What Could You Use As A Natural Sleep Aid To Take Before Going To Bed

What are some great natural sleep aids I could take?

You could try trying to relax and unwind prior to going to sleep at night as this helps a lot of people with sleep problems.

Essential oils can be used to help you get a good nights sleep. Here are some of the top essential oils which can calm and relax, helping to you to fall asleep more easily and get a good nights rest.

Lavender helps to calm the nervous system and relax the body. Lavender is used in aromatherapy to fight insomnia, anxiety, depression and fatigue.

Mandarin is a wonderful gentle oil that is popular for use with children. It helps encourage sleep by easing nervous tension and soothing irritability.

Chamomile has a good relaxing effect on the nervous system. The oil can be used as for other essential oils (see below). Alternatively try a cup of Chamonile tea about half hour before bed

Bergamot as a great stress relieving oil to help you relax. This citrus fragrance encourages restful sleep and is believed to be a natural anti-depressant.

There are a few different ways you can use essential oils to help you sleep.

- Skin application or Massage. Never apply essential oils directly on your skin, make sure to dilute in a carrier or vegetable oil. (you will need about 5 teaspoons of carrier oil for every 10 drops of essential oils) Massage the blend into feet and hands or around the neck, shoulders or upper back if you get tense in these areas.

- Bath. For an adults bath, add 4-6 drops of essential oil just before you get in and swish this around to mix well. Essential oils do not dissolve readily in water but will disperse if well mixed. Do not prepare the bath in advance as much of the volatile oil will be lost. Don't be tempted to add more oil, even if the amount looks tiny. Essential oils are very concentrated and the number of drops suggested is more than sufficient. Allow plenty of time for a relaxing soak for at least 10 minutes, or up to 20 minutes if you can! Some of the oil will adhere to the skin and some will be inhaled as an aromatic vapour

- Inhalation: can simply add a few drops of the oil onto a tissue and tuck inside your pillow case so you will inhale the oil through the night for better quality sleep or add the essential oil to an aromatherapy vaporiser. Do not use an oil burner with a candle as it is not safe to leave this burning while you are asleep.

Hope this helps!

Can we take milk before going to bed to sleep at night?

Not really.The reason why people say that one should have milk or warm milk before sleeping is because milk contains tryptophan, which is an enzyme that helps us fall asleep. True enough. However what they don't tell you is that the amount of tryptophan present in a glass of milk isn't nearly enough to make us fall asleep! For that, one will probably need to drink several litres of milk, which is definitely not the case. The only way it can help you fall asleep is to give you that same warm, fuzzy feeling that you experienced as a child after you were given a glass of milk each night by your loving mother. It's all in your head, really. Sort of a placebo effect!

What's the best natural remedy for sleeping through the night?

What's the best natural remedy for sleeping through the night?There is a lot of things you could do to improve your sleeping, it depends on how much do you really need healthy sleep and how much effort are you ready to put into it, or in other words, how consistent are you going to be. Anyway, here is a few simple tips that helped me fall asleep faster:· Try not to use electronics at least 30 before going to sleep. It helps your brain relax.· Take a nice, warm shower. The heat will help you relax and fall asleep faster.· Drink a glass of hot milk. Milk containts amino acid tryptophan and melatonin which induces sleep.· Expose yourself to sunlight. Open your window, open the curtains and stimulate your brain to start working.· Create a sleeping routine. Whether it’s brushing your teeth or taking a walk, it’s proven that creating a routine before going to bed helps you fall asleep faster.· Exercise. Being active during the day or doing some exercises will sure help you fall asleep faster.· Get a good mattress. If you have old and uncomfortable mattress, it’s time to get a new one.Those are some tips that helped me. And here are some useful articles: hope it will help! Greetings!

What should I do before going to bed that will help me sleep better?

