What Do People Think About Homeless People

What do you think of homeless people?

I don't think you can generalize about the homeless. Some are probably drug and alcohol abusers, some probably have mental illnesses, some may not want to work, and others probably have just had some misfortune. Not all homeless people are homeless permanently.

What do you think about homeless people?

I feel bad for them...the ones that don't have any help the most though. There are some that refuse help, refuse money, food and etc. There is a homeless man in my neighbor hood and he won't let anyone help him..its odd.

Some take money and only buy beer though....or pot.....

people look down on them..but we don't really know why they are homeless and why they don't want help and why they want to drink them self to death instead of eating and other things......they could have a reason.

but ya I feel bad for them.

Why do people think homeless people are hungry?

OK, well, you did *some* research.There was more to do,however, and the reality is always different then the concept. Let's start with homeless who DO get SNAP. One person gets $189 a month. That breaks down to a little over $6 a DAY. For food, and in many cases, drinkable water.Of course it totally easy to survive on $6 a day, right? Then, you have the fact that adults between the ages of 18-50 without dependant children can only receive SNAP benifits for 3 mos. in a 36 month period. Once their 90 days are up they can't apply again for another 3yrs. So, there you have a massive flaw in the idea all homeless always have the option of SNAP for food. Then, you have the identity issue. You have to prove identity to qualify and fact is many homeless can't. They have no proof of who they are. No photo ID, no SS card, not birth cert. or voter card. Many homeless are underage and avoid any contact with any agency or shelter due to fear of being returned to what they ran from.

Do you think that all homeless people deserve to be that way, or do they deserve another chance?

We are all the same, rich or poor. People deserve to be treated with love and respect. There are so many reasons people are homeless - and hopefully people can transition off the streets easily with a little help, but many times, homelessness is just a symptom of a larger problem.

What do you feel about homeless people?

How do I feel about them? Or what do I think of them? Two very different things....

I think that each tells their own story, and that most of us would be shocked to know about their lives before they became homeless. They weren't born on the streets...they had lives like the rest of us - but something happened that landed them in their current situation. It could have been financial, emotional, psychological - it may have been their own fault, or not...the possibilities are endless.

How I feel about them is a combination of frustration and anger toward those with the power to make changes to our system that would eliminate their need to be living on the street, and a sense of I know that there but for the Grace of God go I...

As for giving them food versus money - thats a nice sentiment, but wholly disrespectful to the person. We want to help, we say - but we assume that its food they need the most? How can we know that? Perhaps they are alcoholics, and what they desperately want or need is a drink. Its not for me to decide that they should get food instead of a drink. I know that it would be better for their health, but unless I am going to follow through and make sure that their health is completely cared for, its a little hypocritical of me to decide what is most healthy for them - at that moment.

For many, what is required is a little (or alot of) respect. Recognition that they are people, and not some annoyance or disgrace to a landscape.