What Do Teachers Think Of Quiet Students

What do teachers think about quiet students?

because school is about more than just teaching facts and figures, names and dates, passing that exam.

It is about preparing students to take part in the real world. In the real world, being book smart is nice but if you can't articulate your knowledge to your co-works, to your boss, to your employees, to your clients, you will never get ahead. EVERY job you have, at some point you will have to tell your verbally express your thoughts to someone, 99.9% of the time you will need to do this on a job interview even before you get a job.

Also it is helpful to make sure you really "get it" if you just write the right answer on a test that might mean you remember the words from the book, but it doesn't mean you actually understand it. If you have to express your views on the spot, and explain you views it is a good way to test if you actually comprehend the lesson or if you just have a great memory.

What do teachers think of quiet and shy students?

It depends on the teacher's preference. I've been quiet and shy and well behaved in class all throughout my years and school. They loved me for the fact that I was so well behaved compared to the unruly difficult ones in my class. However, there may be some teachers who hate quiet kids because people say they don't contribute to class discussions such as participation and tend to be unemotional. As a student who has graduated high school, I can tell you that if you don't need any teacher recommendations for college admissions, you do not have to comply with your teachers comments. If all you need are good grades and test scores you'll do fine. If you already have good grades, you do not have to care about your teacher. All you need to do is to get into the finest college possible for a bright future. Your secondary school teachers don't count if you don't need college recommendation letters from them. If you have good scores you'll succeed. I've suffered from the same thing for years too.

What do you teachers think about quiet students?

As an English and speech teacher this is particularly difficult to handle. Discussion is a large part of joining a community, which is what all classrooms are. However, I understand that not all students feel confident to speak out as frequently as others. I always tell my students what level of discussion and participation is expected from them, if they meet those standards then they need not worry.

If one is particularly shy and quiet approach the teacher before or after class at the beginning of the year, let him/her know the situation and see if there are not any supplementary activities that he/she would allow you to do to replace some of the lost points for participation. If the teacher is good he/she will understand and will likely encourage the student.

Teachers are more often looking for quality rather than quantity. If you speak up once ever couple classes with an insightful idea, then you will be ahead of the game.

What do teachers and other students think about quiet students?

There are different scenarios:The teachers would normally think that that student is introverted and not really out-spoken. If this student doesn’t ask questions in class or make contributions, the teacher could think that he/she fully understand the concept taught or doesn't understand but is shy to ask in class. For students, there are many instances of verbal bullying from classmates who don’t appreciate the introverted character. Students also tend to pull away from quiet students as they see them as “boring” and no fun, even if this is not true. Teachers would also want to see that student privately and ask some questions concerning the emotional and physical health of the student. Sometimes having a quiet student can make teachers think that that student is not following, suffering depression, anxiety, family problems etc and would need urgent attention, students could also think the same. But getting to know anyone that is quiet is something very good and it makes you know what lies beneath, some people could be quiet by nature but sometimes it is as a result of circumstance.

Do teachers think quiet students are abused?

It takes more than a student’s silent demeanor to suspect a case of child abuse. In recent times, teachers have become increasingly more interested in what goes on in their students’ lives. This interest ranges from adequate and plenty of night rest (usually disrupted by students’ fondness of videogames and cell phones) to their nutrition and physical and emotonal well-being in order to ensure their proper integral development.As of the cases of child abuse, teachers formerly used to steer away from these situations since the line between physical discipline and abuse was much broader in the past. Fortunately, today’s teachers are more prone to step in a case of child abuse on behalf of their students. However, proving child abuse is no easy task. Teachers have to be extremely careful in the way they handle a suspicion of this kind. A useful and common way to deal with this kind of suspicion is to have a chat at length with the child in question, first, and his/her parents, later. If the suspicion cannot be ruled out, the teacher should then inform the school authorities and psychologists and let them take the matter into their hands. What happens next will largely depend on the local jurisdiction regarding child abuse.

What do teachers think of shy students?

First of all, I appreciate them like I do all my kiddos. But I also hurt for them when I see the pain on their faces because they hate to answer questions or talk in class. I had one little girl who would turn red whenever I spoke to her in class. At first, I would not make her answer questions but as the year wore on I started pushing her a little harder to vocalize her thoughts. (I always worried that I was traumatizing her even though I tried to be gentle!)Fast forward to when she was in high school. I had taken my second graders to watch a high school performance of the musical and who was on stage? My shy quiet little girl. She had a huge part and she did beautifully. I sat and watched her with tears streaming down my face. I was so proud of her! She went on to be in many plays, each time doing an excellent job.Where is she now? Studying to be a teacher! She substitute teaches in our building while she finishes her Masters. My shy little girl has grown into a confident and still quiet lady. And I am still proud of her!

How do teachers feel about their quiet students?

Sometimes grateful, because the quiet folks do make it easier to get through a lesson.Sometimes worried, because the quiet folks may have a lot going on and teachers are inherently helpers. Teachers want to be sure they are not missing something important that the quiet student is afraid or unable to share.Sometimes aligned because the quiet ones are often the ones who give teachers that facial expression that says it all, and when they do finally share out it is something worth hearing every time.