What Did Don Omar Say About Salvadorens

What threat does ISIS pose to US national security?

We only need to look at Turkey, Iraq, Pakistan, Lebanon and France (and the effects of Nice, Bataclan and Charlie Hebdo (as well as others such as the brutal church attack in Rouen) to understand what DA3SH hopes to accomplish, and what it can do to damage American security as a whole.The main threat that DA3SH poses to US national security can be explained in several areas:Terror attacks by DA3SH are meant to create a climate of fear, chaos, panic and hatred to also reduce the population’s will to resist (especially amongst Muslims) which will hopefully….draw Federal resources away from attacking it and other Islamic ethnoreligious terror outfits on a global scale, as well asdestroy the United States from within by compromising Federal legitimacy on a whole to create an environment ripe enough for an Islamic insurrection against the United States. The fact that people trust Trump over Clinton to act tough on terror in the polls already shows that DA3SH is winning in the US.A successful terror attack on US soil can be milked for propaganda gain by DA3SH to convince others of its own legitimacy. You can condemn them for their “barbaric” deeds but make no mistake, Middle Easterm military culture prizes killing with impunity. The best recruits will continue to join DA3SH and it can also keep control of its own operatives as long as it launches terror attacks and claims credit for them.Ultimately, terror attacks aimed at the USA are meant to weaken the USA from within (wasted and diverted resources) and to galvanise Muslim resistance against Washington both within America itself and without.See also:Will ISIS really attack Malaysia?Should the US be worried about ISIS?Do you think that the world has lost the war against ISIS?What is the Islamic terrorists' purpose in attacking Europe?Can ISIS do the same with India as they did with Iraq and Syria?Why can't the ISIS and other terrorist groups just bomb a place by air?

Why do people consider Mexicans/Guatemalans mestizos & Dominicans/Puerto Ricans Black?

Pretty much the media like L for Lonely said..... Latin Americans are very diverse Mestizo is no longer used in Latin America. Here in NYC most Puerto Ricans I have seen either look African or Arab. One of my Puerto Rican friend is a Mestizo and classifies himself with White since he looks Mediterranean and has a lot of European ancestry. Puerto Rico is 80% White (Mestizos included). Same thing with Brazil but they use the Mestico the Brazilian census has also added them with White people. For some reason Mexican census has put Mestizo to a mixed race which represent 60% but I they should somehow label Mestizos as White in Mexico. Take a look at the Mexican president Felipe Calderon or the Mexican model Ximena Navarrate they're Mestizos but they look European. I don't know much about Texas but here in New York Mexicans look 100% Native or East Asian and look no where near the Mexicans back in Cali who I believe are Mestizos. I even heard there is a term called Indio Mestizo with more Native ancestry, they are Euro Mestizos with more Euro ancestry which I believe I mentioned Felipe and Ximena, and Afro Mestizo with more African ancestry. I think every Latin American is a Mestizo weather you are Black, White, or Native. Forget about this whole half Spanish and half Native that's just a caste system invented by the Spanish. Every human being is a Mestizo even Black & White Americans which so many people are ignorant about. I think Latin America esp Mexico needs to organize it's census I think most Mexicans are more Native Mestizos you can tell by their features unless if they have come from Northern Mexico which is mostly White and usually if you are living in Texas, New Mexico, California, Nevada, or Colorado most Mexicans would look Mediterranean since most parts they usually come from the Northern areas. I would say 30-40 of Mexicans living in Southern America might come from South/Central

Why do Salvadorans hate Don Omar?

i think u meant SALVADOREANS. i am,and i love don omar's music. but i dont know whta he said tho.

Why do filipinos say they are more closer to mexicans in looks and claim spanish blood all the time?

not for anything but this is true, i have met so many filipinos who claim this, but i never see the physical similarity

these are filipinos (atleast the hundreds i have met resemble these people)

these are typical mexicans

these are salvadorans

these are guatemalans

i think mexicans resemble other latin american more than filipinos

Are Puerto Ricans Mestizo, White, or Black?

Even though Puerto Rican is a nationality I can tell if some is a typical Puerto Rican by looking at them because they have a certain look. This must mean they have some kind of a mix that only comes from PR because no one else in Latin America looks exactly like them, ie Mexicans, Dominicans.

Sometimes I do meet people who are Puerto Rican but don't look like the one's I'm talking about, but I want to know what gives them that look.

If you look at people like Big Pun, or Daddy Yankee, you would straight away think they were Puerto Rican, but someone like Ricky Martin does look Puerto Rican but can also be mistaken for something else.

Do mexican men stick with their own kind?

Um.... I am with a Mexican man. Been together for 2 and a half years, and I am far from being trashy white. I know lots of Mexican men who are with white girls, it is much more accepted than a Mexican girl being with a white guy.