What Do We Do In Homecoming Dances

What did you wear to your homecoming dance?

I wore this my senior year in high school.Looks formal but in the deep South, we tend to be.My BFF, myself and 10 other girls were selected for Homecoming Court by the football team and had to wear hats and gloves.Dad (right) was my escort for the court.

How long is the homecoming dance?

I just went yesterday and my school's dance was from 8 to 12. I had so much fun! They played lots of upbeat songs that are super fun to dance to and just a few songs to dance with that special someone. I hope you enjoy your homecoming dance and have a great time!

How does the homecoming dance work?

I am a freshman and homecoming will be in about a month. I pretty much have everything covered but have a few questions.
How do my date and I get to the dance? (Having our parents drive us would be kind of awkward.)
Do we go out to eat before the dance? (How much money do I need to bring?)
Do we eat before or after?
If there is anything else I need to know please list that.

What do you do at Homecoming with your date?

You buy her a nice corsage. You take her to a very nice restaurant. You go to the dance and dance a little. You have you pictures taken. You enjoy some time with your friends. We danced with each others dates, then the dudes danced with each other while the girls did the same thing. It was all just good clean fun. And as the evening winds down, if she has a curfew, you get her home. If she doesn’t, you try to get a homer. Or a hummer. ;)

What do you do at homecoming?

you just dance and have take her on a date at the school and dance at a gym or anywhere the school wants the dance at.

Do we have homecoming dance in grade 9?

at my school , homecoming is for all grades. prom is for junior/senior.
you wear whatever kind of dress you want. go to like kohl's or macy's or somewhere and find a dress. For hair, do your hair special. so if you always curl it, wear it straight (or vice versa). if you always wear it up, wear it down, so on and so forth.
For shoes it doesnt really matter, if you want to wear heels, wear heels. chances are if you dance alot, you'll take your shoes off anyways.
bring a purse, just in case, liek to hold your cell phone, or lipgloss, or things like that incase something was to happen :)

Homecoming dance, never been to one, what do I do? ?

Ok first of all do you have a date? If not, you should definitely consider just asking a friend; it doesn't have to be a big deal or even someone you would want to date. If you DO have a date, ask her what color her dress is. That way you can color coordinate. Guys usually wear nice khaki slacks, a white button down shirt, tie that matches the color of the girl's dress, dress shoes, and a blazer/jacket.
Secondly, buy tickets!!! In advance!!
Third, decide if you're going in a group with friends or just by yourselves. Someone in the group should reserve a limo/trolley if you want, or you can caravan to the dance's location. Also don't forget dinner reservations! This should be at a nice, sit-down restaurant made at least a few weeks in advance. Obviously, you should plan on paying.
Fourth, make sure you know when/where to pick up your date. DO NOT BE LATE TO PICK HER UP! And get her a corsage. You should order these in advance as well. Your parents/her parents will want to take lots of pictures.
Finally, have fun and relax! Homecoming is sooo much fun! Try to make all the plans in advance so you're not stressing out at the last minute. Once all the plans are in place, you can just focus on having a blast at the dance. Hopefully your school has a good DJ. Make sure you dance a lot with your date but usually girls don't mind if you dance with other people (as long as you're not dating...). DO NOT BE AFRAID TO DANCE! It's always awkward at first when you get there and no one's dancing, but just get out there and have fun. :) Hope this helps!

Should I go to homecoming?

I think you should, even if you don’t have a date. You can just go with friends if you feel like it!! My sister didn’t have a date but she ended up dancing with a guy and she was so happy.. unless your a lonley person like me the single Pringle lol!! I have had a few boys try to kiss me, but it doesn’t feel right so I just say no. Andddd that’s also probably why I have never kissed anyone.You see, I’m stuck in this mind set that I can’t get out of, sometimes we gotta go out of our comfort zones a lil bit!! I don’t know if you are a girl or a boy but you definitely don’t need anyone to make you happy and if you are, by showing up shows your confident and is highly attractive…. And if you turn out to already have found your bae and everything I’m saying makes no sense, so sorry oofBut if I were you, lay back, relax, and just go for the food ;) well, that’s the best part anyways, isn’t it?! Thank you for letting me answer you question even though this probably didn’t help / was a question that you asked me to answer!! Haha bye love