Having been a practicing sleep doctor for the past 16 years, I developed a technique called The Power Down Hour, which Ihave seen help quite a bit with sleep.1) Going to bed at a consistent time is one of the key critical factors with all sleep issues. But most people have no idea what time they should go to bed. Many just go when exhausted. There is a much ore scientific way to do this:Identify your normal weekday wake up time, for example 6:30am.Count backwards from that time 7.5 hours ( average sleep cycle is 90 min, average person has 5 = 7.5 hours.Your bedtime is now 11pm2) Set your alarm clock for 10pm, this is one hour before lights out, also by setting the alarm it forces you to go into the bedroom to turn it off and you will not have the “I don't know where the night went” problems.3) Begin your electronic sunset (curfew) plug in all devices out side of your bedroom, removing laptops, phones, and tablets.4) Take 20 min to do the things you must do before the next day. For example, getting kids backpacks together, laying out clothes, etc.5) Take 20 minutes for Hygiene6) Take the final 20 min to do some form of meditation or relaxation, in bed, in the dark if possible. Examples include bed yoga, stretching, prayer, etc.The key thing to remember is simple, your body must have a reduced heart rate to enter into a state of unconsciousness. The 3 steps of the power down hour allow for anxiety reduction, hygiene, and a lowering of heart rate.Best of Luck and sweet dreams,Dr. BreusLet the Sleep Doctor Teach You How to Get Better Rest

What can I take to help me sleep besides Benadryl?

Medications are not the only solution to sleep problems, proper sleep hygiene, avoiding blue/violet tinted light, CBT are well proven treatments. If medication is needed these are some things to consider- supplements may or may not be safer than prescription medication. Melatonin is sometimes effective with minimal risk of serious side effect, while heavy use of Kava-Kava has been associated with serious liver problems. So please ask questions and be well informed. Among FDA drugs there are a number of options but all have their limitations. All of the benzodiazpines, like xanax, klonopin, etc are often linked to habituation, can cause confusion and memory impairment and are almost never a good idea for regular use, although probably ok to use rarely. Belsomra is a fairly new medication, it has some promise in that it mimics the brain’s own natural sleep-wake cycle system by blocking the secretion of orexins, but my experience with patients has been hit and miss. If sleep initiation is a problem, Clonidine, an alpha blocker is generally safe and does not cause memory problems, Very low doses of Doxepin 6mg or below are helpful with staying asleep and at such low doses are quite safe. Rozarem, which is acts in a similar manner to melatonin, but is stronger, also has mixed results, but seems generally safe . Although the data is mixed, Trazolone, which is an antidepressant that is often too sedating to work well, can be used as a sleep aid and is generally safe, the dose that works varies widely, so start low and work up. It’s not habit forming so it a higher dose is needed, that is ok. Before going down this road however, try to maximize the benefits of non medication treatment, Alcohol, for example, clearly interferes with sleep. Stopping what you are doing, relaxing, reading not using computers etc also may help Medication should be an option after these other things are tried

What is the least harmful sleep aid?

Anything natural is going to be easier for your body to process, compared to pharmaceuticals, for the most part. There are drug interactions that do occur so I would check with my doctor first before trying any of these, especially if you are on other medications. This is very serious and not to he taken lightly. I am a 24 year old life insurance agent, not a doctor, so please don't treat my advice inappropriately. Yay, warning done, with that said:Lavendar is a great essential oil that helps with insomnia namely and other sleep problems. You can diffuse it and rub it on the bottom of your feet. I have only ever used young living products and have been very satisfied. They have a commit from seed to seal and have a great range of natural solutions to every day problems.You can also try melatonin supplements. Valerian root supplements also are known for their sleep inducing properties.Diet and exercise are also important to take into consideration. Personally, I don't eat after 8 so that my stomach can be settled before I lay down. Keep your water intake at recommended levels for your body type and size. Limit caffeine to early morning, mid morning. Anything in the afternoon runs the risk of keeping you up, especially if you metabolize caffeine slower. There are foods like bananas and cherries that help to boost melatonin production, so eat before bed to help maximize results. Drink an herbal tea, these have NO caffeine and may help you now off quicker. My favorite is celestial seasonings sleepy time tea. Exercise in the afternoon helps to relax the body and muscles, not too close to bed time or it could adversely affect you and wind you up.Take a warm shower or bath, with Epsom salts if desired to help soothe sore muscles and pains. You can also use a few drops of clary sage to help cleanse your psyche. Put a few drops of lavender. Try to meditate at the end of the day to help cleanse yourself of the day and to help relax your mind and your anxieties. There are great meditations on YouTube. Look for one that speaks to you or ask for a recommendation.Sometimes I like to read until I feel sleepy. Sometimes I will journal about what is on my mind until I nod off. Keep a journal so you can keep track of what is working for you and what isn't. Process of elimination to help weed out the ineffective remedies. Good luck to you. Namaste.