What Correction Should Be Made To This Sentence

What correction should be made to this sentence?

It asks you to identify what is wrong in the sentence and how it should be corrected. Specifically, you need to recognize the correct spelling of the comparative form of the word “easy.” At the same time, you need to recognize that the other options are written correctly. The correct answer is (5).

Sentence 6: People’s favorite gadgets may never be used at all.
What correction should be made to this sentence?
(1) change People’s to Peoples’
(2) insert a comma after gadgets
(3) replace may never with never may
(4) change be used to being used
(5) no correction is necessary

What corrections should be made to this sentence?

All cooperative efforts made by states and the U.S. Department of Agriculture to make a clean, safe, wholesome food supply with be in vain unless the consumer takes certain precautions to keep it that way.
1) insert a hyphen in cooperative.
2) capitalize department of agriculture.
3) remove the comma after clean.
4) change it to them.
5) no correction necessary.

Which correction should be made to sentence 11?

Sentence 11: In trying to manage your time, it is crucial that you define what leisure, that elusive prize, actually mean to you.

Which correction should be made to sentence 11?

Which correction should be made to sentence 4?

It should be:
...while hundreds of sharks hunt them in packs.

"have hunted" changes the sentence from present tense to past tense. The whole sentence needs to be the same tense.

Hope I helped.

What correction should be made to the following sentence? ...?

d) change irritated to irritating

it's the person that's feeling irritated at the parents' irritating behavior. if it's "once so irritated", then it would be saying that the parents' behavior was irritated >< and behavior can't be irritated.

a) is not right because the subject is "maturity", singular noun, only use "come" if it's talking about two/more things.

e.g. They come to the store every Sunday. vs. He comes to the store every Sunday.

b) is not right because you have to say what comes with realization, and if you put realizing, that doesn't make sense, it has to be a noun.

c), talking about the behavior of the parents, if parents' shows that it's behavior of the parents, so that's all good.

hope this helped :)

Which correction should be made to sentence 2? Please help?

My work experience and education combined with your need for an experienced landscape supervisor have resulted in a relationship that would profit both parties. Which correction should be made to sentence 2?

1insert a comma after education
2change combined to combine
3change have resulted to would result
4replace profit with prophet
5replace parties with party's

What correction should be made in the following sentence? ...?

What correction should be made in the following sentence? The land "down under" is idyllic, with great whether all year round, friendly people, and surrounded by the ocean for lovers of water sports.

A change "down under" to down under
B change is idyllic, with to is idyllic. With
C change great whether to great weather
D remove the comma after all year round,
E no correction is necessary

What correction should be made in the following sentence? The land "down under" is idyllic, with great whether

A change "down under" to down under
B change is idyllic, with to is idyllic. With
C change great whether to great weather
D remove the comma after all year round,
E no correction is necessary

Is this sentence correct: I will make a try of it one day?

No, "make a try of it" is not an English expression. In fact, the entire sentence is extremely awkward in English.If you want to use "try," the expression is "give it a try." So, you would say: "I will give it a try some day." If you want to use "make," the closest expression would be "make a go of it," though it does not mean quite the same thing as "give it a try." If you say "I will make a go of it one of these days," you are saying that you will eventually make a success of it.

Which sentence is correct, ghee is made of milk or ghee is made from milk?

In terms of food, "made of" is generally used when the transformation of ingredients into the final dish is minimal. For example salad is made of lettuce and tomatoes. Whereas "made from" is generally used when there is a rather drastic transformation of the ingredients. For example ketchup is made from tomatoes and not made up of tomatoes.Therefore the answer to your question would be - Ghee is made from milk.