What Did Zeus Tell Pandora To Do With The Box

Who was Pandora?

Pandora was, according to the myth, the first woman on Earth. She was created by Gods; each one of them gave her a gift, thus, her name in Greek means “the one who bears all gifts”.Pandora was created as a punishment to the mankind; Zeus wanted to punish people because Prometheus stole the fire to give it to them. Her gifts were beautifully evil, according to Hesiod. Hephaestus created her from clay, shaping her perfectly, Aphrodite gave her femininity and Athena taught her crafts. Hermes was ordered by Zeus to teach her to be deceitful, stubborn and curious.Pandora was given a box or a jar, called “pithos” in Greek. Gods told her that the box contained special gifts from them but she was not allowed to open the box ever. Then Hermes took her to Epimetheus, brother of Prometheus, to be his wife. Prometheus had advised Epimetheus not to accept anything from the Gods, but he saw Pandora and was astonished by her beauty, thus he accepted her right away.Pandora was trying to tame her curiosity, but at the end she could not hold herself anymore; she opened the box and all the illnesses and hardships that gods had hidden in the box started coming out. Pandora was scared, because she saw all the evil spirits coming out and tried to close the box as fast as possible, closing Hope inside.According to Hesiod Hope indeed stayed inside because that was Zeus’ will; he wanted to let people suffer in order to understand that they should not disobey their gods. Pandora was the right person to do it, because she was curious enough, but not malicious.

Why did Zeus put evil in Pandora's box?

First, understand that Pandora was a divine gift given to the twin brother of Prometheus. She was meant as a curse as the first woman created so as to sow dissent and chaos.Secondly, when given the box as wedding present - Pandora was told to enjoy the box, a thing of exquisite beauty and rare ornate decoration - an art treasure in itself. She was told, simply, “DO NOT OPEN THE BOX.”It was a divine proclamation and she was not in a position to deem herself as knowing better, questioning his judgement, nor assuming his words were to be put to any test.Pandora had only to trust in the wisdom of Zeus, to accept the box meant to accept those conditions placed upon it. Inevitably, she made a choice to either obey Zeus or to disobey him.This was a means of giving Pandora guardianship over all ills, sins, and evils of the world. She had only to obey the sacred words of Zeus, a proclaimation given in the instance where she should only to obey. Instead, she let curiosity and womanly pride added with obcession which grew to the point of undeniable power - thus opening the box.She disobeyed command from the most powerful of gods except perhaps, as an individual, the very father of Zeus himself, the god Cronus. Pandora disobeyed and thus all pay the consequences.We are still paying the price of her disobedience.However, there is through pain that wisdom may be as boon and as final occupant of that dire box, beautiful as it was, to be gifted with that sparkling ember in the great darkness, known as HOPE.--END-Note: Image = Spark -HOPE - in the darkness _ Via pixshark.comm-

Why did Zeus give Pandora the box?

After humans received the stolen gift of fire from Prometheus, an angry Zeus decides to give humanity a punishing gift to compensate for the boon they had been given. He commands Hephaestus to mold from earth the first woman, a "beautiful evil" whose descendants would torment the human race. Prometheus had (fearing further reprisals) warned his brother Epimetheus not to accept any gifts from Zeus. But Epimetheus did not listen; he accepted Pandora, who promptly scattered the contents of her jar. As a result, Hesiod tells us, "the earth and sea are full of evils"

Why didn't Zeus open the Pandora box himself?

Q: Why didn't Zeus open the Pandora box himself?The story of Pandora is to be interpreted and understood.Before the time of Pandora, all humankind was male and no sexual reproduction was possible. But these humans lived eternally without the fear of death. They were equal to the gods.Pandora was the first female human being. She was created by Hephæstos and educated by Athena. All gods and goddesses endowed Pandora with gifts such as beauty and curiosity.Zeus owned two vases (box is a mistranslation). One contained all goods and the other all evils. Pandora opened the latter one, and these evils afflict humankind since that time.Because Pandora had caused humans to be mortal, she had to find a solution for death. Which is sexual reproduction with the consequent birth of children to continue the species.Zeus acts like a puppet master in Pandora’s myth, directing the course of events, ordering and causing others to realize his plan, but without suffering any consequence for himself.Pandora’s story is comparable to Eve’s in the Book of Genesis. In both stories, the first woman causes humankid to be mortal, but this enables sexual reproduction as a way to fight death.This theme is also found in a Sumerian myth: Enki ate poisoned plants, causing death to exist. The creation of eight healing deities from Enki’s body made reproduction possible.I think that Pandora’s myth is a very old myth, probably older than myths about Zeus and other Olympian gods, that was adapted and inserted in the Greek mythology corpus.

Why did epimetheus give pandora the box?

I'm pretty sure it was a punishment for the humans receiving (from whom I at the time do not know) fire/flame. The humans were never to have the power of fire, but some kind hearted soul came down and gave them fire. This was of coarse highly against Zeus's command, and who ever it was to give fire was punished. The Gods wanted to give the humans a punishment. So Pandora was created, they created her with an intense curiosity and then Epimetheus gave her a box and told her to never open it, but pandora's curiosity got the better of her and she decided to have a peek inside the box. That's when caos was introduced into the world of man, actually it released all the evils you could say of the world. Pain, horror, famine, distrust, lies, disease, jealousy, that kind of stuff. That's really all I know. I could get more info but.....

