What Could My Situation Be In Drama

What is an example of a dramatic situation in poetry?

A dramatic situation in poetry is the underlying plot line that is created to place the characters in conflict with themselves or others. It is a literary tool that is used to force the audience to become emotionally invested in the poem.The poem's setting, characters and action all contribute to establishing the dramatic situation. The dramatic situation is characteristically unstable in that the audience is aware that the plot of the poem will not stay constant. In general, there is a good or a bad outcome for a dramatic situation. If the outcome is bad, then the poem is described as a tragedy.If you need that for writing an assignment, check how can Supreme essay service can help you. Good luck!

What would you do, if you were in my situation?

My boyfriend and I have been together for a year and a half now. We have a good relationship and we have almost everything in common, his mother, seems to be our only problem. She doesn't know me at all and has already started unnecessary drama with me, it's obvious she doesn't like me. She has told several lie's on me, which I could have let go and start fresh with her, but the recent lie she told on me, is not allowing me to forgive her. She told my boyfriend that someone from her hair salon, told her I had an abortion, which was a bold face lie and I think she made it up, to make me look bad, in hopes that her son, would break up with me. She has turned everybody in his family, against me and my stress level is horrible. I love him and he loves me, I just can't hardly take her lying anymore, but if I break up with him, she wins. What should I do?

Why would someone create drama and situations and then blame you as being weird for reacting?

Sometimes that happens when they are being misunderstood and trying to get you to understand them.I've had this happen to me before. It caused an argument between us. I didn't do it to cause drama, I did it to get them to understand how I felt about something, and they misinterpreted what I was trying to tell them. Blame happens when it goes out of control and both people are upset. Words are said, that can't be unsaid. Its not weird to react at all. Sometimes, it happens in misunderstandings from not communicating correctly. Sometimes, in the heat of the moment, the words you want to say, come out wrong. It happens sometimes.Hopefully, you can both cool down and bring it up later, talk about what happened, listen to eachother, apologize for both people, and set boundaries with eachother, so it doesn't happen anymore.Does this person act that way all the time? Was it a first time drama or argument? Sometimes, reflecting on the situation and the person helps.The person that this happened with in my situation, was not a confrontational person for the most part.In fact, we never argued. We had disagreements sometimes, but we always agreed to disagree with no problems before. So it was odd for me to see him react the way that he did. I also apologized for my actions in the argument, but they didn't accept that. They never apologized to me for their part in it. And it was never talked about or solved between us , even though I did try to talk to him. And the result of that was…we no longer speak.

Loans Question, Family drama.?

Hello Yahoo, I'm fairly new to Yahoo answers and I'm hoping to get some answers here. My family and I are in a shitty situations against my Dad. We are now separated, my Mom is trying to divorce my Dad but he is stalling from coming to court because he doesn't want to divorce. My Dad is an egotistic, selfish, greedy, short temper, and abusive person. He's also the one that kicked us out of the house, but then wants us back. I'm with 3 other siblings, and we all are on our Mom's side, so of course we're living with her now. These are just things to give you guys the picture of what's going on with my family. So my question is, is there a way that my Mom can fight and not pay for "her" loans? Reason why I asked this question is because it's not really her loans but my Dad's. My Mom doesn't not speak English, so my Mom doesn't really know much of Society and other works. Therefore, my Dad uses that advantage, and used her personal information or identity to get loans. My Dad's credit is really shitty, so he uses my Mom's personal information to get money from loaners, so basically my Mom's credit is **** now because of him. My Mom is a hard working woman, and she'd never loan company, she does it the fobby way by asking her cousins if she ever wants to burrow money. She'll pay it back though. If you guys have any questions that needs to be asked, please ask. Thanks for reading.

I have too much drama in my life what should I do?

First, separate yourself from those creating “drama.” What I did was move in with my girlfriend and her family, returned to high school, then graduated high school and joined the U.S. Navy.Later, had drama with the wife, so I separated from her and chose to be stationed in another state far from her. Started over personally through self-improvement.Was tired from the drama with the Navy, so I separated by not reenlisting and moved on.The point is, separate yourself from the source of the drama. Separate yourself from anything, anyone and any place not supporting you and not positively affecting your life.

Am I wrong for wanting a healthy relationship without drama?

It's not at all wrong. The situations don't get dramatic, we create a drama. It would be good if you would have mentioned if you wer a girl or boy to suggest specifically. However, get what you need to concentrate on is how to handle dramatic situations and turn them into normal ones. It's all about how you deal with situations and play well to control situations and change it to better situation.Just smile off whenever possible or just be silent. In situations when drama can't be avoided and you will have to speak necessarily, speak in such a way dat drama is avoided and things could be calmed down.Tip: Never loose your cool. That is the panacea that deals with any relation and every situation. Cheers!!!

What should I do if my classmates are creating drama over a little situation?

A2ABest general advice: Stay out of it as much as possible. Today’s dramas over little things are forgotten by most people tomorrow. But, grudges for taking the other side often live a long time.Advice that might contradict the first: If the drama is reaching a level where somebody is being hurt physically or emotionally, then somebody needs to act. Decide if you have the resolve, skills, and authority to act and in what way. If anybody is truly being injured, I would, at a minimum, make sure an adult I trusted knew.