What Could Of Happened Him

What could happen to you if you take?????????

An overdose of Dayquil is mostly dangerous because it contains a lot of tylenol.

Tylenol overdose is very painful and can result in serious liver damage.

The normal set limit for Tylenol is 4000mg per day. Dayquil usually has 250 to 325mg per pill. This means a person could safely consume 12-16 of these per day with no ill effects. More than that COULD make him sick; it depends on the timing, the actual amount he had, and his own metabolism. Like a huge guy could probably stand more than a tiny guy or a woman, since his liver is likely to be larger.

But at any rate, it sounds like your friend has had too many. Tell him this, and warn him that he doesn't want to go to the ER for Tylenol overdose. Chances are he will be ok, but he is approaching the dangerous limit and taking more is a quite bad idea at this point.

Could it happen here?

possibly although not exctly like the movie but some what like that after all the president is using the high gass prices to his advantage saying if u let me drill oil out of every where and destroy everything we will have more oil less price

this si wrong because obvoiusly he has all oil companies on his payrol and he also could verbally abuse them about this.

by the way we could get a lot more gas from bio fuels than oil could ever produce

How could this happen to me?

now, i keep thinking about him.. but there's someone still stay in my heart. no wonder i'm keep thinking which one should i take. but i'm still young.19. there's many more choice in diz world. so????

What would have happened to President Nixon if President Ford didn't pardon him?

Let’s take it a bit further. Ford’s biggest fear was that Nixon would not have stood trial instantly, and that the resulting subpoenas, indictments, continuances, depositions, and so forth might take up to two years, during which America’s prestige around the world would sink, along with the morale of the American people.Putting Nixon on trial in 1976 would have been disastrous for the nation. It would have completely ruined the Bicentennial celebrations, and it would have played havoc with the presidential election.In real life, the Democrats nominated Jimmy Carter, a Washington outsider who had nothing to do with Watergate. In the Republican party, the same impulse was strong, and Ford almost wasn’t nominated by his own party in 1976.In our alternate timeline, with Nixon on trial, the GOP would want to cleanse itself of any reference to Nixon, and would probably nominate Ronald Reagan.Heaven only knows if Ronald Reagan could have defeated Jimmy Carter in 1976.

In Breaking Bad, what could have happened to Jesse Pinkman after the death of Walter White if the show didn't end?

Well Jesse had been a captive for many months and Todd and his Uncle's gang didn't exactly treat him well. After the initial jubilation of becoming free, he would have probably suffered from PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.) He would have had nightmares about the past and probably would have joined a support group to seek help.He would have also strayed away from any form of Meth but I am not sure about other drugs (lets say cocaine.)Jesse has a habit of taking drugs and consuming alcohol when under stress and as much as I'd like to say that he would have lead a normal life with a happy ending, this probably wouldn't have been the case.He would have been devastated by Andrea's death and would have taken her kid Brock under his care or would have atleast supported him financially. He not only cared about Andrea but also for her kid and we all saw how mad he got when he suspected that Walter White had poisoned Brock. While he'd try to be a good guardian to Brock, I am pretty sure Skinny Pete and Badger would have arrived unnanounced and he would succumb into taking drugs again. Initially, Jesse would stray away from girls and would reject anyone who showed interest. He has had two girlfriends over the duration of the show and both of them died partly due to him and that is enough to scare anyone. But over the years, I am positive that Jesse would have broken the vicious circle of drug abuse and would atleast  try to lead a normal, crime-free life and probably find the right girl to spend the rest of his life with. ​​​

What do you think happened to Otto Warmbier in North Korea that made him critically ill?

Warning: I have no formal medical education, but I have drawn conclusions based on personal research.The doctors at the Univeristy of Cincinatti deemed the reason Otto was in a coma was because he had “extensive brain damage” which might have been caused by “oxygen depreviation”.Some defectors have noted that they put people in vacuum sealed chambers and slowly remove oxygen from the chamber until there is none left. According to What Happens After A Lack of Oxygen to the Brain?Between 30-180 seconds of oxygen deprivation, you may lose consciousness.At the one-minute mark, brain cells begin dying.At three minutes, neurons suffer more extensive damage, and lasting brain damage becomes more likely.At five minutes, death becomes imminent.At 10 minutes, even if the brain remains alive, a coma and lasting brain damage are almost inevitable.At 15 minutes, survival becomes nearly impossible.Otto must have been deprived of oxygen for around 10 minutes which led him into his coma.He has purportedly been in the coma since April of 2016, which makes you wonder why he would die after 15 months of being in a coma.There are two main reasons for his sudden death.A blood clotAn infectionIf one is to be in a coma for such a long period of time or not moving, you have a “very high chance of forming a blood clot.” The flight from North Korea to Cincinatti could have “increased” his chances of forming a blood clot. This blood clot could have ultimately led to his death.The North Koreans might have been giving him specific drugs to keep him alive for such a long period of time. I do not understand why they would keep him alive after nearly killing him, but much of North Korea is a mystery to everyone in the world. This infection could have been inflamed after not receiving drugs. The infection might have been pneumonia.My heart goes out to Otto’s family and friends, no one should ever have to experience something like this.