What Do They Usually Ask At An Interview For Phone Companies I Have On At At

How many questions do they normally ask at a interview?

It is correct that it depends on the job and interviewer. A question that they are most likely to ask and where a lot of people fall down in the interview process is "Tell me about yourself". They do not want your life story, they want you to tell them you recent work history and how that will fit their needs. Be specific. Generally, an interviewer will ask 5 to 10 questions and then ask if you have any questions. The worst possible response to this is "No". Be prepared to ask question. Do some homework on the company and position before you go to the interview and make sure that you are truthful and concise in your answers. The source listed below has a list of questions that may be asked and a list of questions you can ask during the interview.
Best of luck

Wells Fargo Phone interview?

They will ask yuo basic ?s about you employment background, what some of you job responisbilites were, what you'll bring to WF as a company, what your strengths & weaknesses are. The usual interview ?s are done over the phone. Then, if they feel you'd be a good cantidate they'll usually bring you in for a face-to-face interview.

Why do tech companies always ask in the phone screen if you are interviewing with other companies and what's the best way to answer?

The core reason is that there is huge demand in the IT sector. Moreover the process take sufficiently long time with many rounds of interviews. Combining both there is very high probability that the candidate might leave the process mid way itself or may not join as he may have counter offers. Moreover , most of the time the need for the resource is immediate and hence they don’t want to waste time.I used to answers it by saying “Yes I have been interviewed by some other companies recently and but it was just preliminary round. Nothing is in advanced stage”.

Wells Fargo Phone interview questions?

Companies use phone interviews to narrow down the initial pool of job candidates to a more manageable number for a face-to-face meeting. There are usually two main purposes to this interview - to evaluate whether you are qualified to do the job and to address any areas of concern in your resume. You will be asked questions that explore your ability to perform the job. Be prepared to answer common interview questions like:
Can you tell me a little about yourself?
What are the main duties and tasks in your current position?
What can you bring to this position?
Why are you leaving your current job?
What is the most important accomplishment you have made in your career?
What are your strengths and weaknesses?
What do you see yourself doing in five years?
Why have you chosen this company/position?
For help with answering these questions and more details on the phone interview you can go to the site below.

Is it alright to ask for the interviewer's contact information on phone interviews?

Yes, but you should probably go with your gut instinct about the situation. 
The best thing to do is at the end of the interview, when they ask you if you have any questions, ask them if they know when the hiring decision will be made.  If they give a specific date, ask if you can have their email address so you can check in with them.  If they want you to have it, they will give it to you.  If you feel that the interview did not go well and the person seems eggar to get rid of you, it is probably best to pass and send a thank you note.
As an aside, it is perfectly ok to mail a thank you note to the person who interviewed you.  You should be able to look up the company’s address.  Send it after the interview.  Only a small percentage of people ever send thank you notes, but statistics show the 75% of the people who do the hiring take them into consideration when choosing a future employee.  Any little edge helps.  Good luck!

Job interview by phone - HR's Viewpoint...?

The question I most ask is "What are your weaknesses and strengths?".

I also give them a scenario that pertains to my company and ask them how they would go about accomplishing the task at hand.

How do you prioritize your tasks? (in relation to an example they provided or the scenario you gave them)

You could ask them to choose one word that would describe them the most.

Ask them what their management style is (if a management position). I look for a coaching/counseling style manager since people who lack people skills tend have higher turnover in their areas.

Why do you want to work for this company? Or what motivated you to apply here?

I hope these help.

Phone interview for a car loan help?

I am trying to buy a used car. signed a bunch of papers. put 700 down. and i would owe another 3000 to pay it off.

They said i got the green light on their computers and that im in house financed but i have to wait until monday for a call for a phone interview? Doesn't make sense to me but i don't know this is the first time i've went through a dealership.

What questions would they ask and how can i prepare myself for it so i don't have to get my money back if i don't get approved after the phone interview?

Second Interview-Asked for Transcripts?

I gave phone interview in a company and at that time, hiring manager was positive and he said they will most probably call me at thier facility. I just got an email and he is asking for my Transcripts, what does that mean, Are they going to call me for Second interview or they still have some doubts in thier mind?

How many people are normally invited for an interview for one position?

Hi Daniel - Sorry for a late answer - just saw your question. It depends on who is scheduling the interview and where they are in the process.If it’s a retained executive recruiter, they will usually present a slate of 6–10 for review by the hiring team. Of those, 3–4 will get an onsite interview.If it’s an internal recruiter, they will usually phone screen a lot of possibly qualified candidates and bring in 2–3 for review (fit, deeper dive on qualifications) with an interview team.These can also happen in “rounds” - In the past, I’ve interviewed a first round of 4 candidates, found none of them to be right and started over again with another 4.Included in the standard set of 3–4 candidates is usually a minimum of 2 “really good on paper” candidates, one who is an interesting outlier and one who is perhaps overly qualified but will help the hiring team understand the range of what’s available.As the process finishes, companies will want to bring in a “top 2” for final review, consideration before making an offer.Hope that helps - let me know if you have any follow-ups!Good luck! :)