What Could These Small Lumps On My Neck

Is the small lump in my neck likely cancer?

Its a swollen Gland, i had the same thing a few years ago. It stayed swollen for like a year and now its all back to normal. It doesn't heart at all, but yo can feel it when you swallow something. If it doesn't go eventually, visit your doctor so he give you the meds that will make it go back to it's normal state.

Small round lump on neck - what could it be?

I have a small round lump on my neck next to my jawbone under (not behind) my ear. It is more or less perfectly spherical, and it is somewhat firm, but not hard. I don't really think it's swollen lymph node, because none of my other lymph nodes are swollen and I feel perfectly healthy right now. I've had this little lump for at least six months, but it could be longer. I'd say it's about 7 mm in diameter. It does form a little visible bump.

Does anyone know what this could be?

There is a small lump on my turtle's neck. what could it be?

I have 4 small red ear slider turtles and Ive had this one turtle for a long time (4 years). its about 2.5-3 inches long. recently ive notice that there is a small bump on his neck. This turtle looks the same to be meaning its still active, i feed them, he eats. What could it be and can i treat this at home without taking it to the vet?

I have a small lump on my neck. What could this mean?

Could mean it’s time to “put a hot wash rag on it” as my country pediatrician advised me when I stopped by his lobby while visiting my parents as an adult, hoping to get a reference to another doctor in the area.“But for how long?” I inquired.“Long as it takes.”He refused payment for the advice: “I don’t charge for standing in my waiting room. Now git outta here. You’re grown.”I kept a hot wash cloth on it for some forty minutes. It opened and drained for a few minutes and has not come back since more than thirty years later.That’s in sharp contrast to my first visit to a Palo Alto doctor a month earlier when it first showed up. He wanted $400 to perform minor surgery on it. When he found out I didn’t have a medical plan and would be paying myself, he asked if I could pay cash.“Sure.”“Come in Saturday morning.”It was just him and me. “Okay, so he’s doing this off the books,” I thought to myself, “and pocketing the cash.” ($400 then equals more than $2000 now.)Local anesthetic, a quick slice, drained it and packed it with gauze, gave me some big band-aids to put over it for a few days—in and out in fifteen minutes.“That sure was expensive for fifteen minutes!” I thought. And it came back in a month.I’m no doctor, but trying a hot compress may save you a trip to one.

Why do I have a lump in my neck?

There are many things that could manifest as a lump in your body. It could be a harmless lipoma to a malignant lymphoma. There are some features that may suggest that a lump is malignant or not. If it has fast onset and rapid growth; If it has hard consistency; If it is adhered to deep tissues (rather than mobile), the chances of it being malignant are greater. But that's not enough for you to sleep peacefully at night.Anyway it is highly recommended that you seek a doctor to assess fully the lump, perhaps with imaging and biopsy. It would be irresponsible to rely solely on information you got from strangers on the internet.

Are these lumps in my neck cancer?

For the last week I have felt two oval shaped lumps in my neck 10-15 mms in height and 5-10 mms in width. (the ovals are positioned upright, parallel to my neck) located right above my Adams apple. I am able to roll them somewhat under my fingers but they are not completely free standing-I can only move them so far before they slip under my finger. The lumps are quite firm but not what I would imagine rock hard would feel like. About a week before I discovered these lumps I had a cold(which I rarely, if ever get) with a sore throat and all sorts of sinus problems. The lumps are both painless at the moment but my throat starts to feel like it's closing-(it feels like my toung is too big for the back of my throat) if I mess with them for a while. If I don't mess with them I kind of forget that they're there. I also found a lump of simmilar size, shape, and texture in my groin. I had an ultrasound and was told it was a left epididymal head simple cyst but I'm questioning that diagnosis now because of the similarities between that lump and the lumps on my neck. By the way, I'm an 18 year old male in pretty good shape. Do you think I have lymphoma? Thanks for your help.

How can I treat a small lump on my jawline?

Honestly, any method you, the OP, would be told of in response to your posted question would be a guess, at best.Why? Because you haven’t had the underlying cause for these lumps determined yet!

Lumps in neck of 15 year old boy?

For about a month now I've had these two lumps in my neck.
One feels like it is actually embedded in the front of my throat itself, and it's hard and cannot be moved.

The other in a little bit to the left of my throat, is very small, and can move around freely.

I also have a lump that underneath my collarbone that can move freely; that showed up about 6 months ago.

About 2 years ago I started developing gynecomastia, or at least i think that's what it is. Since then, the lumpy tissue has spread all across my chest...

Sorry, I know that's a lot, but do you think this can all be tied into one thing? I also have some pimples on my neck that I've popped, which I know can lead to infection and swollen neck lymph nodes...


What are the symptoms of neck lumps?

Hi thereThe most common neck problems patients might present with are lumps and bumps. Most commonly, these will be lymph nodes which are structures mainly involved in the removal of infective organisms. As such, lymph nodes become swollen when there is an infection, such as tonsillitis or ear infections.Tumour cells can also spread to lymph nodes, causing them to enlarge. As tumours in the head and neck region are generally uncommon, this is a much more unusual cause of lymph node enlargement. However, if there is any suspicion that a patient could have a tumour, they should be referred to an ENT surgeon urgently for assessment and investigation, if required.If you need more professional advice please free to contact me via my website over at Guildford ENT