What Could Be A Bankrupted Economy

What happens if Greece goes bankrupt?

Can someone tell me what the impacts of Greece going bankrupt would be? (on the people and economy). I have cartoon-like images in my mind of the whole country imploding... Obviously I know this won't happen :)

Also, why are they going bankrupt in the first place?

Be as long winded as you like, but please use small/simple words as I'm not an economist/have never studied economics!

If the Russian economy turns bankrupt, will it nuke the USA?

What a silly question.Turn it around and you have, “If the US economy tanks and America is bankrupt, will it nuke Russia?”It’s absurd either way. And remember, Russia was virtually bankrupt after Yeltsin and the IMF screwed it up and that didn’t result in a nuclear holocaust, so why would it now?It’s probably true that the Deep State and/or New World Order types in Washington D.C. would blame Russia if the US economy went tits-up, just as they are blaming Russia for meddling in the 2016 elections because “their” candidate (H.R. Clinton) wasn’t elected and after nearly two years they have come up with some instances of corruption, some Trump appointees who lied to the FBI and diddly squat that implicates Russia in any wrongdoing.

Could the US bankrupt Russia?

Theoretically, yes. By suppressing raw commodity prices, which provide the bulk of our budget proceeds.The US, however, won’t do that, for several reasons:Bankrupting Russia won’t solve any of American most pressing problems, such as the budget deficit, the trade deficit, the social inequality and suchlikeTaking down Putin would destabilize Russia, bringing forth the problem of nuclear proliferation and nuclear threat to the US, which would far outweigh any annoyance Putin currently may be causing.Bankrupting Russia could lead to fracturing the country into smaller segments, where China is likely to be a dominating force (Siberia, Far East, the Ural region). Such a strengthening of China’s hand is not in America’s interest.In a longer term, Russia could provide to the US a useful counterweight against the growing Chinese influence in the world—much like China was a counterweight to the USSR in the 1970s and 1980s. No sense in dumping this card.Bankrupting such a large country with such a vast war chest (approximately $400 billion) is a costly project, and is worth it only if Russia is deemed a clear and present threat to the US. Which the modern oligarchical Russia is not.

How did Hitler fix the German Economy?

Please answer in a Neutral way.
So Germany was bankrupt at the end at WW1. Then in 1933 I think Hitler takes power.
How ,with such short time, did he fix the German economy.
What were some public programs that he developed?

Why is California bankrupt?

I live in California and it's not hard to see that we're completely broke. There's no jobs anywhere. My friend who lives in Sacramento said there's no jobs... not even downtown... something to do with the economy.

Why is California bankrupt and its economy bad? Does this have to do with illegals and welfare? Are high populations of illegals draining the cities of money and resources?

What would happen to the economy if we had infinite energy?

Suppose we found alien artifact that is able to produce infinite electrical energy without emitting any greenhouse gasses, what would happen to our economy?

Obviously, all energy companies would become bankrupt but would the global economy be better? And what do you think we will use this energy on?

Just a hypothetical question.