What Did Not Foster Suburbanization In The United States After World War Ii

How did World War II affect America?

It affected America in a very drastic way.America suffered an economic crisis due to the Great Depression that resulted to millions of unemployed and Impoverished American Citizens. This event not just affected America in a large scale but also the world.Now, World War II was the United States awakening to become the world's most powerful and influential country that surpasses the known powers in history. Though other countries hated the sudden appearance of that American power, it benefited their fellow citizens and the humanity, and also benefited other country, and our World’s safety.Even though countless lives where lost, its sudden rise marks the continued peace after world war II, and also after the cold war that was plunged by proxy conflicts. World War II is a war which Americans raises their weakening economy by putting everyone to the war effort. The War bonds and other income generating activities and movement was rampant throughout the country which help boost the economy, and its war effort. It also help to revived the American Industry.Putting the dying industry to build tanks and planes, it created the idea of rapid production. The Jobless Americans suddenly got a job, and now being paid which resulted to a good income tax return.This war not just catapulted the United States to become the strongest nation on earth, it also made the United States the most influential in every field.

What did not foster suburbanization in the United States after World War II?

Suburbanization is the growth of areas on the fringes of cities. It is one of the many causes of the increase in urban sprawl. Many residents of metropolitan regions work within the central urban area, and choose to live in satellite communities called suburbs and commute to work via automobile or mass transit. Others have taken advantage of technological advances to work from their homes. These processes often occur in more economically developed countries, especially in the United States, which is believed to be the first country in which the majority of the population lives in the suburbs, rather than in the cities or in rural areas.

All of the following fostered suburbanization after World War II in the United States except what?

A. major improvements to public transit systems
B. construction of the interstate highway system
C. pent-up housing demand created during World War II
D. suburbanization of industry in the 1970s and 1980s

Why was America unwilling to join the Second World War?

Of the many factors that influenced the unwillingness, I would say three stand out as the biggest factors.First, WWI was a real stark reminder to all Americans how terrible war can be. It was only 20 years prior, and the stories and horrors of that war were still front and center 20 years later.Second, the depression was a huge weight on America by the late 1930’s. Many families had lost everything, and would never have a chance at recovering. Oddly, most economists credit WWII with the tremendous growth the American economy enjoyed post-war, but prior to Pearl, it was a big drag on the willingness to enter.And thirdly, the world was very large in the 1930’s. News was slow and not extensive. Video was very limited, and eye witness accounts very difficult to get back to the US. Think of today, how quickly public opinion is mobilized and shifted when we see a you tube video. No such thing in the 30’s. In fact, Pearl brought the war right to the living room of most Americans, and covered the front page of every newspaper. But prior to that, Hitler moving through Europe just wasn’t covered extensively in every household.

Why did the US help Japan more after WW2 instead of the Philippines?

US in the 2 years after defeating Japan had exactly what you describe as their plan - to regress Japan into an agrarian country while developing Philippines into an industrial center of Asia.  Japan was also given a pacifist constitution, it's large corporations were disbanded, military dissolved etc.  It was systematically neutered as a country.  Exactly as you point out, US felt safer giving modern industry to someone who shared their values.But by 1947, difficult living conditions and resurgence of labor movement developed into post war Japanese communism, and also the Korean War necessitated that Japan start producing supplies needed for McArthur to fight the war on the peninsula.  This caused a full reversal of these policies.  Japan was re-armed and re-developed.  Many "war criminals" were acquitted or pardoned and was brought back to run the country.  US and old Japanese leadership saw a common goal in fighting communism. And the rest, as they say, is history.

Why is there a baby boom among the Jews in Israel?

Jews were always very family oriented. Judaism is a religion that stresses the importance of family and community and milestones like the birth of a child, the child becoming an adult and marriage are major causes for celebration. The first commandment in the Torah is be fruitful and multiply. Add to that, the recent trauma of one third of the Jewish people massacred during the holocaust period. Therefore, there is an implicit (and sometimes very explicit) duty among Jews to have children. Israel is a majority Jewish country and having children is a social norm among religious and non religious as well (the birthrate of non religious Jews in Israel is also one of the highest in the Western world and religious Jews even more so).Like all other social norms, this can cause major problems for those couples who cannot conceive naturally. Therefore, the Israeli health services are very liberal when it comes to fertility treatments that are paid by the national health services. Even couples of second marriages who have children from their first spouses but for some reason cannot conceive together are entitled to fertility treatments.