed out in the stool.

What is formed when carbohydrates are completely digested?

Just to help you with the other answers.

1. Amino acids are the sub units of proteins.
2. Sugars are the sub units of carbohydrates.
3. Fatty acids are one of the sub units of lipids.
4. Glycerol is the other sub unit of lipids.

What is the end products of digestion for proteins, carbohydrates and fats?

proteins --> amino acids
carbohydrates --> monosaccharides (mainly glucose) and dextrins
fat --> fatty acids and glycerol

What fast digesting carbohydrates are needed immediately (with protein shake) after workout? Can sugar (in any form) be an option?

I think sugar will not be an good option. If you can invest 1500 bucks you can easily get a pure carbo source Of about 2.5kg.. well the recommended dosage is of about 100 gms o_O but i prefer to consume only 33 gms And i use lee labradas pure carbo...or sometimes SSN carbo... its the best way to get pure and simple carbo.. that can be mixed with any of your protein shakes !