How did Pandora invoke the wrath of Zeus?

She didn’t. Humanity invoked the wrath of Zeus, and Pandora was the punishment. She was always going to open the Pithos. It was in her nature to.As for what humanity did to earn Zeus’ wrath? Two things:Cheat the gods by keeping the good meat for themselves, and giving the gods the bones and bad stuff. He even warned them not do it, since both sides worked to make the food, so both should get an even half, but they didn’t listen.After that, when he punished them by depriving them of fire, they defied him by taking it when Prometheus offered it to them. Their constant defiance and back-handedness earned humanity the enmity of Zeus, and he punished us.

Why was hope still in Pandora's box?

Interesting question, but no certain answer is possible because half a dozen Greek poets differ on the answer. Perhaps it will help if you stop thinking about a box, a bad translation of "pithos" and start thinking about a burial jar. Early Greeks used large clay jars to bury their dead and smaller ones to bury their ashes. In both cases, grave goods were often placed in the jars with the remains prior to sealing. Presumably both the deceased and their stuff went to the next world. Greek pot paintings often show spirits surrounding these burial containers. It was taboo to open these jars, so Zeus' wedding present for Pandora was pretty nasty. She let the evils out, basically death, disease, hard labor; all the stuff we get rid of when we bury the dead.  All that was left when she sealed the jar was hope. As Shakespeare put it, "The evil that men do lives after them; the good is oft interred with their bones."My own theory is that the ancient Greeks and Jews had similar ideas regarding the origin of evil. Pandora was the first woman in Greek myths like Eve of Genesis. Both married; that is, joined men in sexual union, and in both cases the stories explain death, labor, and pain. The Hebrew story then gives us the begets, the generations. For the Greeks, the burial jars came to be the subject of private religious rites, especially for the noble class. The nobles were very interested in their own lineage. So I would say that hope left in the jar is the potential of children from marriage.

What is meant by Pandora's box? In which cases I can use it?

Pandora's box is a fictional box in Greek Mythology. Zeus, the king of gods wanted to punish humanity. He created a woman named Pandora and the other gods gave her talents like music and weaving. He got her married to a man who was the brother of Prometheus, the creator of Humanity. He also gave her a box that she should never open and sent her to Earth. Years passed and Pandora was living a happy life. But she was curious on what is in that box. One fine day, she opened the box and then gruesome, disgusting and strange creatures came out. They were sadness, disease, lies, gossips,jealousy etc. The whole world was affected by these evils. But in the box remained hope as a rose. Your Pandora's box should contain things of hope.

What is Pandora's Box about? What is the Moral? What is the Climax?

It all starts when Prometheus and his brother, Epimetheus, both of them Titans, join Zeus. They foretell that Zeus, the most powerful of the gods, would win all wars against the Titans. Impressed by their decision, Zeus allows both the brothers to create the first living creatures on Earth. Epimetheus creates different animals, and for each of them he gifts special powers and special protection. Prometheus creates Man, but he fails to provide Man with any protection since his brother has already used them up.In desperation, Prometheus goes to Zeus to ask if he could gift Man the power of fire. But Zeus refuses. Fire is the weapon of Gods and so it must remain. Prometheus, ignoring this, goes ahead and gifts the power of fire to Man. Enraged, Zeus decides to punish both Prometheus for his disobedience and Man for accepting the gift of fire.Zeus orders Hephaestus to make a woman called Pandora. Hephaestus models her out of earth and water, and instils every virtue in her. Aphrodite gifts her beauty, and Hermes gifts her intelligence and curiosity. Zeus asks Epimetheus to marry Pandora, and the latter gladly accepts. As a wedding gift, Zeus gives Pandora a box (originally, a jar) but asks her never to open it. Pandora tries to follow Zeus's instructions, but her curiosity gets the better of her and she opens the box.Climax- As soon as the lid of the box is lifted, all kinds of evil escape from it. Poverty, death, hunger, envy, anger, disease escape from the box and are let loose on Earth. Pandora replaces the lid in a hurry, but she fails to contain the evils. The only thing remaining in the box is Hope, as it fails to escape.Moral- Ever since then, humankind has been subjected to every kind of evil. These are almost rampant in the world. But the only thing that can save mankind is Hope, for a better future and a better life. Hope must be held on to, for only that has the power to redeem us. But since Hope could not escape from Pandora's box, it is so difficult to be found among humans today.

Why was "hope" trapped in Pandora's Box?

Pandora was basically another punishment from Zeus for Prometheus. Zeus had her created and gifted by the gods, then presented her to Epimetheus (Prometheus' brother) as a bride. Prometheus had warned Epimetheus not to accept any gifts from Zeus, but as Epimetheus means "hindsight," his brother didn't really consider it. One of the gifts that was given to Pandora was curiosity. Convenient, eh, to give her a box (well, a jar really but I digress) and tell her not to open it? So, her curiosity eventually won out and she opened the box. All the evils escape, but she closes the box before hope escapes. Later, though, hope is released as well. However, this hope is more like delusional hope; the hope that things will get better and such. So it could, technically, be considered another evil. Basically, the interpretation is that Zeus added this hope to keep humans going, so that they would suffer longer and more terribly.