What Could Be Causing My Kid To Keep Getting Strep Throat

My girlfriend keeps getting strep?

I went in and got a strep test today since she has been getting strep frequently, the doctor said I had strep but wouldn't treat me since I did not have symptoms. What can I do to prevent her from getting sick? Need a quick reply.

Why does my child keep getting a strep throat?

It is likely from one of two things. Your child could be spending a lot of time around children; Strep throat is a childhood and young adulthood illness. Your child could be a Strep carrier or have repeated exposure to a Strep carrier, perhaps in the household. A carrier has Strep, but feels well. No one notices because he is not sick. Explore this with your child's doctor.

How do you get strep throat?

Grinding your teeth will not cause strep throat. It's a bacterial infection and extremely contagious. If you are in close proximity to someone with strep throat, you might catch it.

How to cure strep throat.?

Strep. Throat Home Remedies (Mayo Clinic)

1) Get plenty of rest. Sleep helps your body fight infection. If you have strep throat, stay home from work if you can. If your child is ill, keep him or her at home until there's no sign of fever and he or she feels better.

2) Drink plenty of water. Keeping a sore throat lubricated and moist eases swallowing. Drinking plenty of water also helps prevent dehydration.

3) Eat soothing foods. Foods that are easy on a sore throat include broths, soups, applesauce, cooked cereal, mashed potatoes, soft fruits, yogurt and soft-cooked eggs. You may even want to puree foods in the blender to make them easier to swallow. Very cold foods such as sherbet, frozen yogurt or frozen fruit pops also may be soothing. Avoid spicy foods or acidic foods such as orange juice.

4) Gargle with warm salt water. For older children and adults, gargling several times a day can help relieve throat pain. Mix 1/4 teaspoon (1.2 milliliters) of table salt in 8 ounces (237 milliliters) of warm water. Be sure to tell your child to spit out the liquid after gargling.

5) Use a humidifier. Adding moisture to the air can help ease discomfort. Moisture keeps mucous membranes in your throat from becoming dry and even more irritated. Choose a cool-mist humidifier and clean it daily, because bacteria and molds can flourish in some humidifiers. Saline nasal sprays also help to keep mucous membranes moist.

6) Stay away from irritants. Cigarette smoke can irritate a sore throat and increase the likelihood of infections such as tonsillitis. In addition, avoid fumes from paint or cleaning products, which can be irritating to your throat and lungs.

Can a ferret get strep throat?

No, not likely at all. Also ferrets do 'not' catch the human cold, it is a rhinovirus and ferrets do no catch rhinovirus. Ferrets can catch the human flu. This is per Dr. Bruce Williams DVM, DACVP. If you are not familar with Dr. Williams he is world renown in Ferret Pathology and answers questions on 'The Ferret Health List' (FHL) He is also a speaker at the annual 'Ferret Symposium'. He has also contriubuted to many medical books on ferrets.

This is a post directly from Dr. Williams on Strep throat and ferrets:

"The answer is no and very rarely, yes. Typically, ferrets are not considered to be carriers or victims of "strep throat". Although rare, dogs have been implicated in carrying the classic cause of strep throat, the bacterium Streptococcus pyogenes. However, many other bacteria have been "accused" of causing a syndrome like Strep throat - staphylococcus, Hemophilus influenzae,
even Neisseria. Ferret can conceivably contract staph infections from humans, but it is more likely that they will be hit by a meteor.

If your friend or her children has Strep throat the ferrets are very
likely safe. However, it is always best, due to omnipresence of
influenza virus in the precipitation of many upper respiratory
infections, to stay away from the ferrets as much as possible in such instances.

With kindest regards,

Bruce H. Williams, DVM, DACVP"

Dr. Williams website
"Pathology of the Ferret"

I hope this puts your mind at ease :-)

I have had strep throat 5 times in 2 months. What is wrong?

I’ll take a different approach from Mr. Yellin.Antibiotics do not shorten the course of Strep throat. They prevent Rheumatic Fever, which is a rare complication.The question then becomes Did you really have Strep Throat? Is this proven by culture, or are you just calling a sore throat a Strep Throat? This implies of course that you have gone to see a doctor about this (unless you have the microbiological expertise, which you might. It’s not that hard. I could do it at home if I wanted to spend the money and time…)One expects a real Strep throat to last 7 to 10 days. Two months is about 60 days. Five times implies 49 to 70 days. In other words, two months is probably not enough time to have separate episodes of strep throat five times.This implies that whatever you are having are not separate illnesses. This may be the same illness and you are not getting over it.So. If you have not had this confirmed by a doctor, you need to do so. Maybe you have a chronic problem. Maybe you need your tonsils out. We don’t know how that works (I think). When I was a kid they lined us all up between four and seven and yanked our tonsils out, now we are more discriminating. Talk to your doctors.

My six year old daughter has Strep Throat....?

She was diagnosed today and was given antibiotics, she has fever and I am giving her Motrin and sore throat lozenges. She is miserable, how can I keep her comfortable? Poor thing, its also her birthday today. Also, I am worried about her infecting the rest of the family, especially our 10 month old daughter. She is staying away from her and I am spraying Lysol like a mad woman. Any suggestions?

Can you have chronic strep throat or "chronic tongilitus" my roommate is saying she has chronic strep?

She may just have drama-queen-itis :D