What Could Be The Cause Of Feeling Like There Is Something Stuck In Your Throat All The Time And

My throat feels like something is stuck in it.?

Perhaps you scratched your larynx when you ate something (the tips of French fries can be abrasive) and made a cut on your throat. If it has gotten infected, there could be swelling and that could cause the "something stuck" sensation. Try gargling 3 times a day with a good mouthwash and get it as far back as you can in your throat without actually swallowing it. Also take more vitamin C and an herbal immune system booster like echinacea golden seal or astragalus (use recommended dosage on bottle). Be aware of the possible contraindications of these things. Astragalus, for instance, has anti-coagulant properties so if you're taking other meds that are anti-coagulants, too, you'll have to be careful with dosage and timing. Might be best to stop the other meds and treat your throat first.

Avoid sour things like vinegar, lemons, etc until the scratchy, stuck feeling passes.

If self-medication (gargling and immune boosting) doesn't improve the situation after 3 days, you should see a good doctor.

I feel like i have something stuck in my throat?

i have the same problem... and it was annoying at first...
but i got used to it... i have had it for 2-3 years and the doctors never noticed anything...
but if you find out what it is let me know cause i need to find out thanks

Why do I always feel like something is stuck in my throat?

Please ,please dont expect people on Quora, especially non medical ones to be able to tell you what’s going on. Ethical and safe doctors do not diagnose from a distance (except for properly organised telemedicine ). You cannot diagnose without a proper history and physical examination. Without a diagnosis no one can offer treatment.I can think of many things that could cause this, some are not serious-just a nuisance and easily managed- and some could be extremely serious-like neurological problems. If this is bothering you then you should see your family doctor and possibly be referred to an ENT surgeon who has the ability to examine you properly.Im not being protective for doctors. I’m trying to get the message across that Quora is not the place for diagnostic questions about personal medical problems. It’s dangerous.

I feel like tablet stuck in my throat, what should I do?

If you do get a pill stuck, I want to leave my answer here. I just had this happen to me and I scoured Quora and didn't find much help...An hour ago I took a small 10mg pill and it lodged itself in my throat and would not move. I could breath etc, wasn't choking, but I felt it sitting there. Here's what I did to unlodge the pill...the exact order:I drank tons of water, couple of water bottles...Damn thing didn't move.I ate food, hoping to push it down...again, didn't move.While standing, I tilted my head back and let the water go towards the back of my throat before swallowing...this moved the pill around.The pill moved while in my throat, but didn't go up or landed near my gag reflex. I then vomited out all the contents of my stomach...and the damn pill still didn't move!!! Can you believe that?!?! (sorry if this is TMI)Laid down on the floor with a mouth full of water and then swallowed it. Laying on the floor will relax the throat muscles and open up the parts of the throat where pills can get stuck. (Some ppl have small crevices and pills will tend to get lodged there).I took another pill (Tylenol), thinking it would push the first pill down. Nope, still felt it.I drank Coke. Figured the acidity would help the pill to dissolve and slide down. I think this worked somewhat. It seemed to get softer, but still didn't move.I started drinking hot liquids (tea).I sat down, grouchy, and played Candy Crush trying to figure out what to do next. At some point I swallowed...and it was gone! Ok, so I don't know what actually worked, but the damn demon has either dissolved or I was able to swallow it. I think it's either one or some combination of the last 4 things I tried. That thing was lodged in tight. I hope my experience can help someone else, because I didn't find a lot of help on here when I looked.I recently just saw another Quora user (a Registered Nurse) said that tilting your head back when you take a pill constricts your throat. She said when taking a pill, tilt your head downwards, towards your chin. She said it works every time...though it sounds scary to me.

Quit smoking and feels like there's something constantly stuck at the back of my throat?

Okay so when I got pregnant I had a really hard time quitting cigarettes but I finally did. But now I feel like there's constantly something, feels like mucus, stuck in the back of my throat and I try to cough it up but there's actually nothing there. The feeling is still there after I cough and cough and cough or eat or drink anything, I've even shoved my finger back there but nothing. Is this normal after quitting smoking? Is there anything I can do to stop this? It's getting really annoying...