What Do The French Words In The Sign Of Four Reflect

Why doesn't French have a word for the number 90? They literally say "four-twenty-ten".

French sometimes does: in Belgian French, and I think Swiss French, they say nonante, just as they say septante instead of soixante-dix and huitante instead of quatre-vingts. I have no idea what Québécois does but it wouldn’t surprise me in the least if it did something similar.But languages don’t have to do things one way just because English does it that way. Or Latin for that matter; English got tied in all kinds of knots when wannabe-grammarians started trying to impose Latin syntax on it. Lots of languages have what would seem to be strange numbering systems. English itself seems to have a base 12 system, then at thirteen switching over to base 20, before finally settling down to a more orthodox twenty (and) four, fifty (and) six and so on (remember it used to be four-and-twenty, as in baked blackbirds which is what I assume Australians put in those dodgy pies of theirs).Just don’t get me started on slavic numbering. Russian and Polish are highly inflected like Latin, and things start to get fun. The numbers themselves are straightforward enough: Russian counts up to twenty first – English’s ‘-teen’ becomes ‘-nadsat’ and starts at 11 (fans of A Clockwork Orange will immediately recognise Nadsat as the name of the teenage slang fabricated by Anthony Burgess). BUT, the number takes cases in weird ways. One, quite reasonably, takes a nominative singular noun (one blackbird). But so does 21, 1,231 and any other number ending in 1, except those ending in 11. 2, 3, and 4 and numbers ending 1n 2, 3 and four except the corresponding -nadsat numbers take a genitive singular (twenty-four of blackbird). 5 to 9 and derivatives, again except theit nadsats, take genitive plural (366 of blackbirds). All nadsat numbers take genitive plural. Polish is similar I believe. Next up: Russian verbs of motion and how to deal with the screams of frustration.

French help? cognates and borrowed words?

Okay, so I need help with french. you see, i'm trying to learn it & this was one of the examples:
Read the advertisement and identify at least four true cognates or borrowed words and one false cognate.
Au Restaurant Advertisement
Le restaurant de L'Etoile est près de l'aéroport. Sur le menu, on trouve de bons hors-d'œuvres, de la quiche, et des sandwiches. En dessert, il y a une crêpe à la mode, des éclairs et des gâteaux.

I need help because I don't know which is which & i'm really confused. please help? thank you!

How did the Enlightenment influence the French Revolution?

The Enlightenment influenced the French Revolution in some major areas. First, it transformed the monarchy. It ushered in the new concept of the Republic. ... TheEnlightenment philosophers began to contest the dogma of the Catholic Church, which considered earthly life to be a simple passage towards eternal life.In the Enlightenment, people had new ideas about government. This gave the French the perfect way to have their country work well.John Locke, an Enlightenment thinker, said that no king should have absolute power. He believed in a constitutional monarchy, which basically meant he thought that any ruler should have rules to follow too. He also believed in a social contract: people give a little of their freedom to their ruler, but he/she cannot take away their natural rights, the rights that they are born with, and they have the right to get rid of him/her if he/she is a bad ruler. The French liked these ideas.Baron de Montesquieu believed in a separation of powers into three branches (executive, legislative, and judicial). He said they should hold equal power so it did not become a despotism (tyranny). His ideas were influential in many countries, including America.Voltaire, an Enlightenment writer, thought that people should have the right to free speech and religious freedom, which they did not really have. This idea became an important part of all Enlightenment thinking and many governments.Cesare Beccaria thought people should be allowed a fair and speedy trial with no torture and no "cruel and unusual punishments," an idea prized in many countries that had poor legal systems. He also disagreed with capital punishment (execution).Mary Wollstonecraft and Olympe de Gouges believed in equal rights for everyone, including women. De Gouges, a French woman, was executed for her beliefs.The French believed in the ideas of these thinkers, as well as other popular Enlightenment ideas, so they tried to overthrow their government. The revolution was, unfortunately, very poorly planned and resulted in chaos, the opposite of what they aimed for. It turned into a bloodbath, many people were guillotined. A very harsh tyrant, Napolean Bonaparte was put in charge of the country.klscakds · 9 years ago

What capital letters look the same after a reflection over a horizontal line?

B, C, D, E, H, I, K, O, X